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Post Classical Period 600 CE-1450 CE Parker, Claire and Spencer.

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1 Post Classical Period 600 CE-1450 CE Parker, Claire and Spencer

2 Interactions Landholding aristocracies were the dominant class
Middle East was mainly Islamic Europe remained Christian The Bubonic Plague

3 Americas and East Asia Fall of the Han Spread of Neo-Confucianism
Sinification in Chinese areas of influence Sui, Tang, and Song Dynasties Aztecs and Incas develop

4 Africa and Southeast Asia
Introduction to Islam Rise of West African kingdoms (Ghana, Mali, Songhay) Indian ocean trade, Sub-saharan trade Origins of Hinduism Establishment of Delhi Sultanate

5 Interactions in the Arab World
Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates The crusades Rise of the Ottomans Mongols take territory Sunni vs. Shi’a

6 Cities Acted as urban centers along caravan trade Timbuktu
Constantinople Baghdad Ghana, Mali, Songhay

7 Feudalism European: Power in hands of
different lords Feudal contracts, European worker soldiers,provide military service Japanese: At first aristocrats used as military, practice of Seppuku, Peasants act as serfs, treated as property, work on lord’s land

8 Religious gender roles
Christianity: Spiritually equal, religious communities for women Islam: Gave women inheritance, women secluded from public, patriarchal society China: Footbinding in the Song dynasty, patriarchial society

9 Occurrences After the Fall of the Roman Empire
Byzantine formed in place of the eastern half because of a larger and more defensible military Bubonic plague Shift in trade dominance to western Europe Rise of new empires, like Kieven Rus, France, and England Split between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox christianity

10 Trans-Saharan Trade Traded salt, gold, and ivory
West african kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, and Songhay Timbuktu was a major trading city Camels used for trade over routes Muslim merchants spread islam

11 Indian Ocean Trade Mainly bulk goods traded
Trade between south east Asia, India, Arabia and Swahili coast of Africa Items like cotton, spices, gold, ivory and timber Maritime trade Lateen sails created for monsoon winds

12 Silk Road Trade Connected China to Middle East, Africa and Europe
Luxury items like silk, porcelain, salt, and gold Land trade with caravans Constantinople Mongols took control of trade route

13 Missionary Outreach Islam spread to Africa by merchants on trade routes Christianity spread to Ethiopia Crusades spread christianity throughout Europe and the Middle East Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism had missionaries throughout Asia

14 Impact of the Mongol Empire
Silk road trade was protected and encouraged Created the largest land empire in the world Golden Horde formed the Il-Khanate Spread of the Bubonic plague Revival of Confucianism in China

15 Significant Terms Arab Caliphates- A group of people in the Islamic state Syncretism- Blending of cultural elements, often facilitated through trade Feudalism- Political system where nobles offered protection and land for service in agriculture Manorialism- Economic system where lords offered land for people to work in exchange for large taxes on food

16 Significant Terms Crusades-Holy wars prompted by the pope to take back land in the Middle East Vikings- A group of people from Scandinavia that dominated native people, founded Kievan Rus, but were later conquered by… The Mongols Mongol Expansion- Mongols conquered China, Kievan Rus and Persia Indian Ocean Trade- Trade in Indian Ocean involving India, China, the Swahili Coast, and Pacific Islands

17 Significant Terms Papacy- Head of Catholic Church that makes religious decisions Neoconfucianism- Synthesis of Confucianism and Buddhism that reinforced gender and class distinctions Civil Service Exams- Test taken by young noble to be included in bureaucracy Sinification- Spread of Chinese culture, most apparent in Korea, Vietnam and Japan

18 West African Kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, Songhay
Asia: Sinification Mongol Expansion Rise of Islam Hinduism Indian Ocean Trade Silk Road Trade Africa: Spread of Islam Swahili Coast Sub Saharan Trade Christianity West African Kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, Songhay Americas: Aztecs Incas Tenochtitlan Trade with Polynesia Agriculture based Europe: Byzantine Kieven Rus Crusades Eastern Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic Bubonic Plague

19 Summary Rise of Islam- Spread through trade routes
Plague- Killed close to half of the world population Mongols- Expand to half of AfroEurAsia Sinification-Spread of Chinese Culture Indian Ocean Trade- Used Monsoon winds to trade bulk goods overseas

20 Important Dates 750-1258 ce: Abbasid dynasty 960-1279 ce: Song dyansty
1054 ce: Split between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic 1096 ce: First crusade 1211 ce: Beginning of Mongol Conquests 1289 ce: Founding of the Ottomans 1325 ce: Founding of Tenochtitlan by the Aztecs

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