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Operations Management Project Management

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1 Operations Management Project Management
Definition of Project Management Work Breakdown Structure Project Control Organizational Structures Critical Path Scheduling CPM with a Single Time CPM with Three Activity Time Estimates MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

2 Project Management Project
series of _______ jobs usually directed toward some ________ output and requiring a ______________ period of time to perform. Project Management planning, directing, and controlling __________ (people, equipment, material) to meet the technical, cost, and time ______________ of the project. MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

3 Construction of a new building Installing a large computer system
Project Management Examples Construction of a new building Installing a large computer system Introducing a new product Hosting a business conference Moving a department to a new building Earning a graduate degree MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

4 Work Breakdown Structure
Program Project 1 Project 2 Task 1.1 Subtask 1.1.1 Work Package Level 1 2 3 4 Task 1.2 Subtask 1.1.2 Work Package MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

5 Work Breakdown Structure
Allow the elements to be worked on _______________ Make them ________________ in size Give _____________ to carry out the program Monitor and ____________ the program Provide the required _____________ MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

6 Organizational Structure Pure Project--Advantages
The project manager has ______ authority over the project Team members report to ______ boss Shortened communication lines Team pride, motivation, and commitment are _____ MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

7 Organizational Structure Pure Project--Disadvantages
Duplication of resources Organizational goals and policies are ___________ ______ of technology transfer Team members have no functional area ”_______ " MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

8 Functional Project President Research and Development Engineering
Manufacturing Project A B C MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

9 Organizational Structure Functional Project--Advantages
A team member can work on ___________ projects Technical expertise is _________________ within the functional area The functional area is a ______ after the project is completed Critical mass of specialized knowledge MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

10 Organizational Structure Functional Project--Disadvantages
Aspects of the project that are not directly related to the functional area get ____________________ Motivation of team members is often __________ . Needs of the client are __________________ and are responded to slowly MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

11 Matrix Project President Research and Development Engineering
Manufacturing Marketing Manager Project A Project B Project C MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

12 Organizational Structure Matrix--Advantages
Enhanced inter-functional communications Pinpointed responsibility Duplication of resources is _________________ Functional ________ for team members Policies of the parent organization are ______________ MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

13 Organizational Structure Matrix--Disadvantages
_______ _________ Depends on PM’s ___________________ skills Potential for sub-optimization MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

14 Program evaluation and review technique (PERT)
Project Management Network Planning Methods Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) network technique typically used to schedule R & D projects. developed by U.S. Navy Special Projects Office (1958) for the Polaris missile project uses ______________ activity time estimates to control time aspects. usually illustrated with __________________ (AOA) technique. MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

15 Critical Path Method (CPM)
Project Management Network Planning Methods Critical Path Method (CPM) Network technique typically used to schedule maintenance shutdowns of chemical processing plants J. E. Kelly of Remington-Rand and M. R. Walker of Du Pont (1957) uses _________________ time estimates to control both time and costs. usually illustrated with _________________ (AON) technique MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

16 Precedence Relationship
Project Management Network Analysis Terms Activity the ______________ unit of effort that the project manager can schedule and control Precedence Relationship a sequencing __________ between related activities. it states that one activity cannot start until a preceding activity has been ___________. MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

17 a network diagram representation of sequencing relationships
Project Management Network Analysis Terms Precedence Diagram a network diagram representation of sequencing relationships Critical Path the sequence of activities that determines the __________ possible time for completing a project Crashing analyzing time versus cost ___________ for speeding up individual activities in the project MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

18 immediate predecessors time estimates Diagram the network
Project Management Steps in Network Planning Describe the project activities immediate predecessors time estimates Diagram the network Estimate the time of completion Analyze the model MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

19 Nodes (circles) and arcs (arrows) Activity on Arc
Network Planning Diagram the Network Nodes (circles) and arcs (arrows) Activity on Arc arcs are _________ and nodes are _______ event oriented - any point at which one or more activities are to be completed and one or more other activities are to begin event consumers no time or resources Activity on Node nodes are ____________ and arcs show _____________ relationships activity oriented MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

20 Activity Relationship:
Network Planning Diagram the Network Activity Relationship: S precedes T, which precedes U. AOA AON 1 2 S 3 T 4 U MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

21 Activity Relationship:
Network Planning Diagram the Network Activity Relationship: S and T must be completed before U can be started. AOA AON 1 S S U T 3 4 U 2 T MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

22 Activity Relationship:
Network Planning Diagram the Network Activity Relationship: T and U cannot begin until S has been completed. AOA AON 3 T T S 1 2 S U 4 U MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

23 ES = Max [EF times of all immediately preceding activities]
Network Planning Estimate Completion Time Earliest finish time the earliest start time _____ the time, t, needed to complete the activity EF = ES + t Earliest start time the earliest possible time an activity can begin without ___________ any precedence restrictions ES = Max [EF times of all immediately preceding activities] MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

24 the latest finish time ________ the time, t, required for the activity
Network Planning Estimate Completion Time Latest start time the latest finish time ________ the time, t, required for the activity LS = LF - t Latest finish time the latest time an activity an activity can end without ___________ the overall completion of the project. LF = Min [LS times for all immediately following activities] MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

25 Network Planning Estimate Completion Time
Forward pass determining the ES and EF dates for each activity, and the _____________ possible completion date for the project. Backward pass determining the LS and LF dates for each activity to ensure that the project ________ the earliest completion date set by the forward pass MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

26 Activity slack (SLACK)
Network Planning Estimate Completion Time Activity slack (SLACK) the maximum time the start of an activity can be ___________ without delaying the entire project the critical path is also the sequence of activities with _______ slack. SLACK = LS - ES = LF - EF Critical Path the sequence of activities between the start and finish of a project that takes the __________ time to complete MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

27 Consider the following pipeline project:
Network Planning Diagram the Network Consider the following pipeline project: Develop a critical path diagram and determine the duration of the critical path and slack times for all activities .... MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

28 Keep the following points in mind when constructing a network diagram:
Network Planning Diagram the Network Keep the following points in mind when constructing a network diagram: Always have _________ and _________ nodes. Avoid __________ paths to keep the diagram simple Use only one arrow to directly connect any two nodes Put activities with no predecessors at the left and point the arrows from ______ to right. Be prepared to _________ the diagram several times before you create a correct and uncluttered diagram MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

29 Start Finish Network Planning Diagram the Network A t ES EF LS LF

30 Critical Path: ___________ Completion Time: _______
Network Planning Diagram the Network ES, EF, LS, LF, and SLACKs: Critical Path: ___________ Completion Time: _______ MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

31 Project Management MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

32 Project Management MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

33 Completion time with a set amount of risk
Project Management Probabilistic Time Estimates What is the probability that the project will be completed by the deadline? Address _________________ cause by labor shortages, weather, supply delays, or accidents. Completion time with a set amount of risk Use ________________ time estimates to incorporate uncertainty into the network model. MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

34 Activity times are stated in terms of three reasonable time estimates:
Project Management Probabilistic Time Estimates Activity times are stated in terms of three reasonable time estimates: _________________ time (a): - shortest time an activity can be completed _________________ time (m): - best estimate of average time _________________ time (b): - longest time an activity can take MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

35 Activity’s mean time (te) and variance (2) with beta distribution
Project Management Probabilistic Time Estimates Activity’s mean time (te) and variance (2) with beta distribution Mean m a b Time MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

36 Probabilistic Time Estimates Calculating Time Statistics

37 If the random variable xi has: Mean = i Variance = i2
Probabilistic Time Estimates Central Limit Theorem Corollary If the random variable xi has: Mean = i Variance = i2 the total T of n independent observations of xi is T = x1 + x xn , and is NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED with _______ of T = 1 +  n __________ of T = 12 +  n2 MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

38 Probabilistic Time Estimates Path B - D - E Time Estimate

39 Exercise # 1a What is the probability that the project duration  25 days? p(t < D) t TE = 22 D=____ P ( z  _____ ) = ________ , or % MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

40 Exercise # 1b What is the probability that the project duration > 25 days? p(t < D) t TE = 22 D=25 P ( z > 1.05) = _____ - _________, or % MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

41 Exercise # 2 What is the probability of finishing this project in  21 days? p(t < D) t TE = 22 D= ____ P( z  ) = ___ - ________ = , or 36.3 % MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

42 Probability of completion in 25 days or less
Probabilistic Time Estimates All Path Time Estimates Probability of completion in 25 days or less MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

43 Probability of Completing = Project in 25 days or less
Probabilistic Time Estimates Completion in 25 Days or Less Probability of Completing = Project in 25 days or less Probability All Paths < 25 days MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

44 P( C-E  25 days) = ________ P( B-D-E  25 days) = ________
Project Management Probabilistic Time Estimates P( C-E  25 days) = ________ P( B-D-E  25 days) = ________ The probability of non-critical path C E being completed in 25 days or less is ____________ the probability of critical path B D E being completed in 25 days. It is possible for the non-critical path to have _____ likelihood of being completed than the critical path. What does this mean?.... MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

45 Network simulation is not worth the additional expense
Project Management Probabilistic Time Estimates Projects will probably be ______ relative to the deterministic critical path Network simulation is not worth the additional expense Use deterministic time estimates Look at path _______________ . Intensively manage critical and non-critical activities that are _________ to critical times Schonberger, R.J., “Why Projects are Always Late: A Rationale Based on Manual Simulation of a PERT/CPM Network.” Interfaces, Oct MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

46 Activities have a clear beginning and end __________ ______ _______
Project Management Cautions on PERT and CPM Activities have a clear beginning and end __________ ______ _______ Sequential relationships can be specified and networked ordering may be ________________ (contingencies) Focus on the critical path not always true - “ _______ ” critical path Beta distribution 10% error; 5% variance; arriving at “ _____ ” activity time Can cost % of total project cost benefit from ___________ scheduling and ___________ project time MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

47 Importance of ________________
Project Management Conclusions Importance of ________________ Clearly identifying project ____________________ Simple and timely progress _____________ system good ___________-management practices Why do projects _______ ? _________________ Planning ________ of top management commitment _____________ of talented project manager MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

48 Project Management MBA782.Proj.Mgmt.A

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