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Foundation Degree IT Project Analysis Modelling and Design Techniques (for reference)

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1 Foundation Degree IT Project Analysis Modelling and Design Techniques (for reference)

2 Objectives Richard Hancock2  Define modelling  Describe various modelling and design techniques *** 04/09/2015

3 Modelling Richard Hancock3  It is an abstraction of the real world situation  Technique to show the current or existing system as it is  Often a diagram  Different types of techniques based upon methodology, project aspect and project type  Methodologies often share techniques  Purpose is to help identify issues, resolve problems and indicate requirements *** 04/09/2015

4 Use Case Diagrams Richard Hancock4  User interaction with a system  Describes goals of the user, interaction between system and system behaviour  Elements  Actors  Use case  Associations 04/09/2015

5 Rich Picture Richard Hancock504/09/2015

6 Entity Relationship Diagram Richard Hancock6  Relationships  One to One  One to Many  Many to Many 04/09/2015

7 Database Table Design Richard Hancock7  Data dictionary Customer tableData TypeLengthNotes CustomerIDNumber(6)Primary key CustomerForenameText(50) CustomerSurnameText(50) CustomerAddressText(200) CustomerPhoneNumber(11) 04/09/2015

8 Business Model Richard Hancock804/09/2015

9 Network Diagram Richard Hancock904/09/2015

10 Structured English Richard Hancock10  Describes programming logic with the convenience of natural language IF customer has a Bank Account THEN IF Customer has no dues from previous account THEN Allow loan facility ELSE IF Management Approval is obtained THEN Allow loan facility ELSE Reject ENDIF ELSE Reject ENDIF 04/09/2015

11 Decision Tree Richard Hancock11 Are parents visiting? What’s the weather like? Do we have any money? Yes Tidy house No Sunny Windy Rain Stay in Play tennis RichPoor Go cinema Go shopping 04/09/2015

12 Decision Table Richard Hancock12 ConditionCondition Entry RedYYYYNNNN AmberYYNNYYNN GreenYNYNYNYN Go with cautionX StopXXXXXXX Call PoliceXXXX Red, Red/Amber, Green – Amber, Red 04/09/2015

13 Interface Designs Richard Hancock13  Hand drawn  Paper prototyping 04/09/2015

14 Navigation Routes Richard Hancock14  Hierarchical diagram 04/09/2015

15 Summary Richard Hancock15  Modelling is used to describe the current system  Designs are used to describe the proposed system  The techniques are often the same meaning that many of them can be used in both analysis and design processes  Diagrams should come with some supporting text clarifying issues *** 04/09/2015

16 Resources Richard Hancock16  Use Case Use Case  Rich Picture Rich Picture  Entity Relationship Entity Relationship  Business Process Business Process  Structured English Structured English  Decision Trees Decision Trees  Decision Tables Decision Tables *** 04/09/2015

17 Questions... 04/09/2015Richard Hancock17 ...are there any?

18 Richard Hancock18 End! 04/09/2015

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