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A massively parallel solution to a massively parallel problem HPC4NGS Workshop, May 21-22, 2012 Principe Felipe Research Center, Valencia Brian Lam, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "A massively parallel solution to a massively parallel problem HPC4NGS Workshop, May 21-22, 2012 Principe Felipe Research Center, Valencia Brian Lam, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 A massively parallel solution to a massively parallel problem HPC4NGS Workshop, May 21-22, 2012 Principe Felipe Research Center, Valencia Brian Lam, PhD

2  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

3  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

4 “DNA sequencing includes several methods and technologies that are used for determining the order of the nucleotide bases A, G, C, T in a molecule of DNA.” - Wikipedia

5  Commercialised in 2005 by 454 Life Science  Sequencing in a massively parallel fashion

6  An example: Whole genome sequencing  Extract genomic DNA from blood/mouth swabs  Break into small DNA fragments of 200-400 bp  Attach DNA fragments to a surface (flow cells/slides/microtitre plates) at a high density  Perform concurrent “cyclic sequencing reaction” to obtain the sequence of each of the attached DNA fragments An Illumina HiSeq 2000 can interrogate 825K spots / mm 2


8 Billions of short DNA sequences, also called sequence reads ranging from 25 to 400 bp


10 Sequence Alignment Image Analysis Base Calling Image Analysis Base Calling Variant Calling, Peak calling

11 Source: Genologics

12  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

13  A physical die that contains a ‘large number’ of processing  i.e. computation can be done in a massively parallel manner  Modern graphics cards (GPUs) consist of hundreds to thousands of computing cores


15  GPUs are fast, but there is a catch:  SIMD – Single instruction, multiple data VS  CPUs are powerful multi-purpose processors  MIMD – Multiple Instructions, multiple data


17  The very same (low level) instruction is applied to multiple data at the same time  e.g. a GTX680 can do addition to 1536 data point at a time, versus 16 on a 16-core CPU.  Branching results in serialisations  The ALUs on GPU are usually much more primitive compared to their CPU counterparts.

18  Scientific computing often deal with large amount of data, and in many occasions, applying the same set of instructions to these data.  Examples: ▪ Monte Carlo simulations ▪ Image analysis ▪ Next-generation sequencing data analysis

19  Low capital cost and energy efficient  Dell 12-core workstation £5,000, ~1kW  Dell 40-core computing cluster £ 20,000+, ~6kW  NVIDIA Geforce GTX680 (1536 cores): £400, <0.2kW  NVIDIA C2070 (448 cores): £1000, 0.2kW  Many supercomputers also contain multiple GPU nodes for parallel computations

20  Examples:  CUDASW++  6.3X  MUMmerGPU  3.5X  GPU-HMMer  60-100x

21  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

22  Ion-torrent server (T7500 workstation) uses GPUs for base-calling  MummerGPU – comparisons among genomes  BarraCUDA, Soap3 – short read alignments

23  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions


25 Sequence Alignment Image Analysis Base Calling Image Analysis Base Calling Variant Calling, Peak calling

26 Sequence alignment is a crucial step in the bioinformatics pipeline for downstream analyses This step often takes many CPU hours to perform Usually done on HPC clusters

27  The main objective of the BarraCUDA project is to develop a software that runs on GPU/ many-core architectures  i.e. to map sequence reads the same way as they come out from the NGS instrument

28 Genome Read library CPU Copy read library to GPU Copy genome to GPU Copy read library to GPU Copy genome to GPU CPU Copy alignment results to CPU Write to disk Copy alignment results to CPU Write to disk Alignment Results GPU Alignment

29  Originally intended for data compression, performs reversible transformation of a string  In 2000, Ferragina and Manzini introduced BWT-based index data structure for fast substring matching at O(n)  Sub-string matching is performed in a tree traversal-like manner  Used in major sequencing read mapping programs e.g. BWA, Bowtie, Soap2

30 matching substring ‘banan’

31 , Modified from Li & Durbin Bioinformatics 2009, 25:14, 1754-1760

32 BWT_exactmatch(READ,i,k,l){ if (i < 0) then return RESULTS; k = C(READ[i]) + O(READ[i],k-1)+1; l = C(READ[i]) + O(READ[i],l); if (k <= l) then BWT_exactmatch(READ,i-1,k,l); } main(){ Calculate reverse BWT string B from reference string X Calculate arrays C(.) and O (.,.) from B Load READS from disk For every READ in READS do{ i = |READ|;  Position k = 0;  Lower bound l = |X|;  Upper bound BWT_exactmatch(READ,i,k,l); } Write RESULTS to disk } Modified from Li & Durbin Bioinformatics 2009, 25:14, 1754-1760

33  Simple data parallelism  Used mainly the GPU for matching

34 __device__BWT_GPU_exactmatch(W,i,k,l){ if (i < 0) then return RESULTS; k = C(W[i]) + O(W[i],k-1)+1; l = C(W[i]) + O(W[i],l); if (k <= l) then BWT_GPU_exactmatch(W,i-1,k,l); } __global__GPU_kernel(){ W = READS[thread_no]; i = |W|;  Position k = 0;  Lower bound l = |X|;  Upper bound BWT_GPU_exactmatch(W,i,k,l); } main(){ Calculate reverse BWT string B from reference string X Calculate array C(.) and O(.,.) from B Load READS from disk Copy B, C(.) and O(.) to GPU Copy READS to GPU Launch GPU_kernel with > concurrent threads COPY Alignment Results back from GPU Write RESULTS to disk }

35  Very fast indeed, using a Tesla C2050, we can match 25 million 100bp reads to the BWT in just over 1 min.  But… is this relevant?

36 matching substring ‘anb’ where ‘b’ is subsituted with an ‘a’

37 Search space complexity = O(9 n )! Klus et al., BMC Res Notes 2012 5:27

38  It _________worked!  10% faster than 8x X5472 cores @ 3GHz  BWA uses a greedy breadth-first search approach (takes up to 40MB per thread)  Not enough workspace for thousands of concurrent kernel threads (@ 4KB) – i.e. reduced accuracy – NOT GOOD ENOUGH! partially

39 hit

40  The very same (low level) instruction is applied to multiple data at the same time  e.g. a GTX680 can do addition to 1536 data point at a time, versus 16 on a 16-core CPU.  Branching results in serialisations  The ALUs on GPU are usually much more primitive compared to their CPU counterparts.



43 A A B B hit A A B B CPU thread queue: Thread 1.1Thread 1.2 Thread 1

44 Klus et al., BMC Res Notes 2012 5:27

45 Time Taken (min) 0 0 Klus et al., BMC Res Notes 2012 5:27

46  Simple data parallelism  Used mainly the GPU for matching

47 Klus et al., BMC Res Notes 2012 5:27

48  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

49  Hardware  The system must have at least one decent GPU ▪ NVIDIA Geforce 210 will not work!  One or more PCIe x16 slots  A decent power supply with appropriate power connectors ▪ 550W for one Tesla C2075, and + 225W for each additional cards ▪ Don’t use any Molex converters!  Ideally, dedicate cards for computation and use a separate cheap card for display


51  Software  CUDA ▪ CUDA toolkit ▪ Appropriate NVIDIA drivers  OpenCL ▪ CUDA toolkit (NVIDIA) ▪ AMD APP SDK (AMD) ▪ Appropriate AMD/NVIDIA drivers

52 For example: CUDAtoolkit v4.2

53  DEMO

54  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

55  In the end, how much effort have we put in so far?  3300 lines of new code for the alignment core ▪ Compared to 1000 lines in BWA ▪ Still on going!  1000 lines for SA to linear space conversion

56  CUDA  (in general) is faster and more complete  Tied to NVIDIA hardware  OpenCL  Still new, AMD and Apple are pushing hard on this  Can run on a variety of hardware including CPUs

57  NVIDIA developer zone   OpenCL developer zone  ges/default.aspx

58  Different hardware has different capabilities  GT200 is very different from GF100, in terms of cache arrangement and concurrent kernel executions  GF100 is also different from GK110 where the latter can do dynamic parallelism  Low level data management is often required,  e.g. earmarking data for memory type, coalescing memory access

59  The easy way out!  A set of compiler directives  It allows programmers to use ‘accelerator’ without explicitly writing GPU code  Supported by CAPS, Cray, NVIDIA, PGI

60 Source: NVIDIA


62  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

63  The game is changing quickly  CPUs are also getting more cores : AMD 16-core Opteron 6200 series  Many-core platforms are evolving  Intel MIC processors (50 x86 cores)  NVIDIA Kepler platform (1536 cores)  AMD Radeon 7900 series (2048 cores)  SIMD nodes are becoming more common in supercomputers  OpenCL

64  Next-generation sequencing and current challenges  What is Many-core/GPGPU computing?  The use of GPGPU in NGS bioinformatics  How it works – the BarraCUDA project  System requirements for GPU computing  What if I want to develop my own GPU code?  What to look out for in the near future?  Conclusions

65  Few software are available for NGS bioinformatics yet, more to come  BarraCUDA is one of the first attempts to accelerate NGS bioinformatics pipeline  Significant amount of coding is usually required, but more programming tools are becoming available  Many-core is still evolving rapidly and things can be very different in the next 2-3 years

66 IMS-MRL, Cambridge Giles Yeo Petr Klus Simon Lam NIHR-CBRC, Cambridge Ian McFarlane Cassie Ragnauth Whittle Lab, Cambridge Graham Pullan Tobias Brandvik Microbiology, University College Cork Dag Lyberg Gurdon Institute, Cambridge Nicole Cheung HPCS, Cambridge Stuart Rankin NVIDIA Corporation Thomas Bradley Timothy Lanfear


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