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Advanced and Graduate Education 2014 Venita J. Sposetti Office of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced and Graduate Education 2014 Venita J. Sposetti Office of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced and Graduate Education 2014 Venita J. Sposetti Office of Education

2 How to Apply …  No matter the type of program– PASS, MATCH, PASS & MATCH, no PASS & no MATCH, you will need a  DEANS LETTER  AKA  Institutional Evaluation

3 What’s that?  A letter from your dental school that includes your  class rankings,  your GPA’s,  unofficial National Board Part 1 scores and  highlights positive aspects of your accomplishments as a student.

4 Institutional Evaluation?  The Associate Dean for Education writes this letter.  I need some Stuff from you  &  Some TIME to do it right.

5 #1: The STUFF  1. Your CV  2. A signed release from you  3. A list of your programs.

6 #1: The STUFF  All electronic  No paper  And must be readable

7 1. Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)  A CV is just a Resume’  There is a template you can use or you can go online and find many samples.

8 1. Motherly Advice (CV)  Make it short!  Inverse relationship between length & probability it will be read.  Most important stuff first.  No one cares what you did in middle school.  List items in order of date, most recent first.


10 2. Signed “Release for Letter of Recommendation”  I need your permission to write a letter that includes FERPA-protected information like your grades, etc.  PS: each faculty you ask for a letter or PPI from also needs a signed permission form.

11 2. Signed “Release for Letter of Recommendation”  Here is the link: release.pdf release.pdf


13 Remember to…. SIGN the form

14 3. A list of all of the programs.  Please put your name and type of program at the top of your list.  List the DEADLINES.  Include – PASS, Match, & address, if not PASS


16  We need 1 stamped envelope with the TYPED complete recipient address for each non-PASS program.  LEAVE THE RETURN ADDRESS AREA BLANK. List of Programs

17 How long does it take to write an Institutional Letter?????  Do you want it to arrive BEFORE the deadline?  Do you want it to be a high quality letter?

18 How much time does it take to write an Institutional Letter?  30 Days  That’s like a month.  Before the EARLIEST deadline.

19 PASS Search Engine  helps you find programs that participate in PASS  Does not find non-PASS programs  Has had errors in the past  Good idea to contact programs you are applying to in order to confirm the information at PASS is CORRECT

20 PASS Personal Potential Index (PPI) Evaluators  You are required to send 2 PPI.  Programs may want more.  Provides different information than what is typically in letters of recommendation.

21 PASS PPI Evaluators  Make appointments with the people you select to be your Evaluators.  Take a copy of your ‘unofficial transcript’ (request from the Office of Education)  a copy of your CV  And a signed permission form

22 PASS PPI (Personal Potential Index)  Encourage people you ask to submit PPI evaluations to ADD COMMENTS  Program directors nationally report that the comments are helpful and strengthen the value of the evaluation.

23 PASS Helpful Hints  Complete all forms online, not by hand.  Pay fees by credit card.  Consider providing your photo, personal essay, and CV, even if they are not required.

24 Paying for all this? DD e n t a l B o a r d, R e s i d e n c y & R e l o c a t i o n L o a n s PP r i v a t e l e n d e r s MM u s t b e a s e n i o r ww w w. f i n a i d. o r g / l o a n s / p r i v a t e s t u d e n t l o a n s. p h t m l

25 Questions?

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