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FY 15-16 Final Budget June 15, 2015. LASD – Primary Goals for Budgeting Keep Classrooms Safe No Reduction to Existing Teaching Staff or Program Cuts Keep.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 15-16 Final Budget June 15, 2015. LASD – Primary Goals for Budgeting Keep Classrooms Safe No Reduction to Existing Teaching Staff or Program Cuts Keep."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 15-16 Final Budget June 15, 2015

2 LASD – Primary Goals for Budgeting Keep Classrooms Safe No Reduction to Existing Teaching Staff or Program Cuts Keep Classroom sizes conducive to providing an excellent education

3 Slide Title Slide Text

4 Slide Title Slide Text


6 Final Budget Notes Bond Payment - after the $14M in new money – Net Bond Payment remains flat 2.5% Tax Increase - $324,354 Revenues – Special Education – Increase 19.1% $722,288 – Health Care – Increase 5% $123,381 – PSERS – Unfunded State Mandate – Increase 21% $289,727 – Tuition – Unfunded State Mandate – Increase 16% $219,726

7 Final Budget Notes

8 Wolf’s Proposed Budget Stte FundingLASD Budget 15-16Wolf’s Proposed Budget Difference Basic Ed Funding$6,083,870$6,712,624$628,754 PA ABG Grant$249,573$0($249,573) Special Ed Funding$1,271,915$1,338,839$66,924 Funding/SavingsAmount State Funding$446,105 Savings from Cyber Charter Funding Reform$173,544 Total $$$619,649

9 Final Budget FY2015-16 DescriptionAmount Revenues$28,770,510 Expenditures$29,093,316 Amount From Fund Balance$322,806

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