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New EIC Peer Review Orientation

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1 New EIC Peer Review Orientation
Hilda Carman Los Alamitos, CA 11 October 2013

2 Agenda Overall review of the submission to publication cycle of a paper (see handout) Staff contacts – who handles what (Allen Press vs. CS coordinator responsibilities) Role of Associate EIC EICs as Authors Quarterly Editorial Board Updates Quarterly author survey reports (Trans only; see handouts) ScholarOne Manuscripts Reports (AE workload/performance), Tutorials, ScholarOne Ideas Bi-weekly overdue papers report (Trans only; see handouts) Plagiarism, Dual submissions, Author appeals Periodical Reviews (see handout) Submission to ePublication Reports Update Additional resources Questions? 4/21/2017

3 Staff contacts CS Publications Coordinators are Joyce Arnold & Kathleen Henry. To contact them directly, cs-staff1 or Joyce Kathleen •CG&A •Software •Pervasive Computing •Computer •S&P •CiSE •Annals •IC •MultiMedia •IS •Micro •ITPro •Trans on Computers •Trans on Dependable Security •Trans on Software Engineering •Trans on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence •Trans on Services Computing • Trans on Learning Technologies •Trans on Haptics •Trans on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics •Trans on Parallel & Distributed Systems •Trans on Knowledge & Data Engineering •Trans on Visualization & Computer Graphics •Trans on Mobile Computing •Trans on Cloud Computing •Trans on Emerging Topics on Computing •Trans on Affective Computing •CAL 4/21/2017

4 Staff contacts (cont.) 26 titles’ peer review administration are outsourced to Allen Press, Inc. Allen Press (AP) responsibilities include: •Peer review – daily communication with authors, reviewers, AE(IC)s, EICs via the titles’ accounts (i.e. •Collecting authors’ publication materials. •QC’ing all new submissions and revisions in ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M). •Assisting lead editors with special issue deadlines & coordinate special issue set-up. •Checking the monthly IEEE Prohibited Author List (PAL). CS Publications Coordinators responsibilities include: •Providing guidance & respond to AP queries. •Acting as S1M liaison for AP administrators (they report any S1M problems to us). •Contacting new editorial board members & tracking editorial board information. •Processing OnlinePlus/CD/Print orders •Tracking accepted queue & sub-to-pub time. •Providing statistical data for EICs. •Processing expense reports. 4/21/2017

5 Role of Associate EIC From the CS EIC Manual A.2 Associate EICs To lighten the administrative load on the EIC, to train a potential backup in case of EIC illness or other emergency, and to develop a pool of potential EIC candidates for future appointments, it's a good idea for each publication to have at least one associate EIC (AEIC). Some AEICs handle a specific category of responsibilities, such as organizing and scheduling special issues. Others troubleshoot problems, assist with regular columns, recruit reviewers, and handle miscellaneous tasks such as reporting on conferences and expediting the review process for outlier papers. However, it's up to the EIC to identify the specific tasks. An AEIC can be designated to temporarily replace the EIC by a written note to this effect from the EIC to the VP of Publications. 4/21/2017

6 EICs as Authors From the CS EIC Manual In an effort to ensure that no conflicts of interest, or any perception of conflicts of interest, arise during the publication process, EICs are strongly advised to refrain from submitting articles to their own periodicals while serving as EICs. IEEE policy regarding submissions by EICs to their own publication is found in Sections D.8 and A.2 in the IEEE PSPB. PSPB, D.8 Articles submitted by an editor or associate editor shall be handled by another member of the editorial board. 4/21/2017

7 EICs as Authors (cont.) PSPB, 8.2.2.A.2
Handling of Articles Authored by Publications Volunteers Editorial responsibility and authority for any article authored by an editor a nd submitted to the editor’s publication shall be delegated to another qualified person. Editorial consideration of the article in any way or form by the author-editor shall constitute a conflict of interest and is therefore improper. All editors and referees shall immediately disqualify themselves from review of articles in which there exists a conflict of interest. Editors and other volunteers involved in IEEE periodicals shall not abuse access privileges to obtain confidential information, particularly about the review results of their own articles. Intentional unauthorized access to confidential information about an IEEE publication shall be considered an act of misconduct, and suspected misuse of access shall be reported to the volunteer leader of the sponsoring organizational unit and to the PSPB Chair. The PSPB Chair shall be the IEEE Officer with cognizance of the case process, will oversee any investigation, and will be responsible for adjudication. 4/21/2017

8 Quarterly Editorial Board Updates

9 ScholarOne Manuscripts reports
There are two Cognos reports that can provide you with your AEs’ current workload status. *Manuscripts in Process *Manuscripts Undergoing Review They differ slightly in their fields, but they both show all papers currently in process without a decision, and the editor is listed for each. You need to sort by editor once the report is in Excel to see how many papers each editor is currently handling.

10 ScholarOne Online Tutorials
EICs & Editors can access free training materials at,

11 ScholarOne Ideas ScholarOne released a client-only community-driven ideas portal, called SCHOLARONE IDEAS. Using this portal, ScholarOne Manuscripts Administrators and Editors can post product recommendations or ideas, comment on other people’s product ideas, vote to promote or demote ideas, and view the ideas in a particular category.   ScholarOne Ideas will make it easier for users to provide detailed information to accompany their suggestions, see what others are recommending and where an idea rates in terms of popularity, and stay informed of when ideas are picked up for future releases.  Additionally, if you would like to join the community of users submitting ideas directly to ScholarOne Ideas, you can find more information about accessing the portal below: -How to use ScholarOne Ideas:  -Submit and Vote on Ideas: 4/21/2017

12 Plagiarism All plagiarism cases are directed to Jennifer Carruth, In ScholarOne Manuscripts Red color flag: Open Misconduct Cases The admin will mark the manuscript record in with this flag. All peer review is on hold until the investigation is complete. 4/21/2017

13 Dual submissions When investigating dual submissions we refer to section F.2 from the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual. The corrective action for the first offense of multiple submission/publication is to remind the author that failure to cite previous work is a poor scholarly practice (c.f. Sections B.9 and 8.2.9), and that repeated offenses could result in more severe corrective actions, including a one-year ban from submitting material to all IEEE publications. "a. In these cases corrective actions that shall be taken are: (1) Offending individual(s) will be reminded that the practice is considered inappropriate scholarly practice, referred to Sections B.9 and 8.2.9, and notified that repeated offenses could result in correction actions as specified in Section F.3.b.” On a case by case basis and depending on the EIC’s decision, if dual submission is found after a paper’s acceptance, it may still be published. 4/21/2017

14 Dual submissions (cont.)
When there is suspicion that papers may be dual submissions, the EIC, and whoever s/he wishes to assign to assist should compare the papers to make sure that they are indeed dual submissions. If one paper was submitted to a CS title but the other was submitted to an outside publication, the papers should be exchanged. The request may be sent by the EIC to the EIC of the other publication. After the exchange of papers and if dual submission is found, the paper(s) should be rejected by the EIC as an admin reject. The admin reject template letter in ScholarOne should be replaced by the following template (When the reject letter is sent, Jennifer Carruth, must be copied so that she can add the author to the warning list): Dear Authors, We have reviewed a complaint of multiple publication involving the following papers:     "PAPER 1 Information" and "PAPER 2 Information“ We have determined that there was a demonstrable multiple publication of material in these papers.   IEEE policy requires that authors only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication. We have reported this matter to the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Office. It is suggested that per Section F.2 from the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, the corrective action for the first offense of multiple submission/publication is to remind you that failure to cite previous work is a poor scholarly practice (c.f. Sections B.9 and 8.2.9), and that repeated offenses could result in more severe corrective actions, including a one-year ban from submitting material to all IEEE publications. The PSPB Operations Manual can be found online at addition, the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE IPR Office will keep a record of this case for future reference. 4/21/2017

15 Author appeals If an author appeals a decision made by the EIC, the appeal is sent directly to the EIC. In ScholarOne Manuscripts Purple color flag: Author appeal The admin will mark the manuscript record with this flag. Taking into account the reviews, the recommendation by the editor, and the authors' appeal, the EIC will respond to the appeal with his/her assessment and an explanation of why s/he is maintaining the decision or will allow it to undergo further consideration. If additional action is needed, we follow the policy as written in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual, section “In the event of a challenge to review or publishing actions which cannot be resolved at the sponsoring-Organizational Unit level, the Vice President - Publication Services and Products shall be the IEEE Officer with cognizance of the appeals process.” 4/21/2017

16 Additional resources Information available online:
Pubs Board - EIC Manual - IEEE PSPB manual - A few key policies can be found at: p. 82, Section B.5 & .9 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANUSCRIPT AUTHORS  p. 88, section Allegations of Misconduct  p. 90, section A.4 Complaints against editors (author appeals) p. 99, section F.2 Author Obligations to Cite Previous Work p. 100, section F.3 Author Obligations to Inform Editors of Previous Work Pubs Board alias, (informational for co-sponsored pubs only) 4/21/2017

17 4/21/2017

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