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Writing for Publication Nick Lipley Managing editor Claire Picton Editor Andrew Rideout Editorial adviser RCN Publishing Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing for Publication Nick Lipley Managing editor Claire Picton Editor Andrew Rideout Editorial adviser RCN Publishing Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing for Publication Nick Lipley Managing editor Claire Picton Editor Andrew Rideout Editorial adviser RCN Publishing Ltd

2 Aims o Overview of Emergency Nurse o How publication can help you o Writing and publication process o Ideas for articles and discussion o Contacts at RCN Publishing

3 Emergency Nurse o Print and online o One of nine specialist titles o Published ten times a year o More than 8,000 subscribers o News and analysis o Opinion: one-page pieces, letters, reviews o Resources o Art & science articles o Continuing professional development o Careers

4 How you can contribute Opinion o Letters o One-page articles Art & science o Between four and six pages? o Lit reviews, clinical articles, research, continuing professional development o Careers page

5 Why publish  Professional advancement Increasing academic component to recruitment Become known within your professional sphere Greater confidence at interview

6 Why publish  It starts communication You have things to say (opinions) You have things to share (knowledge) You have things to explore (enquiry)

7 Why publish  Personal reasons Creative Skill Altruism / ‘making your mark’

8 Why publish o Share evidence o Improve practice o Expectations of more senior staff o Evidence of professional development o Raise professional profile o Express opinion and participate in debate o Enhance your CV, boost job prospects and professional development

9 What to publish o What do you know about? o What do you want to tell people? o How can you help them improve patient care? o Who? What? Why? Where? When? How?

10 Writing tips o Select which section o Match journal style and tone o Write simply o Make relevance explicit o Lead the reader: do the work for them o Check spelling and read through

11 Structuring Art & science articles o Obtain and read the author guidelines o Follow them o Title o Abstract o Introduction o Main text o Conclusion o References

12 Writing style 1 o An article should be understood easily by readers o Use plain language o Avoid jargon and cliché o Be precise o Be active not passive

13 Writing style 2 o Short words o Short sentences o Plural o Gender neutral o International readers o Explain abbreviations o Cross out as many ‘the’s’ as possible

14 Increasing your chances o Work with a mentor? o Choose the right journal o Follow author guidelines o Be selective about content o Make sure that your writing style is the best it can be o Don’t plagiarise

15 Publication process o Article submission to one journal only o Submit online o Online review process o Internal and external o Production process o Editing o Author queries o Layout and proofs o Print

16 Nick Lipley 020 8872 3166 Claire Picton Emergency Nurse Writing for publication online video series This presentation How to contact us

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