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Ch. 12 Technology in Social Studies Rudi Roberson Allison Jones Ke Shanda Golden Tonia Collier-Ross.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 12 Technology in Social Studies Rudi Roberson Allison Jones Ke Shanda Golden Tonia Collier-Ross."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 12 Technology in Social Studies Rudi Roberson Allison Jones Ke Shanda Golden Tonia Collier-Ross

2 Dilemmas in Teaching Social Studies Effectively Social studies topics are not included in state assessments School resources such as technology materials tend to be directed toward other content areas The sheer amount of material to review is also a concern Technology Cost of high-quality resources

3 The “History Wars” and Other Debates on the Content and Focus of Social Studies Some critics feel schools should focus on teaching history and civics rather than covering social studies topics Perils of the Information Explosion Internet information alter teacher and student relationship

4 Electronic Research Internet sources give students and teachers up-to-date information Information summaries and examples of data pictures help students learn to analyze information in both graphic and text forms

5 Technology Integration Strategies for Social Studies Instruction Adventure Learning Virtual Field Trips Geocaching Treasure Hunt “Live Through” Webquest Geospatial Technologies Economic Principles Electrical Storytelling VoiceThread Digital Cameras

6 GPA - GIS - GEOCACHING Global Positioning System (GPS)Global Positioning System (GPS) Geographic Information System (GIS)Geographic Information System (GIS) A.(a computer system ) A.(a computer system that is able to store in a database a variety if information about geographic locations and display the data in map form) GeocachingGeocaching A.(High tech treasure hunt)

7 Issues and Problems in Social Studies Instruction Theme 1: Culture Theme 2: Time, continuity, and change Theme 3: People, places, and environments Theme 4: Individual development and identity Theme 5: Individuals, groups and institutions Theme 6: Power, authority, and governance Theme 7: Production, distribution, and consumption Theme 8: Science, technology, and society Theme 9: Global connections Theme 10: Civic ideals and practices

8 Digital Storytelling Process of using images and audio to tell stories of lives, events, or eras Digital images in social studies can accomplish the following purposes: 1.Assist students in comparing and contrasting the past and the present 2.Sensitize students to diverse perspectives and biases 3.Provide visual cues that reinforce geographic concepts 4.Represent abstract and concrete social studies concepts 5.Foster skills in analysis and critical thinking 6.Facilitate greater connections to the community 7.Personalize associations with the study of geography, history, economics government, and other related disciplines

9 Practice of Factual Information Students use game software to help them learn and remember important facts Places the content in the context of a show game in which the whole class can participate i.For example, Classroom Jeopardy

10 What does a TPACK look like in Social Studies Education? What is TPACK? Issues and problems in social studies instructions: methods of addressing social studies instruction standards. NCSS standards

11 Technology Integration Strategies for Social Studies Instruction Graphic representations Virtual trips

12 End of Chapter 12

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