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Sound versus Graphics Sound vs Graphics 1) Sound is active, graphics are passive Respect to the behavior of the user interacting with media Sound – active,

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Presentation on theme: "Sound versus Graphics Sound vs Graphics 1) Sound is active, graphics are passive Respect to the behavior of the user interacting with media Sound – active,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Sound versus Graphics

3 Sound vs Graphics 1) Sound is active, graphics are passive Respect to the behavior of the user interacting with media Sound – active, User – passive ex) alarms, fire warnings, telephones, lift, reator meltdowns Graphics – passive, User –active - The user must actively look around the visual space, seeing and recognizing the information presented as graphics.

4 Sound vs Graphics Less true :when dealing with new media - The fact that the visual field is narrowed to just the screen does tend to give new media graphics more of a directed, active nature - Similar in some ways to television The dynamic nature and the orchestration of the programs on it makes it more of an active medium with passive users

5 Sound vs Graphics 2) Sound is non-localized, graphics are localized Graphics – context specific - be highly localized Sound - difficult to localize ex) classic three-phone problem See combinations of the two media, each one fulfilling the role –Sound with coupled with a flashing light –Banks of elevators

6 Sound vs Graphics 3) Sound is transient, graphics are permanent Sound - transient (plays once and then is gone) Repetitions and constant background sound :To give sound more of a permanent character Graphics - permanent

7 Sound vs Graphics 4) Sound is dynamic, graphics are static Sound – dynamic Different ways of approaching this relationship with time - be usedto transmit information or atmosphere with little or no relation to the actual time - have the other extreme Graphics - static

8 Sound vs Graphics 5) Notation Sound – difficult and complex to notate Graphics - do not need a notation

9 S ound in the real-world - 뉴 미디어에 대한 사운드 디자인을 생각하기 전에 앞서, 실제 생활 속에서의 다양한 소리들에 대해 둘러본다.

10 B abies and sound 시각적인 것에 대부분 의존하는 어른들과는 달리, 아이들에게는 보는 것과 듣는 것이 동등한 중요성을 가진다. 어른 : 아, 고양이다. 아이 : ( 야옹 야옹 ) 아, 고양이다.

11 S ilence 고요함은 소리의 공백을 나타낸다. 뉴 미디어 사운드 분야에서 중요한 부분을 차지.

12 N oise 별다른 정보를 포함하고 있지는 않다. 특정한 상황이 아니라면, 여러 소리들 가운데 묻혀버리는 하찮은 요소. -> Noise

13 P leasant sounds 듣기에 좋은 소리. 별다른 의미를 포함하고 있지 않아도, 듣는 사람의 기분에 큰 영향을 끼친다.

14 P hysical effects 어떤 소리들은 의미에 관계 없이 물질적인 영향을 끼친다. 이러한 소리들은 듣는 사람들에게 정신적, 육체적 악영향을 끼칠 수 있다. 예 ) 칠판으로 손톱 긁는 소리. 나이프로 접시 긁기.

15 E motive sound 소리에 의한 감정 표현은 의사소통에 있어서 중요한 부분을 차지한다. 예 ) 아이의 울음소리, 화가 나서 고함을 지르는 소리 등. 소음이 아니라도, 이러한 소리들은 때때로 하고자 하는 일을 방해할 때가 있다. 예 ) 음악을 들으며 공부를 하다가 음악에 심취해서 공부를 못했다. 영화를 보는데 뒷자리 커플의 애정행각 소리 때문에 집중하지 못했다.

16 S ound with meaning 명백한 의미를 가진 소리는 사람들에게 더욱 큰 영향을 미친다. 예 ) 차의 경적소리, 전화벨 소리 또한 전화기에서 울리는 벨 소리와 소방서에서 울리는 벨 소리가 다른 것처럼 소리에 담긴 의미에 따라 같은 소리라도 중요성이 달라진다.

17 S peech 말은 더욱 더 명확하고 뚜렷한 의미를 가진 소리. 때때로 말은 글보다 더 많은 정보를 포함한다. 나 지금 떨고 있니 ? 말의 억양, 호흡, 표정, 발음 등을 통해 말하는 사람의 상태를 예측할 수 있다.

18 Sound Technology

19 Technology for creating sound artificially Mechanical sounds Electronic generation of sound Combine the two threads of electronic sounds and computer technology Possible to do a lot with sound on the computer

20 Mechanical sounds ‘By accident’, either in nature or as an undesigned by product of everyday life Door bell, fire bell, clock bell, telephone bells… => The message being communicated is very basic ; Simple

21 Electronic generation of sound The main focus of the electronic sound was in electronic music Theremin Moog synthesizer

22 Combine the two threads of electronic sounds and computer technology The beep – the electronic variant of the eternal ‘Oi’ 오류 윈도우시작 윈도우종료 새 메세지

23 Nowdays… Increased storage and processing power have meant that it is possible to do a lot with sound on the computer.

24 Sound design Sound is a rich medium In technological terms the designer now has access to powerful sound-oriented tools The audience has sufficiently advanced technology to make the inclusion of sound in new media

25 Sound with meaning Methods of sound production : mechanical -> digital(computer- based,more flexible) Meaning of sound : 'Oi' -> new and complex meanings

26 Sound, graphics and animation Two good sources of guidance in sound design 1. sound (inspiration) 2. graphic design

27 Sound for changing states appropriate : sound > graphics ex) tresh can

28 Sound for events In the real world many actions and events are accompanied by a sound Animation : Sound is a very important role

29 Sound for navigation Sound can assist with navigation Creating virtual, 3D environments with stereo-sound

30 Metaphorical sounds When incorporating sounds into a new media system it is sometimes a good idea to adopt metaphorical sounds

31 Sound for realism Sound plays a part in trying to recreate real-world aspects of something within a new media system Sound adds a lot to the atmosphere within a computer game

32 Physical aspects of sound design As well as the higher-level points above, there are a few points to bear in mind on the lower levels of sound design

33 Volume Visual feedback is always confined to the screen and as such is local to the new media system Sound is not so easily localized and loud sounds can easily shock or confuse the user

34 Lead-in Shock factor of a sound 1, The volume has been dealt with above 2, The nature of the sound (dog : sneeze < angry ) 3, lead-in

35 Length Graphics -> spatial dimension Sound -> temporal dimension Designing sound sets Important : coherent, consistent, similarity Important : coherent, consistent, similarity

36 Physical attributes Irrespective of what the sounds are similarity : volume, pitch, length Important : consistency, balance

37 Associative attributes Approach is the theme of sound production 1. Similar physical ways ex) water - dripping, splashing, running.. 2. Collect sounds that are related nature of sound, context ex) factory environment - hooters, machine noises, switches...

38 How they combine 1. Design for a suite of sounds consideration 2. Any sounds discernible from background sounds 3. Visual equivalent of saying, cursor shape different from the background pattern

39 Using speech in new media

40 Introduction Easy store - why?

41 Parallel channels Ex) Training systems - visual channel - second channel

42 Assumed intelligence Drawback Ex1) 프로그래머와 교사간의 오해 - Class Ex2) 지식인과 비지식인간의 오해 - 한자 성어 or 영어

43 Ex1) 프로그래머와 교사간의 오해 서로 다른 것을 생각함

44 Ex2) 지식인과 비지식인간의 오해 말해도 못 알아 들음

45 User embarrassment Job-seeker’s web site

46 Slower interaction 해결방안 - Skip

47 Interference 1. External sound - Animation 2. Internal sound - Picture interference

48 Context Context = Hint Test - Encounter - Not independently

49 Sound and Speech as Primary Interaction

50 We can think - Environments, visually impaired user - shifting the focus from visual to sound - telephone-based, interactive systems

51 Text rules apply Speech ≒ text word chapter covering text for new media (chapter 3)

52 Text rules apply short and terminology that is being used 열려라 참깨 마이크로소프트 윈도우 XP 를 지원하는 컴퓨터 전원 켜기

53 Fewer choices - For short-term memory of users - minimum and limited - quickly listed for the user

54 Voice fragments 'patched together‘ Ex) 028 3642

55 Voice fragments - Making the building blocks bigger takes away some of these effects but it then means you need a bigger pool of building blocks.

56 Time problems Since all the interactions and choices have to be vocalized, there is a tendency for interactions to take a long time.

57 Time problems 해결방법 to explicitly offer the user the choice of interaction styles to allow the user to pre-emptany choices that are being offered so instead of waiting for the system to complete its side of the interaction they can interaction they can immediately interrupt with their response.

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