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The Technologies That Have Been
Introduced In Recent Years at the Levels of Production, Distribution, Marketing & Exchange.
The Technologies That Have Been
Introduced In Recent Years at the Levels of Production, Distribution, Marketing & Exchange. KEY TERMS Digital Cinema CGI Motion Capture Online Marketing 3D Definition: Demonstrate that you are aware of How new technology has been used to improve the production, distribution, marketing & exhibition of film.
-QUESTION- Production Which technologies have been
Introduced in recent years at the Level of: Production
Vs -TASK- What are the advantages of shooting in a digital format rather than on tape (Celluloid)?
PRODUCTION: DIGITAL The majority of films are shot on celluloid film as until recently, nothing came close to the image quality of film. Digital filming has now gained widespread acceptance due to it being cheaper than film, making it especially popular with Indie filmmakers on shoe-string budgets. Currently, filmmakers convert film footage to digital for editing & then back to film for release. This conversion process is costly, time consuming, & degrades quality. Digital video avoids this conversion process & is therefore more versatile. As soon as footage is shot digitally, filmmakers can immediately start editing, even on shoot.
KEY POINTS: DIGITAL Digital format is the same quality as celluloid film but does not get scratched or deteriorate. Digital format is cheaper than Celluloid Film. Once you capture live footage on celluloid film you can not use it again, whereas with digital you can just delete it and record again. There is no conversion process which saves cost. Digital is more versatile so directors can view and edit footage on set.
Video: The History of CGI
-TASK- Watch the following video of TRON, and note down what differences you notice in terms of computer special effects (CGI)
PRODUCTION: C.G.I CGI stands for: ‘Computer Generated Imagery’, and is a form of computer graphics most commonly found in high budgeted Hollywood blockbusters. CGI, pushing the boundaries of what is shown on the big screen. Such are the advances in this technology, that it is becoming increasingly hard to identify. Either due to ease, or if it is not in the realm of possibility, locations & characters can be created from scratch. Raw elements are frequently shot against a blue/green screen so the appropriate background can be constructed using CGI & then merged together (Placed behind).
What is CGI… and What is Not?
-TASK- What is CGI… and What is Not?
KEY POINTS: C.G.I CGI stands for: ‘Computer Generated Imagery’.
CGI is becoming increasingly hard to identify. It is becoming so diverse that you can create anything. Raw elements are frequently shot against a blue/green screen.
Video: Gollum – Lord of the Rings
MOTION CAPTURE Video: Gollum – Lord of the Rings
PRODUCTION: Motion Capture
Motion capture (or mo-cap) involves recording actions of human actors, & mapping it to a 3D animated digital model of the character. If used for face, fingers & subtle expressions, it is often referred to as performance capture. In motion capture sessions, Active & passive markers are placed on the human body indicating major points of movement & expression. Motion capture records only the movements of the actor, not his/her visual appearance.
How was Motion Capture used in The Avengers Assemble?
-TASK- How was Motion Capture used in The Avengers Assemble?
KEY POINTS: Motion Capture
Motion capture/Performance maps a real persons movements in it to a 3D animated digital model of the character. If used for face, fingers & subtle expressions, it is often referred to as performance capture. Active & passive markers are placed on the human body indicating major points of movement & expression. Motion/Performance capture gives a real time performance rather than a 100% artificial character.
-TASK- Watch the following attack the block documentary (20 Mins) and take notes – a set of questions will follow.
-Questions- Q1. Name the stunt man? Q2. What is Rotoscoping?
Q3. How was CGI used? (Give Examples) Q4. Was green screening used? Q4. Why did Joe Cornish decide to use these new technologies the way he did in Attack the Block?
-QUESTION- Distribution Which technologies have been
Introduced in recent years at the Level of: Distribution
Standard Distribution
Distribution (releasing & sustaining films in the market place) is a very expensive process. Distributors spend a lot of money producing prints of films, & spend even more money shipping the heavy reels to cinemas globally. Due to these high distribution costs, companies are cautious where they play their films. Unless a sure-fire hit, it is a big financial risk. If you take the physical film reels out of the equation, distribution costs get a lot cheaper!
DISTRIBUTION: Digital Distribution
Digitally shot films are simply big computer files, that you can copy, distribute or view, via the web, hard drives, optical disks or satellite, (No reels). They can then be projected using a digital projector instead of a conventional film projector. Digital films also benefit audiences. While a film print gradually degrades (dirt, scratches etc) a digital film looks the same each time it is viewed. With films stored as digital files, cinemas can give audiences much more choice of what to watch.
-QUESTION- Marketing Which technologies have been
Introduced in recent years at the Level of: Marketing
MARKETING: Online Marketing
Online marketing is a massive growth area, with many unique usages of technology. The Internet is a great platform for advertising a film: Official Websites Social Networking Sites YouTube Blogs Online Film Forums Film Info/review sites (Rotten Tomatoes/IMDB) Viral Marketing ARG (Alternate Reality Game)
-QUESTION- Exhibition Which technologies have been
Introduced in recent years at the Level of: Exhibition
EXHIBITION: Online Exhibiting
Aside from companies exhibiting their films at the cinema or IMAX (which you can discuss as a new technology) they can also use the web. The internet presents a massive opportunity for institutions to exchange/exhibit content with consumers in many different ways. DVD/Blu-ray copies of films can be purchased online through: Amazon, Play, HMV etc. Films can also now be purchased for download or streaming via the internet via sites such as: LoveFilm, Film4, YouTube & iTunes.
EXHIBITION: 3D Cinema 3D (three-dimensional) enhances the illusion of depth perception. A special camera system records images seen from two perspectives. Special projection eyewear is required. 3D emerged in the 1950s, but suffered due to high cost. It made a resurgence in the 1980s & peeked in the 2000s with the success of Avatar in 3D cinema has been enhanced by digital projection, with films distributed on hard drives with projector adapters used to separate the left & right images.
EXHIBITION: IMAX IMAX (Image Maximum) is an immersive film format. It is the highest film/image resolution in the world, & adapts standard 35mm film stock into a larger 70mm. IMAX screens are 22 metres wide & 16 metres high. The IMAX camera is immense, weighing 240 pounds/109 kg (standard 35mm cam: 40 pounds/18kg). They can only hold a three-minute spool, taking 20 minutes to reload. This, combined with the challenges of operating such a cumbersome camera make the production costs of shooting in IMAX significantly higher than standard film.
EXHIBITION: Blu-Ray Blu-ray is an optical disc which can store substantially more data than standard DVDs/CDs. A Blu-ray Disc can store 50 gigabytes (six times the capacity of DVD). A higher capacity offers an improved resolution (more detail/defined image). Greater storage space allows additional interactive features, not found on DVD releases: BD-Live: Interactive content that enables viewers to conduct live community screenings Viewers could download trailers/films/music Other forms of interactive media
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