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Managing research output Pure manual. 1.CONTEXT Why put bibliographic records of your research output into Pure? What are ITM publications and authors?

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Presentation on theme: "Managing research output Pure manual. 1.CONTEXT Why put bibliographic records of your research output into Pure? What are ITM publications and authors?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing research output Pure manual

2 1.CONTEXT Why put bibliographic records of your research output into Pure? What are ITM publications and authors? 2.ORGANISATION Workflow and roles of units, authors and the library 3.ADDING AND EDITING BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS Automatic and manual import of records Editing records 4.UPLOADING FULL TEXT Publisher's archiving policy How to upload full text 5.FINALISATION Saving and/or sending of records for approval/validation 2 Overview of slides

3 Staff PublicationsPure PERIOD1900-20151900-… YEARS TO BE ADDEDUp-to-date2014 + 2015 + … TYPE OF DOCUMENTSITM research outputITM + non-ITM research output (META)DATA ADDED BYLibraryResearchers VALIDATED BYLibrary BIBLIOGRAPHIC METADATA USED FOR ITM website, official publication lists (annual reports, MR), bibliometric analyses ITM website, personal CV, official publication lists (annual reports, MR), bibliometric analyses DATA USED FORDigital archive of ITM publications 3

4 Given the impact on personal, unit and institutional level for full and faultless lists and analyses, the responsibility now lies with the authors: 1.All authors must contribute. 2.All of the ITM publications must be added. 3.All (meta)data must be correct. 4 “PURE will be as good as the quality of data it holds”

5 ITM Personnel, Interns, PhD students  Everyone publishing with an ITM affiliation. Decide in advance on unit level who will do the follow-up of new publications of former employees (after retirement, end of contract of temporary staff, PhD students etc.).  Appoint a Trusted User 5 1. All ITM authors must contribute

6 6 2. All of the ITM publications must be added CONDITIONSMANDATORY Will be validated OPTIONAL Will not be validated ITM affiliationPublications from ITM staff with ITM name/address Publications from ITM staff without ITM name/address Document typesBooks, chapters, articles, doctoral dissertations Policy documents, presentations, abstracts RolesAuthorContributor, Member of working group Publication status“Published”: year of publication, volume, issue & pages “Epub ahead of print”: available online but not published yet (Author will check regularly for update.)

7 7 Epub ahead of print vs. Published articles EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT: no volume, issue, pages shown PUBLISHED : volume, issue, pages Publication state Required?DescriptionWhich publications? Action to be undertaken? Who?Record status in Pure Epub ahead of print OptionalAccessible online but not fully published yet Articles in Pubmed Check for update on journal website AuthorCreated PublishedMandatoryOfficial year of publication, volume, issue and pages are known Articles in Pubmed Update metadata in bibliographic record in Pure AuthorSwitch to “For approval”

8 It is the responsibility of the author to provide correct (meta)data. Get trained or check the manual for detailed instructions. Workflow: bibliographic records will be approved and/or validated by the Library. 8 3. All (meta)data must be correct

9 1.Information and support –Manual (Intranet) –Training sessions –Personal advice (if needed) 2.Back office work –Management of master data Journal title: correct name, JIF, archiving policy Publishers: correct name –Editorial tasks Check bibliographical data sent by author Check if PDF files match archiving policies Validation of bibliographic records (within 5 working days, except July-August) 9 What the library will do

10 What needs to be done by the authors? –Add the 2014 backlog (ITM: 441 publications, 60 already added) –Add the 2015 and future publications [Until 31/12/2015 the Library will guarantee a parallel import in Staff Publications database (for reference and evaluation)] 2014: 441 ITM publications Automatic import from an online source (Pubmed): 346  A1, A2, A3 Articles, Letter, Comment, Editorial From file or manual import: 95  A3-A4 Articles, Letter, Comment, Editorial  Book, Contribution to book, Doctoral dissertation  [Policy documents, Abstracts, Presentations] 10 Some figures

11 1.Import/add metadata of Epub ahead of print (optional) –Automatic (online) Pubmed import, from file or manually 2.Check publication status (optional) –Check journal website until the article is published –Do not check Pubmed: sometimes long delays! 3.Add updated metadata or import/add published document 4.Check publisher’s archiving policy –Information can be found in the bibliographic record 5.Upload full text 6.Save non-validated documents or send ‘for approval’ 7.Add/correct bibliographic metadata (if requested) 11 Workflow on document level

12 12 Workflow on document level EPUB A1 article PUB 2. Check publication status (optional) 1. Import/add metadata (optional) 4. Check archiving policy 5. Upload full text 3. Add (updated) bibliographic & project data 6. Ask for approval or validation 7. Add/correct (meta)data APPROVED VALIDATED

13 Three possibilities: 13 3. Importing/adding bibliographic records

14 14 Import from an online source

15 15 Import from an online source

16 16 Import from an online source

17 Pubmed is not 100% reliable! 17 Automatic import from an online source

18 18 Import from file

19 19 Import from file: RIS (cf. RefMan) or BIBTEX

20 20 Import/reject records – wrong person

21 21 Import/reject records - duplicates

22 22 Import/reject records - duplicates

23 23 Check for the right affiliation

24 24 Select the right affiliation

25 25 Select the right affiliation

26 26 Select the right affiliation

27 27 Select the right affiliation

28 28 Select the right affiliation

29 Check affiliation –Check all authors! –Switch affiliation to External if necessary Unvalidated documents –Managing organizational unit: External organization –Switch “Visibility” to Campus – Restricted to specific IP range 29 Important

30 30 Change template

31 31 Change template

32 32 Mandatory fields * = mandatory

33 33 Mandatory fields

34 34 Mandatory fields NON-VALIDATED DOCUMENTS Select: Campus – Restricted to Specific IP Range

35 35 Optional field - abstract

36 36 Manual import – create a new record

37 4. Uploading full text 37

38 Depending on the publisher’s archiving policy: –Publisher PDF is allowed –Publisher PDF is allowed after an embargo (6m, 12m, 24m…) –Publisher PDF is not allowed 38 Publisher PDF and/or author version? Document version VersionFormatVisibility Publisher PDFMandatoryOnline published version, with publisher’s layout PDF- Public – no restriction: Open Access - Campus – restricted to IP range: all other archiving policies Author versionOptionalLast version sent to publisher PDFPublic – no restriction  Add both documents if available!

39 39 Check publisher’s archiving policy

40 40 Upload full text

41 41 Upload full text

42 42 Last step Created Non-validated documents and Epub ahead of print For approval Published ITM publications

43 43 More information and user guides

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