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Performance Appraisals Unit 5: Organizing. Performance Management System  Job Performance - is measured as the quantity and the quality of tasks an individual.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Appraisals Unit 5: Organizing. Performance Management System  Job Performance - is measured as the quantity and the quality of tasks an individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Appraisals Unit 5: Organizing

2 Performance Management System  Job Performance - is measured as the quantity and the quality of tasks an individual accomplishes  A Performance Management System - establishes performance standards for employees, regularly assesses actual performance, and takes action to improve future performance

3 Performance Appraisal  A Performance Appraisal - is a process in which an employee's work is discussed, reviewed, and appraised by his/her manager using an agreed upon and understood framework  Usually, the employee and manager both complete a performance appraisal form and then have a face-to- face meeting to discuss the employee’s performance  The focus of the appraisal process should always be on behaviors and outcomes, with the goal of improving motivation, growth, and performance of the employee  Normally conducted once a year (formally)

4 Performance Appraisal Methods: Graphic-Rating Scale  Graphic-Rating Scale - This method consists of a checklist of the performance characteristics/objectives that are each rated with a numerical score  This method is quick and easy, but it does not always provide reliable or particularly useful data  Example 1 1 = unacceptable 2 - 4 = poor 5 - 6 = satisfactory 7 - 8 = good 9 = very good 10 = excellent  Example 2 1 = never meets standard 2 = sometimes meets standard 3 = often meets standard 4 = always meets standard

5 Performance Appraisal Methods: Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)  Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) - This method describes actual behaviours for each level of performance  It is generally regarded as more reliable than a graphic rating scale, but it takes much more work to prepare an effective BARS  However, BARS may be useful for training employees to master important tasks

6 Performance Appraisal Methods: Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)  To create and use BARS, the manager must:  Break the job down into its key performance tasks  Identify the range of possible behaviours that can be displayed while performing each task  place behaviours on a scale ranging from unsatisfactory performance to outstanding performance and describe examples of typical behaviour for each rating point  Assess employees using these scales

7 Performance Appraisal Methods: 360° Feedback  360° Feedback - This method involves feedback from a much wider group of people than just the employee’s supervisor  It includes feedback from managers, peers, subordinates, and even customers  This method can be very useful for assessing team performance and the performance of managers  360° feedback is often done with the use of technology to gather the data and analyze the results

8 Your Task  You are going to be creating a Performance Appraisal for your work to date in this course  Do not fill it out …that will come later!

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