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Student Affairs Diversity Committee, February 2010.

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1 Student Affairs Diversity Committee, February 2010

2  Calls for increased skills for student affairs practitioners to effectively practice around multicultural issues began in early 1990s.  Counseling psychology was using the term multicultural counseling competencies, which refers to (Sue et al., 1992):  Multicultural Awareness  Multicultural Skills  Multicultural Knowledge  Multicultural Counseling Relationships

3  Overall competency model, including 7 core areas:  Administrative, management, and leadership skills  Theory and translation skills  Helping and interpersonal advising skills  Ethical and legal knowledge and decision making skills  Training and teaching skills  Assessment and evaluation skills  Multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills Pope & Reynolds, 1997

4  Information that individuals have about various cultures.  Having an informed understanding of cultures that are different from one’s own culture, including knowledge of their histories, traditions, values, practices, and so forth.

5  Allows for effective and meaningful interactions, such as seeking consultation as necessary with people who differ from them culturally.  Skills that individuals use to engage in effective and meaningful interactions with those who are from different cultural backgrounds than their own.

6  Attitudes, beliefs, values, assumptions, and self-awareness necessary to serve students who are culturally different from oneself.  Awareness of how people’s attitudes, beliefs, values, assumptions, and self-awareness affect the ways they interact with those who are culturally different from themselves.

7  Why?  Helps Our Students  Can be built into your Work Plan  Resume Building  Intentional Use of Professional Development Time

8  Attend or view the “Introduction to Multicultural Competence Professional Development” workshop.  Attend at least 3 multicultural events, including 1 that addresses each area: Knowledge, Skills, Awareness

9  Attend the “Multicultural Competence Self- Assessment Workshop.” This will be a sixty to ninety minute workshop of content, self- assessment tools, and sharing with the learning outcome to identify strengths and areas to concentrate on for further training.  Attend 8 campus events, with at least one from each area: Knowledge, Skills, Awareness

10  MULTICULTURAL KNOWLEDGE  Soup and Stories  UNCW Presents Arts & Action/Lecture Series  MULTICULTURAL AWARENESS  Privilege Walk  HRL’s Tunnel of Awareness  MULTICULTURAL SKILLS  B-GLAD Ally Training  Coffee Breaks such as “How to have Political Conversation”  Maura Cullen Staff Training

11  Campus Events will be pre-rated  Other campus events  Professional conference activities  Sign Up Sheets  Email to  Send us a program copy or description in campus mail

12  Intro session at Div. Meeting  K event: Soup & Stories: Vice Chancellor Leonard, Women Leaders in Higher Education  S event: Case Study Brown Bag  A event: Vagina Monologues (K or A event- you use it as an A)

13  Earn basic certificate  Attend “Multicultural Competence Self- Assessment Workshop”  Director invites an Awareness staff development program (1)  Attend Skills Workshops: Safe Zone (1)  Facilitate Orientation small group (1)  Attend Knowledge programs: UNCW Presents lecture, film, and Soup and Stories (3)  Attend Awareness programs: Take Back the Night, Game of Oppression (2)

14  If you facilitate, it’s an “S”  Update on status half-way through semester.  Departmental trainings are an option.  Credit for sessions will roll forward by semester.  Self-assessment trainings for advanced will be offered monthly.  B-GLAD is a skill session. We’ll grandfather that in. All else will start in Jan. 10.  We will aim to offer multiple sessions to spread out opportunities.

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