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(it’s NOT just “breathing”. It is also the by our cells!) it allows exchange of outside air and our circulatory system (blood transport) 2 Definition-

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2 (it’s NOT just “breathing”. It is also the by our cells!) it allows exchange of outside air and our circulatory system (blood transport) 2 Definition- release of energy the exchange of CO 2 and O 2 AND it’s also the production of energy (ATP)

3  Occurs in all cells of all organisms  ATP is the molecule all life uses for energy  No organism can get energy from sunlight or sugar without putting the energy into ATP.

4 Oxygen + food ATP (energy) + carbon dioxide + water O 2 + glucose ATP + CO 2 + H 2 O FORMULA MEANING: The body takes in O 2 and food (glucose) to produce ATP (energy). The body then gives off CO 2 and H 2 O as waste The RESPIRATORY SYSTEM must work with the SYSTEM so that the oxygen can be (Reactants) (Products) 4 CIRCULATORY transported to cells and CO 2 can be taken away from cells !


6 AerobicAnaerobic vs. Uses oxygen to release energy from food (36 ATP) Ex. Fish, humans, dogs Ex. Yeast, bacteria, human muscle Does not use oxygen to release energy (2 ATP); AKA fermentation, lactic acid production 6

7  uses O 2  Used by most organisms  Occurs in the mitochondria  Breakdown of glucose  Is efficient (makes more ATP per glucose)

8 8 Remember they are the “powerhouse” In the mitochondria of ALL plant & animal cells of the cell!

9  Absence of O 2  Used by some simple organisms (yeast and bacteria)  Occurs in the cytoplasm  Partial breakdown of glucose  Less efficient (less ATP)

10 Depending on what type of organism you are, you create different products after respiring in the absence of oxygen. If you are a:  Human cell, you produce (makes your muscles burn)  bacteria cell used in making cheese & yogurt,  yeast cell used in baking and brewing, ATP and CO2 and H2O 2 ATP and CO2 and alcohol glucose lactic acid + 2ATP glucose CO2 +H2O+ 2ATP glucose alcohol + CO2+ 2ATP 2 ATP and lactic acid you produce

11  Cristae in mitochondria provide a large surface area for the series of reactions that occur during aerobic respiration  Anaerobic Phase”- glycolysis (break down of glucose) occurs in the cytoplasm  Aerobic Phase”- occurs in the mitochondria  End Products: 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + 36 ATP

12 end products: 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + 36 ATP

13 C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 CO 2 +H 2 O + 36 ATP (aerobic) C 6 H 12 O 6 lactic acid + 2ATP (anaerobic } humans and bacteria) C 6 H 12 O 6 ethyl alcohol + CO 2 + 2 ATP (anaerobic } bacteria and yeast)



16  Obtaining & processing materials needed for energy, growth, repair, and regulation  2 types: › Autotrophic- › Heterotrophic- makes own food takes in preformed organic compounds

17  Ability of most plants and some monerans and protists (algae) to manufacture organic compounds from inorganic raw materials

18  Photosynthesis- capturing and transforming energy from the sun into chemical energy. Light energy Glucose (sun) (Chemical energy)  Small molecules of glucose are synthesized into large starch molecules.

19 1. Temperature 2. PH 3. CO 2 & water level 4. Light availability

20  Chlorophyll absorbs and and reflects  “Plants are Patriotic.” red blue green (that’s why we see the green in plants).

21  Veins (Fibrovascular bundle) › Transport materials through leaf › Xylem transports › Phloem transports  Guard Cells -regulate the opening and closing of stomates (openings for passage of gases and water) water food/glucose

22  When filled with water =  When water lost =  Life Function=  Controls water and gases enter and exit in the leaf open closed regulation..\biomovies\sto

23  Inorganic Organic  Light Energy Chemical Energy  Reactants Products Equation

24 6CO 2 + 12H 2 O C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6H 2 O + 6O 2 Photosynthesis (light!) Respiration 36 ATP  Respiration and Photosynthesis are opposite processes.

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