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Consumer Behavior and the Internet

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1 Consumer Behavior and the Internet
Lecture 4 Dr. Andrews

2 Stages of Buying “Hierarchy of Effects”
Create awareness: Create interest: Develop desire: Create conviction: Induce action (behavior): Reduce cognitive dissonance (behavior): Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation Alternatives Purchase Decision Post-Purchase Evaluation Dr. Andrews

3 Product Purchasing Consumer Decision Process
Perception Attitudes Motivation Learning Cultural and Social Factors Continue Rejection Family Marketing Messages Later Adoption Rejection Reference Groups, etc. Knowledge Interest/Desire Buy Decision Adoption Continued Adoption Option of buying online, in store or through catalog. Discontinue- uance Dr. Andrews

4 Product Purchasing Organization Decision Process
Marketing Opportunities Key issues: Power bases for internal buyers Nature of group decision making Extended time and contacts to build relationships/trust Make roles to content with: Users Influencers Deciders Gatekeepers Buyers Precipitation Product Specification Supplier Selection Straight buy (repeat purchase) Modified buy New task Commitment Negotiation and agreement on price, delivery, quality and other criteria Dr. Andrews

5 15 fundamental desires Extent and intensity of needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-actualization Curiosity, independence Status/Recognition Social prestige, power Belonging Honor, social contact, family, citizenship, fear of social rejection Safety Avoidance of pain, need for order Physiological Food, sex, physical activity Dr. Andrews

6 External Influences on Consumer Buying Habits
Social Class Culture Reference Groups Opinion Leaders Dr. Andrews

7 The Internet Market Countries with over 40% penetration (p215)
US demographic segments 76%= ages; 25% = over 50 50% men & women (why only in US?) Average income $50K+/household Occupation: now all types; fastest growing homemakers, service workers, sales people Teens & children: YES! (75%-65%); not impressed with brand names; utility and activities Ethnic groups: African Americans, Hispanics and Chinese Americans fastest growing Differently disabled: a niche market Dr. Andrews

8 Characteristics of internet users
Positive attitude toward technology Online skill & experience Men more positive Ability to read More goal oriented than experience oriented 70% have convenience or price orientation plus trust Life style dictates interests and needs for internet Dr. Andrews

9 How do people use the Internet ?
Relationships: , online community, chat, instant messaging, sending cards Entertainment: Browsing, gaming, music Media consumption: news, weather, sports scores and radio broadcasts; cannibalization? Information gathering: search engines Buy & shop for products: 15% online purchases; >50% of all users; Will this % grow? Dr. Andrews

10 When do people use the internet Behavioral Trends & Expectation issues
Information overload Bunkering Dissolving boundaries between home & work Convenience (24X7 expected) Multi-tasking and time poverty Demanding of customer service – high expectations All channels should produce the same information and access for shopping (want self-service plus pampering) Personalization required with ease of use Dr. Andrews

11 Why do people not use the internet? External issues
Cultural & social issues Need to “experience” the product No tradition of direct mail and catalog ordering Payment problems – credit cards, electronic checks vs. cash Don’t know how to use the internet Technological issues Slow & unreliable internet connections Device preferences (e.g., wireless vs. PC) Local call “metering” vs. flat rate Unreliable postal service Security and privacy Legal & political issues Government censorship Dr. Andrews

12 Why do people abandon online purchases?
Technology failures – 88% Page took too long to load (48%) System crashed (26%) Site would not accept my credit care (9%) Site made an unauthorized charge to credit care (5%) Web site design failures – 65% Site was confusing (45%) Had to contact customer service (20%) Infrastructure business failures – 65% Product not available (32%) Product took too long to arrive (15%) Returned the product (10%) Ordered, but never came (4%) Wrong product arrived and couldn’t return it (4%) Strauss et al., 201 Dr. Andrews

13 Pre-purchase inspection of goods Security of payment
Peer-reviewed Research: Attributes that affect choice of online or store purchase Pre-purchase inspection of goods Security of payment Prompt access to goods bought Easy exchange and return Post-purchase customer service Internet experience & catalog experience Let’s look at what the peer-reviewed literature is saying…about online purchasing experiences that affect Marketing on the Internet. . Recent research by Lohse, Bellman and Johnson Dr. Andrews

14 Internet Product Dilemmas
Low Touch/Search High Touch/Experience Taste Based Low High Tangible Product evaluation difficulty Intangible service evaluation difficulty This is not a web phenomena! We bring it with us from the physical world Name some products/services in each category? Where do these fit? Museums, cars, toothpaste, movies, posters, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, antique jewelry, camcorders, palm pilots? Marketers job is said to make the intangible into a tangible? How is this possible? On the web, what problems do we encounter? (e.g., turn everything into a search good) Do all people consider the same products to fit into the same categories? The importance of customer research to know if what you are selling is considered a low touch or taste based product by your target market. It tells you a lot about the kind and extent of personalization needed to market online. Amount of customer involvement needed to make the “right” purchasing decision Dr. Andrews

15 Issues for Online Purchasing Affecting Marketing Strategy
Trust Mechanical difficulties Social risk Customer service & support Interface design Security and personal privacy Search attributes and pricing Dr. Andrews

16 Market Research Resources
Internal Internal customer purchase histories and point of purchase data Sales representative feedback Secondary Data published by others about demographic trends, competitors, technological forces, natural resources, social & cultural trends, economic trends, legal and political trends Public data and private data (p ) Primary Offline and online techniques Dr. Andrews

17 Primary Market Research Tools
Motivational Research (online & Offline) Observation One-on-one interviews Focus group interviews Sensitivity panels Questionnaire surveys Research Areas Product Pricing Distribution (logistics and channels) Marketing communications Discuss Motivation Research These techniques in light of the Internet Sampling issues Product: comparative testing against competitive products test marketing under real market conditions concept testing and development idea general and screening of ideas product elimination/simplification brand positioning and re-positioning product enhancement and improvement Pricing (getting the price right): what kind of price consumers associate with different product variations (e.g. packaging), establish market segments in relation to price, establish price elasticity of demand, identify extent of price/quality relationship, investigate the promotional aspects of price, discounts for bulk purchases, competitive response to price changes Get people to “purchase” and become loyal users of the website Get to the website the first time Engage people in the website so they will return Dr. Andrews

18 Marketing on the Internet
Internet Marketing Techniques Get people to “purchase” and become loyal users of the website Get to the website the first time Engage people in the website so they will return Dr. Andrews

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