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Material Taken From: Mathematics for the international student Mathematical Studies SL Mal Coad, Glen Whiffen, John Owen, Robert Haese, Sandra Haese.

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Presentation on theme: "Material Taken From: Mathematics for the international student Mathematical Studies SL Mal Coad, Glen Whiffen, John Owen, Robert Haese, Sandra Haese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Material Taken From: Mathematics for the international student Mathematical Studies SL Mal Coad, Glen Whiffen, John Owen, Robert Haese, Sandra Haese and Mark Bruce Haese and Haese Publications, 2004

2 Converting worded statements into symbols,
Chapter 15A - Propositions Mathematical Logic Converting worded statements into symbols, then applying rules of deduction. Example of deductive reasoning: All teachers are poor. I am a teacher. By using logic, it follows that I am poor.

3 Logic, unlike natural language, is precise and exact.
Logic is useful in computers and artificial intelligence where there is a need to represent the problems we wish to solve using symbolic language. BrainPop – Binary Video

4 For each of these statements, list the students for which the statement is true:
I am wearing a green shirt. I am not wearing a green shirt I am wearing a green shirt and green pants. I am wearing a green shirt or green pants. I am wearing a green shirt or green pants, but not both.

5 Propositions Statements which may be true or false.
Page 496 in the text. Questions are not propositions. Comments or opinions are not propositions. Example: ‘Green is a nice color’ is subjective; it is not definitely true or false. Propositions may be indeterminate. Example: ‘your father is 177 cm tall’ would not have the same answer (true or false) for all people. The truth value of a proposition is whether it is true or false.

6 Which of the following statements are propositions?
Example 1 Which of the following statements are propositions? If they are propositions, are they true, false, or indeterminate? 20  4 = 80 25 × 8 = 200 Where is my pen? Your eyes are blue.

7 Notation We represent propositions by letters such as p, q and r.
For example: p: It always rains on Tuesdays. q: = 46 r: x is an even number.

8 Negation The negation of a proposition p is “not p” and is written as ¬p. The truth value of ¬p is the opposite of the truth value of p. For example: p: It is Monday. ¬p: It is not Monday. q: Tim has brown hair. ¬q: Tim does not have brown hair.

9 Truth Tables Using the example: p: It is Monday. ¬p: It is not Monday.

10 Find the negation of: x is a dog for x  {dogs, cats} x ≥ 2 for x  N
Example 2 Find the negation of: x is a dog for x  {dogs, cats} x ≥ 2 for x  N x ≥ 2 for x  Z Example 2 on page 532 of 2nd edition Skip example 3 (and corresponding practice problems) on page 533 of 2nd edition

11 Compound propositions Statements which are formed using ‘and’ or ‘or.’
Section 15B - Compound Propositions Compound propositions Statements which are formed using ‘and’ or ‘or.’ ‘and’  conjunction notation: p  q ‘or’  disjunction notation: p q

12 Conjunction vs. Disjunction Examples
p: Frank played tennis today q: Frank played golf today. p  q: p  q is true if one or both propositions are true. p  q is false only if both propositions are false. p: Eli had soup for lunch q: Eli had a pie for lunch. p  q: p  q is only true if both original propositions are true.

13 Conjunction/Disjunction and Truth Tables
p q p  q p  q T F

14 Conjunction/Disjunction and Venn Diagrams
Suppose P is the truth set of p, and Q is the truth set of q. P  Q the truth set for pq is PQ P Q the truth set for pq is PQ U P  Q

15 Write p  q for the following : p: Kim has brown hair,
Examples 3 and 4 Write p  q for the following : p: Kim has brown hair, q: Kim has blue eyes Determine whether p  q is true or false: p: A square has four sides, q: A triangle has five sides These examples are from Haese & Harris, Math Studies, 2nd edition, Exercise 17B.1, #1d, #2b

16 Determine whether p  q is true or false
Examples 5 and 6 Determine whether p  q is true or false p: There are 100 in a right angle, q: There are 180 on a straight line. Write the disjunction p  q for p: x is a multiple of 2, q: x is a multiple of 5. These examples are from Haese & Harris, Math Studies, 2nd edition, Exercise 17B.2 #1b, #2b

17 means “p or q, but not both” For example,
Exclusive Disjunction Is true when only one of the propositions is true. notation: means “p or q, but not both” For example, p: Sally ate cereal for breakfast q: Sally ate toast for breakfast p q p  q T F

18 Exclusive Disjunction
In Logic ‘or’ is usually given in the inclusive sense. “p or q or both” If the exclusive disjunction is meant, then it’ll be stated. “p or q, but not both’ or “exactly one of p or q”

19 Write the exclusive disjunction for
Example 7 Write the exclusive disjunction for p: Ann will invite Kate to her party, q: Ann will invite Tracy to her party. These examples are from Haese & Harris, Math Studies, 2nd edition, Exercise 17B.2 #3b

20 Consider r: Kelly is a good driver, and s: Kelly has a good car.
Examples 8 and 9 Consider r: Kelly is a good driver, and s: Kelly has a good car. Write in symbolic form: Kelly is a good driver and has a good car. Kelly is not a good driver or has a good car. Consider x: Sergio would like to go swimming tomorrow, and y: Sergio would like to go bowling tomorrow Sergio would not like to go both swimming and bowling tomorrow. These examples are from Haese & Harris, Math Studies, 2nd edition, Exercise 17B.2 #5b, #6d

21 Define appropriate propositions and then write in symbolic form:
Example 10 Define appropriate propositions and then write in symbolic form: Phillip likes ice cream or Phillip does not like Jell-O – These examples are from Haese & Harris, Math Studies, 2nd edition, Exercise 17B.2 #7b

22 Homework (from 2nd edition)
17A.1 (every other problem) #1, #2, #4, #5 17B.1 (every other problem) #1, #2 17B.2 #1ac, #2ad, #3a, #6ace, #7aeg, #11

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