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Published byRosalyn Welch Modified over 9 years ago
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCTION KING SAUD UNIVERSITY CAMS DEPARTMENT\ HE SOCIAL CONCEPT OF HEALTH EDUCATION SERVICES Remember by “ Promote and Help Others To …….. ? (Johali 1 SCHE 2014) SOCIAL CONCEPT OF HEALTH EDUCATION SERVICES Remember by “ Promote and Help Others To …….. ? (Johali 1 SCHE 2014) CHS383Johali1SCHE 20141 EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The Healthy Individual Health Family and Society Johali 2 nd Step To Holistic Saudi HE & Happiness Society
Johali1SCHE 2014 EISA ALI JOHALI عيسى بن علي الجوحلي A Lecturer Bachelor A. M. Sc. Heath Education, KSU 1407 /1987 Bachelor A. M. Sc. Heath Education, KSU 1407 /1987 Short Fellowship Planning Health Professions Education, UIC, USA 199Short Fellowship Planning Health Professions Education, UIC, USA 199 MA (Ed.) Philosophies and Sciences of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum in Nursing, UK 1995MA (Ed.) Philosophies and Sciences of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum in Nursing, UK 1995 PhD Health Sciences By Accrediting Prior Experiences, Hill University Sept. 2012PhD Health Sciences By Accrediting Prior Experiences, Hill University Sept. 2012 Author of Two Published Books & 3 Projected WL Messengers SCHE 2014 Dr. Eisa Johali بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم CHS3832
Johali1SCHE 20143 CHS383 Promontory Social Concept (Context) of Health Education (CHS 383) is the 2 nd course I teach to you. It is one of basic health education courses after the principles (CHS282) that I taught you last semester & the CHS 232. Therefore you have to recall what you have been taught in these two courses. Meanwhile you have to think that you are going to use these knowledge, attitudes and skills in the next courses and your future education and profession
My role is to promote and help to be ready and willing to have meaningful lifelong learning" But I can't think instead of you…You have to.." The above statement is the summary of my teaching philosophy. Based on my postgraduate education and its following experiential earning "Student Centered" is my favorite approach. However, we have no choice; we have to follow our higher national educational system and its procedures with slightly modification to achieve the above vision. As an introduction to my teaching philosophy in my teaching and learning plan, lecture, assignments instructions and student assessment feedback, I use the most related Islamic teachings and Arabic Proverbs that can motivate and promote my students be active, independent thinker, honest and creative hard workers to satisfy themselves, their relatives and patients. The most motivating statements SUCH AS: وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا * وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لاَ يَحْتَسِبُ [الطلاق/2، 3] إِنْ تَتَّقُوا اللهَ يَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ فُرْقَانًا [الأنفال/29]. وقول رسوله الكريم نبينا ”محمد“ عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام، عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه: ( لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه) أخرجه البخاري وقوله صلى الله علية وسلم (كان الله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه) رواه مسلم وأبو داود والترمذي These Islamic Calls are our Evidences to assure Quality of Profession; Quality of NHEPC & Quality of Life today and for the Day after. Meanwhile, do not forget the most common Arab Proverb: “Nothing Itching Your Skin like Your Nail” All the Learners will success; Except the one Who DO NOT Welling to Success” – mainly absent and who don’t care Thus, “Be Ready and Willing to Success You Will Success ” As I have taught you in CHS 282, I hope that you will be ‘learner who have to think, discover, reflect and be independent creative note taker and health educator, not just traditional ‘teacher dependent student’ who may not care to listen, hear, memorize and sure forget. Lecturer Philosophy CHS383 4 Johali1SCHE 2014
CHS 383 Course Description & L Objectives CHS383 5 Johali1SCHE 2014 Course ( code and NO): (CHS 383)Course title: Social Concept of Health Education Credit hours:3 (2+1)Level:6 Contact hours:5Prerequisite:CHS 282, CHS 232 After its briefly historical overview and comparative introductory to society, social and cultural context of health in Islam and worldwide. This course will explore the WHO and worldwide social determinants of health and their circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age, as well as the systems put in place to deal with illness. These circumstances are in turn shaped by a wider set of forces: religious, economics, social policies, and politics (WHO Social Determinants of Health Key Concepts ; Finally, it will promote the learners to explore the recent contribution of behavioral sciences and behavioral change in holistic social and community health education & promotion (; and other live discussion topics) as they already studied the health behavior and theory of change in CHS 282…Social Determinants of Health Key Concepts Course Description
CHS 383 Course Description & L Objectives At the end of this course, the students will be able to: 1.Briefly overview of historical development of social and cultural context of HE in Islam and other societies 2.Defining related terms: Individual-Family- Society to Social and cultural terms 3.Explore the WHO and worldwide social determinants of health 4.Explore the most common social forces affecting health education 5.Explore and examine recent contribution of behavioral sciences and behavioral change 6.Help learners to develop empathy for and a collaborative stance toward individuals and populations with whom one will work in the field of 'public health = Community-Social Health Education'. 7.Promote interest in further study of the social and behavioral determinants of health. CHS3836Johali1SCHE 2014
Learning Objectives By Completing this course you will be able to: - - Probe the Reasons Behind CHS 232 - Acknowledge contribution of: - Social sciences in health education & promotion: individual, family and society - Behavioral sciences in health education & promotion - Identify social determinants of diseases. - Understand and Use the Basic Concepts of Social and Behavioral Theories & Social changes CHS3837Johali1SCHE 2014
Johali Teaching & Learning Plan – L Plan 8 Johali1SCHE 2014 TOPICS - Teaching and Learning Activités Hours (45) Weeks (15+) Presenting and discussion the Course Objectives and Teaching Plan Reasoning Why SCHE (The Place of SCHE in HE Profession JD& Education the Courses 41 st – 2 nd A Brief Historical Probing and Defining SCHE: Individual- Family –Society to Social in Islam and Worldwide 93 rd – 5 th WHO and worldwide social determinants of health MIDTERM EXAM 1 \ Plan of Smart Practical Assignments 96-8 th Social forces affecting health education99-11 th Recent contributions of behavioral sciences and behavioral change in holistic social and community health education & promotion MIDTERM EXAM 2 \ Submit-Present S. P. Assignments 910-12 th Live Discovery Topics SCHE \ Final Revision513-14 th FINAL EXAM15-16 th
J ohali Reasoning ( Why SCHE ? ) Health Educator Job Description Job Title : Health Education Specialist Scientific Degree : Bachelor Degree AMS. Job requirements : A Competent Graduate Bachelor in his / her Profession’s Specific Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge of health and educational issues, Effective teaching methods and technologies Effective Communication and Counseling Reported to: the Health Education Consultant Master\PhD Job Definition (Summary) : Health Education and Promotion job is a focal point for all allied health professions and health issues. Thus, HE have to work effectively with health teams, with community and organization representatives, they have to facilitate, teach and promote clients to learn how to improve and maintain healthy behaviors. Major Job Duties: As a part of the Health team and under the above “Reported” health personnel; HE will be in charge in the following “Duties and Responsibilities”: Assessing patients, school and community health education needs Managing and organizing health education activities. Participate in providing health education in the local community (Inside Health Services and outside organizations such schools and industries..); Select health education methodology appropriate to the target clients taken in consideration cultural interests and needs. Prepare and participate in designing, evaluation and development of health education materials Supervise and participate in process of designing and implementing health education plans. Give Special Patients Counseling eg; diabetic patient education Improve his/her personal and professional knowledge and skills. CHS3839Johali1SCHE 2014
Probe Historical HE Social Concepts & Defining Terms CHS38310Johali1SCHE 2014
From Course Title …What Do You Think The Most Related Terms Have To Be Define That Can Help You To Understand This Course ? ! Probe Social HE - Historical Overview & Define Terms CHS38311Johali1SCHE 2014
History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_(History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_(American) ) History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_() N2NiY/History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_powerpoint_ppt_pr esentation N2NiY/History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_powerpoint_ppt_pr esentation (Just look and think how “the Creative Lecturer l Health Educators “Write and Teach ) Probe Social HE - Historical Overview & Define Terms CHS38312Johali1SCHE 2014 One Learner Have To Present and Other Think
CHS38313Johali1SCHE 2014
Introduction to Social HE CHS38314Johali1SCHE 2014
Social Concepts in Islam FAMILY The family, which is the basic unit of civilization, is now disintegrating. Islam’s family system brings the rights of the husband, wife, children, and relatives into a fine equilibrium. It nourishes unselfish behavior, generosity, and love in the framework of a well-organized family system. The peace and security offered by a stable family unit is greatly valued, and it is seen as essential for the spiritual growth of its members. A harmonious social order is created by the existence of extended families and by treasuring children. CHS38315Johali1SCHE 2014
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A shorthand for the broad and complex array of social, political, economic, environmental and cultural factors which strongly impact health status and equity. “The structural determinants and conditions of daily life…responsible for a major part of health inequities……. Commission on the SDOH 'the distribution of power, income, goods and services, Locally, nationally, and globally…[and] the visible circumstances of people's lives - their access to high quality schools and education, their conditions of work and leisure, their homes, communities, towns and cities - and their chances of leading a flourishing life.' Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health: Commission on Social Determinants of Health final report. Geneva: World Health Organization Commission on Social Determinants of Health; 2008. Social Determinants of Health CHS383 18Johali1SCHE 2014
Economy SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH Urban Planning Schools/ Education Employment/ Job Quality Community Safety Housing Options Transportation Options Governance Economic Development Western Social Determinants of Health CHS38319 Johali1SCHE 2014 Think – Reflect By Proposed Your Islamic Social Determinants of Health
Conceptual Framework-Pathways & Entry Points Social Context Social stratification Exposure Social deprivation Unemployment Illiteracy Deprived neighborhoods Adverse intrauterine life Vulnerability Less access to: Health services Early detection Healthy food Outcomes Poverty Overcrowding Poor housing Consequences Rheumatic heart disease Chagas disease Lifetime exposure to advertising of fast foods, tobacco, vehicle use, disposable income, urban infrastructure, physical inactivity, high calorie intake, high salt intake, high saturated fat diet, tobacco use, lack of control over life and work, high deprivation neighborhoods Raised cholesterol, raised blood sugar, raised blood pressure, overweight, obesity, lack of access to health information, health services, social support and welfare assistance, poor health care-seeking behavior Higher incidence, frequent recurrences, higher case fatality, co morbidities High out-of-pocket expenditure, poor adherence, lower survival, loss of employment, loss of productivity and income, social and financial consequences, entrenchment in poverty, disability, poor quality of life Age Economic development, urbanization, globalization Equity, social determinants and public health programmes. Edited by Erik Blas and Anand Sivasankara Kurup 2010, 300 pages ISBN 978 92 4 156397 0 World Health Organization 2010 Determinants: a. Government policies: influencing social capital, infrastructure, transport, agriculture, food. b. Health policies at macro, health system and micro levels. c. Individual, household and community factors: use of health services, dietary practices, lifestyle. a Tobacco use c b b Obesity b a a b a CHS383 20 Johali1SCHE 2014 Differential
CHS38321 Johali1SCHE 2014
SSSSix broad intervention approaches SSSSocial and environmental conditions favorable to health, BBBBehavioral patterns that promote health, LLLLow population risk, FFFFew events and rare deaths, FFFFully functional capacity/low risk of recurrence, and GGGGood quality life until death Why Not Saudi Plan ?!! Texas Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke 2008 Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke 2008 Legislative Report CHS38322Johali1SCHE 2014
SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY Theories micro level Theories micro level ▪ Argumentation TheoryArgumentation Theory ▪ Cognitive Dissonance theoryCognitive Dissonance theory ▪ Elaboration Likelihood ModelElaboration Likelihood Model ▪ Model of Text ComprehensionModel of Text Comprehension ▪ SemioticsSemiotics ▪ Speech ActSpeech Act ▪ Uncertainty Reduction TheoryUncertainty Reduction Theory Theories macro level Theories macro level ▪ Agenda Setting TheoryAgenda Setting Theory ▪ Cultivation TheoryCultivation Theory ▪ Diffusion of Innovations TheoryDiffusion of Innovations Theory ▪ Hypodermic Needle TheoryHypodermic Needle Theory ▪ Medium TheoryMedium Theory ▪ PrimingPriming ▪ Spiral of SilenceSpiral of Silence ▪ Two Step Flow ThTwo Step Flow Th CHS38323Johali1SCHE 2014
24 al_cognitive_theory.doc/ SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY CHS38324Johali1SCHE 2014
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Very Interest Reference even not for us not logic History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_(American) History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_() History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_() N2NiY/History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_powerpoint _ppt_presentation N2NiY/History_of_Health_Education_and_Promotion_powerpoint _ppt_presentation (Just look and think how the Creative Lecturer Write and Teach ) CHS383Johali1SCHE 201438
References & Sources - Quran Kareem - -Erik Blas and Anand Sivasankara Kurup (Editors) 2010 Equity, social determinants and public health programmes (300 pages; ISBN 978 92 4 156397 0 ) World Health Organization 2010 CHS383Johali1SCHE 201439
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