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20.01.12 Implementation of a Self-Consistent Stereo Processing Chain for 3D Stereo Reconstruction of the Lunar Surface E. Tasdelen1, H. Unbekannt1, M.

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Presentation on theme: "20.01.12 Implementation of a Self-Consistent Stereo Processing Chain for 3D Stereo Reconstruction of the Lunar Surface E. Tasdelen1, H. Unbekannt1, M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of a Self-Consistent Stereo Processing Chain for 3D Stereo Reconstruction of the Lunar Surface E. Tasdelen1, H. Unbekannt1, M. Yildirim1, K. Willner1 and J. Oberst1,2 1 Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, Technical University of Berlin 2 German Aerospace Center (DLR)

2 Motivation The department for Planetary Geodesy at TU Berlin is developing routines for photogrammetric processing of planetary image data to derive 3D representations of planetary surfaces. Aim: An independent generic 3D reconstruction pipeline Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) developed by USGS Flagstaff, was chosen as a prime processing platform and tool kit. Image Matching 3D Point Calculation DTM Interpolation Visualization

3 Matching Software Overview of the software Matching Software
Matching Software Overview of the software Matching Software Stereo Images Parameters TP File Supports multithreading Improved performance Memory management for large images Image formats Vicar, ISIS cube, TIFF

4 Matching Algorithms Area-based Matching (ABM)
Matching Algorithms Area-based Matching (ABM) source: Rodehorst, 2004 Reference Image Search Image Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) where is covariance are variances

5 Projective transformation
Matching Algorithms Least-Squares Matching (LSM): source: Bethmann et al., 2010 Reference Patch Compared Patches Functional Model: Projective transformation f(x,y) + e(x,y) = g(x’,y’) Transformation Model: a0 + a1x’ + a2y’ x = 1 + c1x’ + c2y’ x = a0 + a1x’ + a2y’ y = b0 + b1x’ + b2y’ b0 + b1x’ + b2y’ y = 1 + c1x’ + c2y’

6 Matching Types Type1: Matching images without pre-processing
Matching Types Type1: Matching images without pre-processing Same search space for each pixel Type2: Coarse-to-fine hierarchical matching Results from the pyramids override the search space boundaries

7 Matching Types Type3: Grid-based matching
Matching Types Type3: Grid-based matching Grid-based projective transformation GRIDDING

8 Blunder Detection The main reasons of blunders Filters
Blunder Detection The main reasons of blunders occlusions, depth discontinuities, repetitive patterns, inadequate texture, etc. Filters Epipolar Check: With the help of epipolar geometrical relation, all the matched points are controlled and the distances of the points to the corresponding epipolar lines are calculated. Points exceeding a set threshold distance to the epipolar line are discarded. Epipolar Error Check Epipolar Relation

9 Blunder Detection Overlapping Area Check: divide the reference image into regular sized grids and check if there are adequate numbers of tie-points within each grid. (a-b) left and right pair of stereo images, (c) actual overlapping area visualized on the left image, (d-f) grids with different sizes on the left image (300, 200 and 100 from d to f, respectively)

10 N 49750593 correspondences LRO NAC Images for Copernicus Crater
150PX correspondences -500PX 1km LRO NAC Images for Copernicus Crater Resulting Disparity Map

11 3D Point Calculation Forward Ray Intersection
Computation of spatial object coordinates X from measured image points x and x’ as well as the camera matrices P and P’. source: Rodehorst, 2004

12 Blunder Detection Filters on 3D point data
Octree Filter: uses octree data structure created from 3D point cloud data. Nodes with low density, containing only few points, are considered as noise source: Wang, 2012

13 Blunder Detection Filters on 3D point data
Delaunay Triangles: Each point is connected by lines to its closest neighbors, in such a way The points which contributes triangles with edge length exceeding a threshold indicates the possible outliers.

14 DTM Interpolation 3D point coordinates are first map-projected to a grid based images Colliding points are interpolated IDW, nearest neighbor, mean or median A customized search radius can be applied to define the pixel value. 1: X Y Z 2: X Y Z 3: X Y Z 4: X Y Z 5: X Y Z [...] n: X Y Z Conversion: from 3D Coordinates (Body-centric) to Map Coordinates

15 Visualization Tool Main Challenges:
Rendering capabilities of graphics hardware Limited to several millions of primitives per second Geometry throughput effects the performance Tremendous size of data does not fit into memory Ex: 15km x 15km area with 1.5m res. > 5 GB of data, simply cannot be placed into memory at once [1] source: Wang, 2012

16 Visualization Tool Level Of Detail (LOD) Algorithm
Decreasing the complexity of the object with the increasing distance to the viewer source: Bekiaris, 2009

17 Surface Representation Simplification
Visualization Tool Level Of Detail (LOD) Algorithm Based on Quad Trees Each segment is called as a chunk source: Ulrich, 2002 Surface Representation Simplification Each child chunk represent a more detailed version of one of its parents quarters

18 Visualization Tool Rendering wrt. viewing direction LOD 2 LOD 1 Viewer
LOD 0 Representation

19 Landing Module km N

20 N The position of Apollo 17 landing module Landing Module ~1000m

21 N The position of Apollo 17 landing module Landing Module ~1000m

22 N A look towards south from the position of Apollo 17 landing module

23 N A look towards north from the position of Apollo 17 landing module

24 correlation coefficient
Matching Algorithms NCC: Maximum Correlation 1.0 Threshold = 0.8 correlation coefficient 0.5 0.0 correlation position Problems: NCC is not defined for homogeneous image areas(variance is zero)! NCC is not invariant to geometrical distortions Pixel accuracy!

25 Visualization Tool

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