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ISI Web of Knowledge™ – New Content and Tools for the world’s largest multidisciplinary citation platform May 2009 Jeff Clovis Ulakbim Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "ISI Web of Knowledge™ – New Content and Tools for the world’s largest multidisciplinary citation platform May 2009 Jeff Clovis Ulakbim Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISI Web of Knowledge™ – New Content and Tools for the world’s largest multidisciplinary citation platform May Jeff Clovis Ulakbim Meeting Shahrooz Sharifrazy Antalya, Turkey

2 Web of Science® overview
Multidisciplinary- Science, Social Science, Arts & Humanities 109+ years on consistent coverage Largest citation index: >44 million records (1.9M in 2008) 65 million cited references annually; 1 billion total 11,050 unique journal titles 12,000 conferences covered annually Data is updated weekly with short indexing lag Interface is continually enhanced: 4 scheduled upgrades per year Century of Science 1900 Science Citation Index 1945 Century of Social Sciences 1900 SSCI 1956 Coming soon A&HCI 1975 CPCI 1990

3 Quality Diversity Depth The Web of Science Foundation
A Core Philosophy of Superior Collection Development Quality Diversity Depth Publications of Influence For every title indexed -- Publisher-Neutral Editorial Evaluation and Selection. Coverage of all disciplines: Natural Sciences – 7,910 Social Sciences – 2,385 Arts & Humanities – 1,265 11,050 unique titles Natural Sciences – to 1900 Social Sciences – to 1956, with an initiative under way to reach back to 1900. Arts & Humanities – to 1975 Web of Science 3

4 International Coverage in the Web of Science
Thomson Reuters extends the power of its Journal Selection Process by focusing on the world’s best Regional Journals Web of Science users are more international than ever before Research is more international than ever before and the importance of research from developing nations is increasing Asia Eastern Europe Middle East Latin America The global landscape is changing. It is changing in 2 ways, we now have more global customers than ever before and this is continuing to expand with many developing economies now becoming our strong customers. But of course at the same time we have seen an increase in research spending and therefore research output from developing economies. Geographically, Asia (exc Japan), Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America all growing fast. Share of published papers

5 Regional Expansion - Selection Philosophy
We are still using the same stringent policy that we have always used. We have not weakened our selection policy in anyway. However, we have listened to our customers and have slightly modified our approach with regards to regional journals to reflect the increasing importance of regional coverage Journals with a regional focus are generally cited by their own community which by nature is small Therefore the impact factors may not be as high as international journal, but the value of the content is high Other selection criteria must be adhered to Starting in late 2007 we have modified are journal selection philosophy to reflect this changing environment. It is important to state categorically that we have by no means weakened our selection criteria for academic journals. However, based on feedback from our customer we have changed the way we look at regional journals. Regional journals are those that are from geographic regions from outside of the established developed world of western Europe and the United States. A regional journal will cover a particular subject with a focus that represents that region. For example in the fields of Law and Economics there are regional legislation and economic policies that are only specific for that particular country or region, however the fundamentals of this research are of interested to global researchers. Another example is that of clinical medicine; The general population in a geographic region may have specific social demographics, diet or genetic makeup that result in different trends and results in clinical research. But this research results will have global importance to the research community. There are many other examples, such as desertification and its importance to research in environmental change Arts and Humanities with specific regional variations in art, architecture, religion etc. Because of the regional focus of these journals, they are most likely to be cited within their own geographic community, and because these geographic regions tend to be small the citation counts to these journals may be low. However the value of the content will be very high for researchers from that region, and still of academic value to the global research community. This means that the impact factor of regional journals may not be high, and this is one of the main factors why they have not been indexed previously in the Web of Science. We have always had a regional approach to our selection policy and we have aimed to provide even geographic distribution for all disciplines. What has changed with the new Regional Expansion is that we are now looking at journals with the context of small geographic regions or specific countries instead of large geographic regions such as “Europe” or “Asia Pacific”.

6 Regional Expansion summary
Of the 1,200 journals that we have added so far; we can see that Asia Pacific and Europe dominate, however the European journals are focused towards Southern or Eastern Europe. There is also significant increase in journals from Latin America and the Middle East. Important Note: Please remember that sometimes the country of a journal can be misleading and there are many examples of regional Academic Society journals that are very much focused on one region, but are published by a large commercial publisher. In this case the country of origin will be the country of the publisher and not the country of the academic society. Furthermore, the breakdown of country of origin of journal does not necessarily represent the country of origin of the author. Many authors will publish in international journals that are not published in their country of origin, if you wish to look at the research output of a country it is much better to look at the address of the author affiliations rather than the country of origin of the journal.

7 Coverage by discipline
Here we can see the break down of the journals by discipline. Social Sciences, (e.g. Economics, Law etc) and Clinical Medicine are the largest groups.

8 Century of Social Sciences
Diverse Coverage In addition to Sociology, Psychology, and Economics, this collection includes valuable intellectual heritage within Anthropology, Communication, Education, Law, Political Science, and Public Health, and more. With the July 2009 release of Web of Science Social Science Citation Index backfiles a wealth of valuable research with several hundred titles will become available in a form that provides not only easy searching, but navigation via cited references. What sources were cited by landmark Social Science papers? What research today is influenced by these historic works? Century of Social Sciences reveals this with instantly, and can provide links to the full text within sources such as JSTOR or publisher electronic archives.

Counts ANTHROPOLOGY 24 COMMUNICATION 18 ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT 47 EDUCATION 31 GEOGRAPHY 12 HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 1 LAW 30 POLITICAL SCIENCE 10 PSYCHIATRY 21 PSYCHOLOGY 65 PUBLIC HEALTH 20 SOCIAL ISSUES & SOCIOLOGY 29 Total 308 These included five titles either founded by Sigmund Freud or in which he played a major role. There is original work by Alois Alzheimer

10 Web of Knowledge – New and Enhanced Content
Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q and beyond Conference Proceedings Citation Index added to Web of Science Journal Citation Reports enhancements: 5 year Impact Factor, Category box plot, Eigenfactor metrics enhancements: Multiple publications lists, integration with EndNote Web Author names associated with addresses in Web of Science Funding Acknowledgement search added to Web of Science InCites launch Citation Map enhancements: full article titles and create map button Refine Results and Analyze Results queries added to search history Century of Social Science Enhanced NCBI links in Web of Science for records shared with MEDLINE CAB Abstracts with full text BIOSIS Citation Index BibTeX export added to WoS CABI Global Health added to Web of Knowledge Citation Score Card Sort by alphabetical order in Refine Results DOI included in full records and exports Chinese Science Citation Database launched

11 Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index
Proceedings literature is an essential component of international scholarly communication. New theories, solutions, and indications of emerging and developing concepts are typically presented first within papers delivered at scientific and scholarly meetings and conferences. Particularly benefits researchers in the following fields: Engineering, Computer Science, Physical Sciences where some crucial research is not covered in journals Web of Science Conference Proceedings: The CPCI files are fully integrated into Web of Science, behaving exactly as the SCIE, SSCI and A&HCI files

12 Conference proceedings are now available as two additional indexes in the Web of Science

13 BIOSIS Citation Index A new citation product, providing cited references for BIOSIS Previews content: Cited references for all Previews content (beginning 2006) Cited references for 60% of high impact Previews journals ( ) All citation data contained within the Previews database Unique times-cited count Available only on the Web of Knowledge platform Planned release date - 3rd Quarter, 2009 13 13

14 Coming Soon: Pop-up Score Card from Summary & Full Record
Coming Soon: A Citation Score Card will be added to Web of Knowledge records. Quickly determine the impact of an article across all Web of Knowledge databases

15 Web of Science and JCR Enhancements
Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q and beyond Conference Proceedings Citation Index added to Web of Science Journal Citation Reports enhancements: 5 year Impact Factor, Category box plot, Eigenfactor metrics enhancements: Multiple publications lists, integration with EndNote Web Author names associated with addresses in Web of Science Funding Acknowledgement search added to Web of Science InCites launch Citation Map enhancements: full article titles and create map button Refine Results and Analyze Results queries added to search history Century of Social Science Enhanced NCBI links in Web of Science for records shared with MEDLINE CAB Abstracts with full text BIOSIS Citation Index BibTeX export added to WoS CABI Global Health added to Web of Knowledge Citation Score Card Sort by alphabetical order in Refine Results DOI included in full records and exports Chinese Science Citation Database launched

16 Funding Acknowledgements
Web of Science records now contain funding acknowledgement data from August 2008 forward Search for finding information by Funding Agency or Grant Number

17 Citation Map enhancements
You can move the start and end tabs (in blue) to specify the year range. Click “Re-Create Map” to re-draw The Citation Map now includes a scroll bar to limit the results by date of publication

18 Citation Map enhancements
There is another enhancement to the full article display. When hovering over an article the full information is displayed, in previous versions the article title was abbreviated to one line and often difficult to understand. Now full titles are displayed. The display of the full article information when hovering over a node has been improved to include full article titles.

19 Data Usage Building the Institutional Knowledge Base: Support Through Web of Science and Thomson Reuters “Web Services” Complimentary Web Services Capturing, organizing, presenting and promoting the intellectual output of an institution is now a great priority of colleges and universities large and small. For most, this translates to clear initiatives for development of an Institutional Repository (IR). Given the place of prominence of Web of Science within academic communities worldwide, Thomson Reuters is firmly committed to directly assisting and supporting in university IR initiatives through both complimentary and subscribed services.

20 Data Usage and Maintenance
Web of Science/Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Links Article Match Retrieval Service Journal and Article-level bibliographic information may be used in the API request in order to make a match with Web of Science records. Or, unique identifiers in the form of the Web of Science UT (retrievable through Web Services-Light data extraction) or the DOI alone are sufficient for a match. Available ongoing updates of this data provide a level of “currency” that is invaluable in promoting the work of an individual author as well as the institution as a whole. Used in tandem, Web Services Lite and the Links Article Match Retrieval Service allows a Web of Science subscribing institution to retrieve information for papers published by institutional authors, populate an Institutional Repository, and link from this IR information into Web of Science.

21 Journal Citation Reports – New Metrics and Information
Five-Year Impact Factor Rank-in-Category Tables Box Plots Eigenfactor MetricsTM: EigenfactorTM and Article InfluenceTM

22 Journal Citation Reports - New Metrics and Information
Citation Behavior, variance among disciplines: Some fields are very fast moving, particularly within the life sciences, and published research gets cited at a relatively rapid pace. Research in other fields, mathematics for example, makes its impact more slowly over an extended period of time. 2006 Impact Factor Years

23 Journal Citation Reports - New Metrics and Information
Introduction of a 5-Year Impact Factor: To better gauge the impact of journals within fields where influence of published research evolves over a longer period of time than presented by the traditional Year Impact Factor. Immunology Impact Factor is based on two years of cited journal content – cites in the current year to journal material published in the prior two years. A 5-Year Impact Factor is based on cites in the current year to journal material published in the prior five years. Note that in this display of top Immunology journals the 5-Year Impact Factor is, with the exception of one journal, lower than the traditional 2-Year Impact factor. Immunology is a life science discipline that is typically “fast moving” and therefore this makes perfect sense that articles are cited more quickly, and may lose some citation impact after the first few years.

24 Journal Citation Reports - New Metrics and Information
Introduction of a 5-Year Impact Factor: To better gauge the impact of journals within fields where influence of published research evolves over a longer period of time than presented by the traditional Year Impact Factor. Geology Geology Impact Factor is based on two years of cited journal content – cites in the current year to journal material published in the prior two years. A 5-Year Impact Factor is based on cites in the current year to journal material published in the prior five years. Within this display of Geology journals however, the 5-Year Impact Factor is in every case higher than the traditional 2-Year Impact Factor. In contrast to Immunology for example, published research with Geology typically takes more time to fully realize its impact.

25 Journal Citation Reports - New Metrics and Information
Rank in Category table: Many journals maintain an editorial scope that necessitates their inclusion in more than one JCR category. To better reveal the influence of a journal in all assigned categories a Rank in Category table will display each category in which the journal appears along with rank in the category and the Quartile in which the journal is placed in that category - based on Impact Factor.

26 ResearcherID Enhancements and InCites Launch
Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q and beyond Conference Proceedings Citation Index added to Web of Science Journal Citation Reports enhancements: 5 year Impact Factor, Category box plot, Eigenfactor metrics enhancements: Multiple publications lists, integration with EndNote Web Author names associated with addresses in Web of Science Funding Acknowledgement search added to Web of Science InCites launch Citation Map enhancements: full article titles and create map button Refine Results and Analyze Results queries added to search history Century of Social Science Enhanced NCBI links in Web of Science for records shared with MEDLINE CAB Abstracts with full text BIOSIS Citation Index BibTeX export added to WoS CABI Global Health added to Web of Knowledge Citation Score Card Sort by alphabetical order in Refine Results DOI included in full records and exports Chinese Science Citation Database launched

27 ResearcherID Enhancements
The explosion of research worldwide and the multiplication of content outlets combine to create even greater demand for a system that verifies the specifics of who wrote what Several enhancements to ResearcherID will make the process of populating or updating a researcher profile easier

28 ResearcherID Enhancements – Add Publications
There are now more options for populating your ResearcherID profile

29 ResearcherID Enhancements – EndNote Web Integration
Any changes made in EndNote Web will be instantly reflected in your ResearcherID profile

30 Research Analytics: Critical Answers to Key Questions
What is the overall published output of my institution over the past 10 years, the past 20 years? What impact did this research have, how frequently has it been cited and where, by whom? Which of our papers are most influential in X discipline? How does our most work compare to the discipline benchmarks ? Our top authors? Their H-indexes? Where should we invest in research? What research do our publishing authors draw on, what do they cite? With which researchers and institutions is our faculty collaborating? Which collaborations are most valuable, producing influential work? Where are the top research programs in various disciplines? How does my institution compare to our peer institutions in volume and influence of published work?

31 Research Analytics: Source and Foundation
Data Thomson Reuters Expertise and Processing Research Analytics Resources Address Unification Web of Science Data Cleansing & Standardization Normalization and Baselines For many years Thomson Reuters has provided a wide range of tools and services supporting accurate and effective research evaluation. Our specialist work with Web of Science data and ensure maximum standardization and unification before delivery to customers. Thomson Reuters presentation of not just simple counts and averages, but real “metrics” founded on baselines for comparison have lead many organizations worldwide to depend on these resources to support decision-making.

32 InCites Authoritative, consistent data.
A tailored data set and the ability to create your own sub-sets and associated metrics provides for specificity, answers to questions at a local level. Context around the data, such as baselines and percentiles, gives the metrics genuine meaning, comparative value. Standardized and normalized metrics and formatted reporting tools for efficient, transparent, fair and systematic research evaluation. Great flexibility in scheduling and running current and future reports supports organizational efficiency. A Web-Based evaluative tool, accessible by any number of select users within your institution – with folder and report-level Permissions flexibility.

33 Research Analytics: InCites
InCitesTM is the newest of the Thomson Reuters Research Analytics services, taking the best of our tools and experience in this realm and introducing a multi-user-capable, web-based resource. InCites is a comprehensive citation-based evaluation tool that provides academic and government administrators, research directors, department heads, and information specialists the ability to: Conduct analyses on institutional and individual research productivity and influence Benchmark productivity and influence against peers and aspirational peers

34 Many pre-defined reports are presented for immediate use.
InCites: Citation Report Many pre-defined reports are presented for immediate use. Citation Metrics provide fundamental information on the papers within a dataset and their collective citation influence. Summary Metrics is the default report displayed when viewing the Overall Reports option. A range of metrics with accompanying graphics serve to characterize the collective performance of the published works within a selected dataset. Disciplinarity Metrics Disciplinarity Index provides a measure of the concentration of a set of source articles across a set of categories. Interdisciplinarity Index communicates the extent to which a collection of source articles is or is not diversely multidisciplinary in nature. The “Reports” page presents three tabs for three separate types of feature/function sets. The particular dataset that is being used is listed to the upper right. First, we’ll take look at what is available within the Overall Reports section.

35 Many pre-defined reports are presented for immediate use.
InCites: Citation Report Many pre-defined reports are presented for immediate use. Collaboration Metrics provide fundamental information for authors, institutions, and countries represented within the source articles dataset.

36 Citation Frequency Graphics
InCites: Citation Report Summary Metrics Citation Frequency Graphics A number of graphics provide at-a-glance summary information on the collective Citation Frequency of the source articles dataset. Metrics associated with most of the displayed graphics are built around baselines, enabling an immediate gauge of comparative positive/negative citation performance. The Incites Help file – presents valuable explanatory information for each metric and graphic.

37 InCites: Citation Report
The Source Articles Listing and additional Ranking reports associated with source articles enable detailed examination and evaluation of Papers, Authors, Institutions, etc. that have produced the source articles.

38 Sort on any meaningful column.
InCites: Citation Report The Source Articles Listing itself is an excellent place to begin exploring within InCites. This report familiarizes one with the core content of the dataset – published papers – and the key fields, metrics, and additional information associated with these papers. Sort on any meaningful column. Touch on each of the columns/Metrics presented with brief explanations.

39 InCites: Citation Report
Move to additional detail, such as Author, or Citing Papers Link to Web of Science Full Record to view detail.

40 InCites: Citation Report
Citing Articles Listing and associated reports provide unique insight into the body of published Papers, Authors, Institutions, and Countries influenced by the Source Articles. Links to Cited Source Articles, Cited Authors, and Web of Science Full Record.

41 InCites: Citation Report
Limit Report Results is one of the most powerful features of InCites. It allows the user to create and save customized reports with associated metrics based on a subset of data. A simple menu system builds the query used to create the data subset 3

42 Instantly View and Save the Report as a PDF or Excel file.
InCites: Citation Report the report, Save it to your InCites Folders, or to your hard drive. Instantly View and Save the Report as a PDF or Excel file. 3

43 Manage Folders - Actions
InCites: My Folders, Manage Folders Manage Folders - Actions Select a view (detail or list) Create a new folder Cut/copy/paste/delete folders Set the order of folders Create a Shortcut to a Folder Bookmark a Folder Establish General properties for Folders, as well as user Permissions for folders you’ve created

44 Once saved, great flexibility is provided for Running Reports.
InCites: My Folders, Manage Reports Once saved, great flexibility is provided for Running Reports. For example, schedule runs in advance, timed with Quarterly data updates.

45 Thank you! Questions??? Continual development of ISI Web of Knowledge
New Content and Tools Embedding the data into your research workflow

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