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C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: District Governor Victoria Lai California-Nevada-Hawaii District January 2014 Presented by: CNH Welcome, Overview,

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Presentation on theme: "C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: District Governor Victoria Lai California-Nevada-Hawaii District January 2014 Presented by: CNH Welcome, Overview,"— Presentation transcript:

1 C N H | K E Y C L U B | Updated by: District Governor Victoria Lai California-Nevada-Hawaii District January 2014 Presented by: CNH Welcome, Overview, & District News Victoria Lai, Governor

2 Training Topic: District News CNH Key Club District CNH | Reminders : Be courteous of hotel guests Don’t hang out in the main lobby or hallways Don’t prop doors open Noise level to a minimum—we can hear you through the vents! Code of Conduct will be enforced! Get lots of sleep! You don’t want to miss anything! Welcome to Winter BTC!

3 Training Topic: District News CNH Key Club District CNH | Friday: GOLDEN Training Items Saturday: Continuation of GOLDEN Training Items Committee Meetings Board Meeting Board Pictures Convention Items Closure activities & gift exchange Board Vote: Dunlaps, Bricks, DSAs Overview of the Weekend

4 Training Topic: District News CNH Key Club District CNH | Dallas Phillips, College EXPO Coordinator Calvin Kleber, Service EXPO Coordinator Derek Chen, SAA Coordinator Sharon Lee, Graphics Department Coordinator Lanie Wheeler, CNH Kiwanis Foundation President Special Guests

5 Training Topic: District News CNH Key Club District CNH | Progress with our GOLDEN Goals : 32,177 dues paid members (12/18/2013) $156,000+ raised for PTP Hours update Eliminate Project Update (Numbers will be provided through communication with CNH Kiwanis MNT Coordinator Rocky Barsotti) District News

6 Training Topic: District News CNH Key Club District CNH | More exciting news: CNH Project to provide support to Typhoon Haiyan 9 newly chartered clubs (12/18/2013) In addition… The PUSH for participation with Rustic Pathways DATE CHANGE: DOCTC is Sun., January 19, 2014

7 Training Topic: District News CNH Key Club District CNH | Any questions? About anything? Let’s get started!

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