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Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Online Presence. Social Media Best Practices Utilize promotions to drive social activity and engagement Objective: Generate.

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Presentation on theme: "Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Online Presence. Social Media Best Practices Utilize promotions to drive social activity and engagement Objective: Generate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Online Presence

2 Social Media Best Practices Utilize promotions to drive social activity and engagement Objective: Generate “noise” across social properties Link Facebook & Twitter together to generate a strong and engaged following Strategy Give away super-trips at each of the properties based on user’s social media participation Utilize PR, social media, partnerships and traditional advertising to promote and execute reward vacations



5 Facebook

6 Facebook stats


8 Facebook Passalong Power 100 Katie’s friends have been made aware that she would like to know more about what Burt is a fan of. Martha’s friends have been made aware that she approves of Burt’s Fandom. 60 130 290 Positive Exposures Burt’s Friends now know that he has become a fan of something.

9 Facebook Mobile - Publish everywhere - Always available - Cross platform - Highly distributed

10 Facebook Best Practices Facebook should be brand centric. – Posts should always reinforce the brand. Define and maintain a brand personality Keep page fresh without overwhelming your audience Posts should encourage engagement Foster Community among fans

11 Facebook Standardize approach across all experiences Share successes from all branches Entice engagement through Unique & compelling content such as human stories Promoting programs, offers and rebates Highlighting HCEI specific info i.e. achievements Establish editorial calendar (manage frequency)

12 Facebook Content Strategy Utilize Facebook as the primary conversation starter Users are more comfortable in this medium passalong is easiest Create photo and video library Proactively pursue excellent content share with your audience Identify content contributors Solicit and share info from branch Allow for “managed” user generated content Always reward users for participating

13 Facebook Content Strategy Promote message: distributing HCEI headlines in the newsfeed. Identify offers, rebates & programs – things people can act on. Include Energy Tips, Fun Facts, Audits; resources that influence clean energy behavior. Solicit feedback & suggestions from audience. Update tabs with new and relevant content. i.e. Events, Photos, Videos.

14 Facebook Editorial Calendar Synchronize with media calendar Contact branch managers to submit content Engage audience by soliciting images, photos or video Keep content fresh, post regularly but not too frequently Post 1 or 2 times a day. In the morning and afternoon



17 Twitter Gather information Track breaking news Crowdsource questions Share industry news Share breaking news Overflow for Facebook content Announce events

18 Twitter Use Twitter as a way to broadcast non branded content 3 - 4 tweets per day Event reminders Industry News Special offers Press Live event comments RT positive content RT brand content

19 Twitter best practices Don't push ads or brand messages, engage in relevant conversation that supports your messages Don't forget to add value Be human! Don't just broadcast company announcements Distribute key headlines with links back to HCEI website when possible. Announce Events during Energy Awareness Month such as “Living Energy Light”

20 Website

21 CMS Posting Frequency

22 Website Capture attention with provocative headlines and graphics Support with digestible informative and understandable body copy. Link to related articles within the HCEI website or to other websites as necessary. Add analytics to the HCEI websites so we can begin to gather metrics. Update Events page with all events taking place in October.

23 Success Metrics HITS: – measured by increase in fans and unique visitors to site Engagement: – measured by active fans on facebook – measured by time spent on website Conversion: – rebates redeemed, links to or downloads of application forms

24 Measurements Establish regular checks of: – Infegy Reports: social media chatter & sentiment tracking. – Google Analytics: site traffic, unique visitors, time spent on site, bounce rates. – Facebook: Statistics, new users, engaged users – Twitter: new followers

25 Recommendation

26 Summary or Conclusion Separate opinions from facts, and make sure your audience can see the difference. Aim for quality, not quantity. Offer your contribution with context whenever you can. Provide links to other blogs, media articles or whatever sources you think are necessary. Make your content rich and interesting for others to read. Tips from leading brands

27 Summary or Conclusion With conversations, participate online. Don’t “broadcast” messages to users. With moderation, only police where we have to. Trust users. Tips from leading brands

28 Summary or Conclusion Tips from leading brands Always pause and think before posting. That said, reply to comments in a timely manner, when a response is appropriate. But if it gives you pause, pause. It's a conversation. Talk to your readers like you would talk to real people in professional situations. In other words, avoid overly pedantic or "composed" language.

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