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1 UNIT 6. 2 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Write the correct letters in the blanks. There are two wrong answers. Listen and check your answers. F p.5 EA B.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UNIT 6. 2 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Write the correct letters in the blanks. There are two wrong answers. Listen and check your answers. F p.5 EA B."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UNIT 6

2 2 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Write the correct letters in the blanks. There are two wrong answers. Listen and check your answers. F p.5 EA B

3 3 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Audio Transcripts: No. 1 Ordering A: May I take your order? B: I’d like a hamburger, please. No. 2 Cost A: How much is that? B: That’s five dollars.

4 4 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Audio Transcripts: No. 3 Complaining A: I didn’t order this! B: I’m sorry, sir. I can change it for you. No. 4 Extra A: Can I get you anything else? B: That’s everything. Thank you.

5 5 EXPRESSIONS TO LEARN Small Talk Work with a partner. Repeat the dialogues above using these expressions. p.2

6 6 WORDS TO LEARN Do you know how to say these restaurant words? Listen and repeat.

7 7 WORDS TO LEARN A.Say It Right Practice talking about ordering with a partner.

8 8 WORDS TO LEARN B.Listen Up Task I Listen to the audio. What do Simon and Jamie order? Check ( ) the correct boxes. Tommy’s Pizza Order Form Pizza □ small ($6.75)  □ medium ($7.75) □ large ($9.75) Toppings □ chicken ($2.65)  □ ham ($2.65) □ beef ($2.65) □ extra cheese ($2.65) □ extra tomatoes ($2.65)    

9 9 WORDS TO LEARN B.Listen Up Task II Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words you hear. 1. Simon can’t decide between ____________ and ____________. 2. They ____________ over the phone. 3. Tommy’s Pizza can ____________ to their house on Pine Road. 4. They want more ____________ on their pizza. chicken beef order deliver cheese

10 10 WORDS TO LEARN Audio Transcripts: Simon: Do you want pizza, Jamie? Jamie: I’d love some, Simon. Simon: I can’t decide. Do you want chicken or beef? Jamie: Beef is good. Order over the telephone. They can deliver it. Simon: Good idea. I’m calling them right now... (on the phone) Hello? Pizza guy: Hello. Tommy’s Pizza. May I take your order? Simon: Can you deliver to 24 Pine Road? Pizza guy: Sure. What would you like? Simon: I’d like a medium beef pizza with extra cheese, please. Pizza guy: OK, sir. One medium beef pizza with extra cheese. It should be there in 30 minutes. Simon: Thanks!


12 12 CONVERSATION Key Words

13 13 CONVERSATION Language Tips Check ( ) the correct usage. SentenceClose ToOnly 1We just need five dollars. 2Could you give me my bag? It’s just beside you.   

14 14 1. I’m pretty busy right now. _______________ (a few minutes). 2. _______________ (a second). I’m on the telephone. 3. Sorry. Dr. Chen is not ready. Please _______________ in the waiting room. CONVERSATION Language Tips Give me a few minutes / Wait (for) a few minutes Fill in the blanks. have / take a seat Give me a second / Wait (for) a second

15 15 1. Gary asks Tony to ____________ him a ____________. 2. Gary is not very ____________ to Tony. 3. Gary tells Tony to have a ____________. 4. Gary is ____________ a chocolate milk ____________. 5. Tony would like to drink a ____________. 6. The bread is ____________ over there, in the ___________. CONVERSATION Wrap Up Listen to the audio. Complete the sentences with the words you hear. secondgive friendly making seat shake soda justkitchen

16 16 CONVERSATION Audio Transcripts: Tony: Hey, Gary! Are you there? Gary: Give me a second! (Gary opens the door.) Gary: Why are you here? Tony: You are not being very friendly! Gary: Sorry. Have a seat. I just started making a chocolate shake. Do you want one? Tony: No, thanks. I’d like a soda. Do you have any bread? I want to make a sandwich. Gary: Sure. It’s in the kitchen, just over there. I also have some chicken and cheese in the refrigerator. Make me one too, please. Tony: You want a big one? Gary: That’s right. I’m pretty hungry.



19 19 1. like / coffee. / would / I / hot / a / large  》 _______________________________________ 2. have / They / a / big / the / comfortable house / in / countryside. 》 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3. really / right / It’s / in / now. / Japan / cold 》 _______________________________________ GRAMMAR PRACTICE A. Put in Order Put the words in the correct order. It’s really cold in Japan right now. They have a big comfortable house I would like a large hot coffee. in the countryside.

20 20 4. are / There / hungry / cage. / three / in / cats / the 》 _______________________________________ 5. sister. / is / as / Lucy / smart / her / as  》 _______________________________________ 6. hair. / beautiful / has / Samantha / black  》 _______________________________________ GRAMMAR PRACTICE Put the words in the correct order. Samantha has beautiful black hair. Lucy is as smart as her sister. There are three hungry cats in the cage. A. Put in Order

21 21 Travel Diary April 18 th I’m in Dublin this week. I’m visiting some of the most famous places in Ireland. Trinity College is the oldest university in Ireland. The campus is beautiful and green. There are huge old trees everywhere. It’s so quiet, but the busy city streets are right outside! The school library is interesting too. They keep lots of old books there. The Book of Kells is over 1,200 years old. It has lovely pictures and wonderful designs. The students look happy. I’d love to study here. GRAMMAR PRACTICE B. Find the Adjectives Circle the adjectives in the passage.

22 22 1.I like walking, but it’s to cold here in the mountains.  》 _____________________________________________ 2. Those dogs little are so loud. Big dogs are more quieter.  》 _____________________________________________ 3. Jenny gave me a quicks smile before she left.  》 _____________________________________________ GRAMMAR PRACTICE C. Correct the Mistakes Fix the errors in the sentences. I like walking, but it’s too cold here in the mountains. Those little dogs are so loud. Big dogs are quieter / more quiet. Jenny gave me a quick smile before she left.

23 23 GRAMMAR PRACTICE C. Correct the Mistakes Fix the errors in the sentences. 4.Eve is the girl with big eyes blue.  》 _____________________________________________ 5.That car looks nicely, but it very expensive.  》 _____________________________________________ Eve is the girl with big blue eyes. That car looks nice, but it is very expensive.

24 24 READING 1 What happens when you eat only fast food for one month? In 2003, Morgan Spurlock decided to make a movie about fast food in America. The movie is called Super Size Me. It shows the effects of fast food on the body. P.31 P.32 P.33 P.34 P.30 P.28

25 25 READING 5 For a full month, Spurlock ate three times a day at McDonald’s. He tried everything on the menu. He often had big meals. During this time, Spurlock was often tired and had no energy. He felt bad all the time. He had heart problems too. His doctors were very worried. P.31 P.32 P.33 P.34 P.30 P.28 P.29

26 26 READING P.31 P.32 P.33 P.34 P.30 Spurlock gained more than 11 kilograms in one month. He became pretty fat. It took Spurlock more than a year to lose that weight. The movie tells people about the dangers of fast food. It’s also a clever, funny movie. It was popular around the world. P.29 10

27 27 READING Extra Info Fast-food companies spend more than $4,000,000,000 every year on advertisements. Children see 12,000 fast-food TV advertisements a year. Every day, more than 46 million people eat at McDonald’s. Many burgers have more than 900 calories. That’s nine hours of walking!

28 28 1. Morgan Spurlock made a m___________e about the e___________s of fast food on health. 2. Spurlock had three m___________s a day at McDonald’s for one m___________h. 3. He ordered everything on the m___________u. 4. Fast food made Spurlock feel t___________d. He didn’t have any e___________y. AFTER YOU READ A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the article. eal ffect ovi ont P.24 P.25 en ire nerg

29 29 5. Spurlock’s doctors were w___________d about his h___________t problems. 6. He became really f___________t during that month. He g___________d over 11 kilograms. 7. Super Size Me teaches us about the d___________s of fast food. ear orrie AFTER YOU READ A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the article. a aine P.25 P.26 anger

30 30 AFTER YOU READ B. Complete the Chart Circle Yes or No. What’s true about Morgan Spurlock? 1He ate a lot of fast food.YesNo 2He got very thin.YesNo 3He had some problems with his heart.YesNo 4His movie is called Super Me.YesNo 5He worked at McDonald’s for one month.YesNo 6It took him a very long time to lose the weight.YesNo 7He ate the same meal every day.YesNo 8His movie was famous.YesNo P.24 P.25 P.26

31 31 1. Why did Morgan Spurlock make the movie? a. He really loved fast food. b. His doctors told him to make it. c. McDonald’s paid him. d. People should know about fast food. AFTER YOU READ C. Multiple Choice Circle the answers. P.24 P.25 P.26

32 32 2. For how long did Spurlock eat only McDonald’s food? a. Around 11 years b. About 30 days c. One week d. One year AFTER YOU READ C. Multiple Choice Circle the answers. P.24 P.25 P.26

33 33 3. Why were Spurlock’s doctors worried? a. They didn’t like Spurlock. b. Spurlock had health problems. c. Spurlock didn’t eat enough. d. Spurlock didn’t pay the doctors. AFTER YOU READ C. Multiple Choice Circle the answers. P.24 P.25 P.26

34 34 4. What does the article say about the movie? a. It makes people lose weight. b. It’s nothing to worry about. c. It is smart and interesting. d. It was good for McDonald’s. AFTER YOU READ C. Multiple Choice Circle the answers. P.24 P.25 P.26

35 35 WRITING same sandwich park lunch universitysalad largefriesjust friendly Julio’sorder losegreen rice

36 36 WRITING U H H U H U H U H U U H Jeremy steaktasty tacoslasagnadoughnuts deliciousdurian terriblevegetables (Sample Answer)

37 37 The End

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