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2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Getting Started: Teaching Digital Video Production 2009 NAF Summer Institute July.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Getting Started: Teaching Digital Video Production 2009 NAF Summer Institute July."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Getting Started: Teaching Digital Video Production 2009 NAF Summer Institute July 7-11, 2009 Phoenix, AZ

2 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow About Me Lisa Wadzeck Multimedia Instructor @ JATC (Sandy, UT) Converted to an AOIT academy in ’03 Curriculum Fellow for Digital Video & Digital Media Currently the Curriculum Leader for the Digital Video Production Course

3 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Vote With Your Feet! Do you think that the AOIT curriculum is worth using in your classroom? (In other words, is it up to date, rigorous, relevant, etc.) ? ? ?

4 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow NAF Curriculum: Introducing the Academy of Information Technology Courses Currently Offered (with pilot complete) Courses to be added (and piloted) in 2009-2010 Principles of Information Technology Digital Video Production Web Design Computer Systems Computer Networking Introduction to Programming Database Design

5 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow NAF Curriculum Highlights NAF Curriculum Beliefs Standards- Based Rigor Relevant Project-Based Learning Literacy Integration Flexibility

6 NAF Curriculum Highlights: PBL Recognize students’ inherent drive to learn. Encourage collaboration and cooperation. Use performance- based assessments that require a range of skills and knowledge. Highlight questions that lead students to in-depth exploration of authentic and important topics.

7 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Digital Video Production: Assumptions and Prerequisites Students have completed Principles of Information Technology Students have some basic computer skills (ability to type, use word processing programs, do simple Internet research).

8 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Digital Video Production: Course Topics Digital Media and Video as Communication Tools Intro to Digital Video Basics of Digital Video Editing Digital Video Production Process Planning a Video Shoot Basic Video Capture Delivery and Promotion of the Video Career Development in Digital Video

9 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Course Introduction: Projects Minor Project Student Video Interview done in class Documentary Video filmed on location, more in depth Culminating Project

10 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Experience the Curriculum Think Pair Share –Lesson 19: Promoting a Video –Unit 7: Sharing Digital Video and Spreading the Word Learning Objective: Evaluate what is included in a movie poster

11 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Experience the Curriculum

12 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Experience the Curriculum Discussion: –What are the benefits of Think-Pair-Share? –How is this strategy similar or different to what the you already do in the classroom?

13 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Student Learning Artifacts

14 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Student Learning Artifacts

15 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Student Learning Artifacts

16 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Student Learning Artifacts

17 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Student Learning Artifacts

18 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Support from Curriculum Leaders Here to help – both with content and pedagogy. Ready to hear your ideas about how to revise and improve the course. Contact information is always available on the Course Overview page of the NAF Curriculum Library.

19 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Collaboration Network Andy Rothstein’s Blog Discussion Forums for all NAF courses Multimedia presentations

20 2009 Institute for Staff Development Students Today, Leaders Tomorrow Thank you! For more information, contact me: – –Collaboration Network: lisawadzeck Blog: Digital Video Rants and Raves Course Forum: AOIT Digital Video Production Course Forum

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