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Imagine this situation... I would like you to speak on your own. Give a short presentation about shopping. Small shops vs. big department stores Reasons.

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Presentation on theme: "Imagine this situation... I would like you to speak on your own. Give a short presentation about shopping. Small shops vs. big department stores Reasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagine this situation... I would like you to speak on your own. Give a short presentation about shopping. Small shops vs. big department stores Reasons for shopping: What are the advantages and disadvantages of... Let’s go to Task Two. We are going to talk together about... What is the best place to shop to download free music to farm to view Prague to spend winter to repair a car to live to buy... Tell me more about it! I am going to start the dialog. Are you ready?

2 Give me some advice on how to write letters. to date girls. Can you give me an example? Tell me about some risks issues problems you must think about.

3 Where can I go? Where could I go? Where should I go? Where will I go? What can I buy? What could I buy? What should I buy? What will I buy? I must write letters. I have to write letters. I will have to write letters. I had to write letters.

4 Tell me about... I want you to tell me about... I would like you to tell me about... I‘d like you to tell me about... I will start the dialog. I am going to start the dialog. I am starting the dialog. Imagine this situation... Imagine the following situation... Should I mention my salary expectations? Should I state my salary expectations? Should I write about my salary expectations? Should I speak about my salary expectations?

5 I would like you to help me. I want you to help me. Would you help me? Can you help me? Could you help me? Can you help me do it? Can you help me write it? Can you help me with it? How can I help you? How may I help you? May I help you?

6 access classmate issue vs. = versus = in contrast to, compared to pros/cons [pro - from Latin prō = for; con - from contrā = against] If "CON" is the opposite of "PRO", what is the opposite of PROGRESS? personal preferences bank clerk bank account a residence of the United Kingdom bank charges and fees CV template online Accessibility disadvantaged

7 Imagine - John Lennon (Písnička od 0:40) Homage to John Lennon's IMAGINE

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