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Helpful Bacteria Most types of bacteria are not harmful and do not cause disease. Bacteria are needed to make cheese, butter, yogurt, vinegar, sour cream,

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Presentation on theme: "Helpful Bacteria Most types of bacteria are not harmful and do not cause disease. Bacteria are needed to make cheese, butter, yogurt, vinegar, sour cream,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Helpful Bacteria Most types of bacteria are not harmful and do not cause disease. Bacteria are needed to make cheese, butter, yogurt, vinegar, sour cream, acetone and to grow alfalfa Nitrogen-fixing bacteria help turn nitrogen into food that plants can use.

2 Harmful Bacteria A few bacteria can cause trouble
Examples: food spoilage, diseases of people, farm animals, pets, and crops Food spoilage can be prevented by correctly heating, drying, salting or smoking foods

3 Human diseases caused by bacteria include
Pneumonia Diphtheria Tuberculosis Whooping Cough Bacterial disease can be treated with antibiotics

4 Animal diseases caused by bacteria include anthrax and cholera
Plant diseases include fire blight and soft rot.

5 Quiz Time

6 Question 1 It’s safe to hold food at room temperature for a short time? True False

7 Question 2 Which is the best board to use for chopping foods? Wood

8 Question 3 Which is the LEAST likely to increase your risk of food poisoning when added to a dish? Tuna Chicken Salami Mayonnaise

9 Question 4 When freezing at home, you should rewrap store bought meat in new packaging? True False

10 Question 5 An older person is more vulnerable to food borne illness than a younger person? True False

11 Question 6 Which are the best ways to thaw food? In the refrigerator
Under cold running water Under warm running water On the counter In the microwave

12 Question 7 How long can leftover cooked meat or poultry be saved in the refrigerator? 7 to 10 days 5 to 7 days 3 to 4 days Overnight

13 Question 8 Where is food poisoning most likely to occur? Home

14 Question 9 Raw seafood poses little risk of food poisoning? True False

15 Question10 How long can unopened processed meats like hot dogs and lunch meat be refrigerated? 3 days 5 to 7 days 2 weeks 3 to 4 weeks

16 Question 11 It’s safe to keep hard boiled eggs at room temperature?
True False

17 Question 12 How long will food keep in a full freezer if your power goes out? 12 hours 1 day 2 days 3 days

18 Rate Your Food Safety Knowledge
10 to 12 Not much gets by you when it comes to food safety 7 to 9 You’re on the right track. Just brush up on a few basics. 0 to 6 Food safety isn’t your strong suite right now, but you’ve made a start by taking this quiz

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