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Scholarship in Clinical Education: What it is and… How to establish and document a teaching portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "Scholarship in Clinical Education: What it is and… How to establish and document a teaching portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scholarship in Clinical Education: What it is and… How to establish and document a teaching portfolio

2 Rationales Professionalism: Obligations and opportunities associated with being a scholar/educator Development: Ensure that work as an educator is constantly improving and meeting its objectives and responsibilities to students

3 The Scholarship of Teaching Our work as teachers becomes public, peer-reviewed, critiqued, and exchanged with others

4 Scholarship Boyer Scholarship of teaching Scholarship of teaching Problem Scholarship of discovery Results Scholarship of application Scholarship of integration

5 Wheel of Scholarship Question or Problem A change is needed Hypothesis Based on a hunch Or possible solution Apply theories, experience Develop a plan Implement in practice Evaluate outcomes

6 What makes scholarship scholarly? Glassick et al Question or Problem A change is needed Hypothesis Based on a hunch Or possible solution Apply theories, experience Develop a plan Implement in practice Evaluate outcomes Clear goalsAdequate preparation Appropriate methods Meaningful results Effective presentation Reflective critique

7 Four assertions about Scholarship in Education

8 1 As educators, we have made a commitment to further the educational missions of our institutions.

9 2 The quality of the methods we use to further those missions matter (they influence the outcomes); therefore, we should strive to improve them.

10 3 We can improve our methods (and outcomes) through participation in communities.

11 4 Participation in scholarly communities can advance our careers and the careers of others.

12 Community of educational scholars Further education

13 Promotion of educators 1.Examine evidence of value Furthering educational mission 2. Recognize and endorse value 3. Encourage greater value

14 Merit System Diagram Performance Portfolio 1.Standard CV 2.Report of contributions 3.Future goals 4.Performance data, evaluations a. Teaching eval b. Billing c. Colleagues consensus d Documentation Faculty update Faculty write reports and meet Faculty provide documentation as needed Sample teaching materials Letters of recommendation Articles, evaluations Students rate instructors Data Colleagues rate each other Merit review committee Portfolios, scores Report to faculty, chair Faculty yearly meeting with dept head to discuss performance, goals Appeal process From C J Bland, Academic Medicine 77, 2002

15 Portfolio (some inclusions) Teaching activities Contact details Evaluations Directorships Educational research Manuscripts Profile (activity designations) Grants Educational service Advising Curriculum development Administration Outreach Professional development Carroll, 1996

16 Activities and Achievement for UCSF Academy of Medical Educators Direct teaching Instructional developments and curricular design Educational administration and leadership Educational research Cooke et al., 2003

17 Criteria for membership in the Academy at Harvard Curriculum development Educational leadership/administration Faculty development and mentorship Educational scholarship Thibault et al., 2003

18 Teaching Activity Portfolio Overview Introduction Broad curriculum Syllabus Course materials

19 Teaching Activity Portfolio Course design/measurement Objectives taught Methods used Measurement Students Demographics Needs Perspectives

20 Teaching Activity Portfolio Course outcomes By objectives Summary of outcomes “To do”: Innovations, new ideas

21 Educators Portfolio Documentation of scholarship What to document? Visible Behind the scenes

22 Visible Goals Objective, plan to accomplish Content Teaching methods Outcomes (Evidence of learning)

23 Visible Goals Objective, plan to accomplish Content Teaching methods Outcomes (Evidence of learning) Behind the scenes Preparation Methods (trials, rationale) Reflection Analysis of student learning Planned changes Comments from peers

24 IMPACT MAP Charts “track record” of an educator’s innovation, from original creative idea to changes in practice. OSCE ---------> Assessment of resident competencies Changes in practices that have been instituted. Glick, 2002

25 Impact map for Dr. X, educator: national and international faculty development 1994-19951995-presentPresent to future Dr.X: ProgramGrant supportsOngoing impact Co-founderinitial programof participants in Educational 7 years of successivetheir schools and innovation:cohorts of clinician-communities Theoretical educator participants instruction, modeled by doing, implemented in local projects Glick, 2002

26 Multimedia scholarly discourse Information infrastructure: scholarly discourse Portable, mobile, ubiquitous computing Multiple Media for teaching and learning Text, Paper -------> electronic mediation

27 Digital Curriculum Vita

28 What’s a digital Portfolio/CV? Use digital technology/ template Include more than printed words Personal and unique View and evaluate content from peers

29 Incorporate Full length publications Graphics Presentations Clinical images Videos Web links

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