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7B Unit4 Amazing things Integrated skills. Do you know anything amazing about animals?

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Presentation on theme: "7B Unit4 Amazing things Integrated skills. Do you know anything amazing about animals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 7B Unit4 Amazing things Integrated skills

2 Do you know anything amazing about animals?

3 Dogs love bones. They can bark. They can smell very well. bones

4 Cats love mice and fish. They can miaow.

5 ants They are busy and hard-working. They can also smell very well

6 the biggest living animal on land elephant Elephants walk on tiptoe.

7 giraffe a long neck the tallest animal on land neck

8 boat in the desert( 沙漠 ) camel

9 tortoise a long life

10 was was born in 1830 weighed weighed about 150 kg the oldest tortoise in history

11 Fish sleep with their eyes open. goldfish eyelid 眼睑

12 giraffecamelanttortoise

13 seven 150 three smell dogs

14 Complete the letter on page 71 with the notes on page 70.

15 Dear Mr. Wu Thank you for your help. Now, I know more about animals. I can see that they can be very pretty and lovely. I told my friends that a _______has seven bones in its long_____. My friends found it interesting too. I still remember your words about tortoises.I still cannot believe that a _______ can live up to ____ years. It is really amazing. It is also interesting to know that each eye of a _____ has ____ eyelids. I now understand why my mother always tells me to clean the table after a meal---I know ants can smell things as well as _____can. Now, I am not afraid of animals any more. I want to learn more about them. Suzy giraffe neck tortoise 150 camel three dogs A thank-you letter

16 1.tortoise can live up to 150 years old. up to: 直到 Read up to page 100. 读到第 100 页。 Count up to ten slowly. 慢慢地数到 10 。 2.each of their eyes has three eyelids. Each of us ______ (like) English very much. likes

17 3.Ants can smell things as well as dogs can. 蚂蚁的嗅觉和狗一样灵敏。 4.I understand more about animals. I understand a lot about animals.

18 5.I can see that they can be very pretty and lovely. See: 明白,领会,理解, 认识 6.My friends found it interesting. I find English interesting and easy. We found her friendly and kind. We found her a nice girl. find sb. +adj./n.

19 7.It’s also interesting to know that each eye of a camel has three eyelids. It’s very useful to practise speaking English every day. It’s very important to study English well. It’s +adj. to do sth. 很容易就能找到那个邮局。 It’s very easy to find the post office.

20 8. Thank you for… Thank you for your flowers. Thank you for cleaning the room. 9. more about 更多关于 …… I want to know more about giraffes. 10. remember one’s words Can you remember the teacher’s words? 11.believe 相信 I believe that he is right.

21 12.It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds. It says that 据说 It says that we are going to have a two-day holiday this week. It says that you came first in the exam.

22 13.They don’t know what happened to them three seconds ago. What happened to you just now? Something terrible happened to the little girl. Sth. happen to sb. 某人出了某事。 你知道那小男孩出了什么事吗? Do you know what happened to the little boy?

23 14.during our lives.(during : prep. 在 … 期间) during her life during the summer during the afternoon

24 2. Can goldfish remember things very well? 3. How much food can a person eat during his life? Listen and speak up 1.What amazing things are mentioned( 提及) in the conversation? No. They can only remember things for three seconds. 27,000 kilos of food Goldfish and people.

25 2. A tortoise can live up to 150 years old. 3.Each of camels’ eyes has three eyelids. 4.Ants can smell things as well as dogs. 1.A giraffe has seven bones in its long neck. Speak up: talking about amazing things 5.Goldfish can only remember things for three seconds.

26 Translate the following phrases a. 令人惊异的事物、 b. 活到 90 岁 c. 记得 d. 更多关于 … e. 害怕 f. 告诉某人做某事 amazing things live up to 90 years oldremember more about… be afraid of tell … to… Fill in the blanks using the phrases 1.Do you ________ the words of your mother ? 2.When I have my own child, I can understand ____ ____ my parents. 3. It tells us how to ___ ___ ___ ____years old. 4. They’re talking about some _____ ______ in the world. 5. My parents often ____ me____ study hard. 6. She ___ _____ ____the dark so she turns on all the lights. remember more about live up to 90 amazing things tell to is afraid of

27 Translate: 1. 同学们想对地球了解更多。 The students want________________________ the Sun. 2. 你知道鱼睁着眼睛睡觉吗? Do you know that___________________________________? 3. 他们再也不怕蛇了。 They ____________________snakes __________________. 4. 他画画和他哥哥一样好。 He can draw pictures ___________________his brother can. 5. 谢谢你告诉我这些有趣的事。 Thank you for ______________________________________. to learn more about fish sleep with their eyes open are not afraid of any more as well as telling me the interesting things

28 A B DC

29 Animal Song Camel, camel, camel, camel, boat of desert, boat of desert, has six eyelids, has six eyelids. How amazing! How amazing! Giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, grass for food, grass for food, has a long neck, has a long neck, How lovely! How lovely! Tortoise, tortoise, tortoise, tortoise, moves slowly, moves slowly, lives for years, lives for years. How surprising! How surprising! Let’s sing

30 Summary 爱动物,爱自然!

31 1.Surf on the Internet for more amazing things about living things. 2. Write a thank-you letter to your teacher.


33 I live on land. 60 I look for food in the morning or in the evening. 50 I have a long tongue( 舌头 ), but I can’t make a sound. 40 I have four long legs and two big eyes. 30 I live in groups in Africa( 非 洲 ). 20 I have a long neck with seven bones in it. 10 0 giraffe

34 Many people have me as a pet at home. 60 I lay eggs, but I never take care of my babies. 50 Sometimes I stay in water, but sometimes I stay on land. 40 I have a hard shell( 壳 ). 30 I move slowly, but once I ran faster than the rabbit. 20 I can live up to 150 years old.10 0 tortoise

35 I have a tail. 60 I live in rivers but often people have me at home. 50 I can swim. 40 My color is unusual. 30 I can only remember things for three seconds. 20 I sleep with my eyes open. 10 0 goldfish

36 I am smart. 60 I am very small. 50 I am weak. 40 I am very hard-working. 30 If I work together with my friends, we are strong. 20 I can smell things as well as dogs. 10 0 ant

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