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WHAT COMPUTER IS RIGHT FOR YOU Click to Begin. Main Menu What Type of User are You What Type of User are You? The Main System Gadgets: Must Have? Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT COMPUTER IS RIGHT FOR YOU Click to Begin. Main Menu What Type of User are You What Type of User are You? The Main System Gadgets: Must Have? Summary."— Presentation transcript:


2 Main Menu What Type of User are You What Type of User are You? The Main System Gadgets: Must Have? Summary Navigation Help Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home

3 What Type of User are You? Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Click a picture for a description. Casual User Business User DeveloperGamer

4 The Casual User Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Users The casual computer user is someone who uses a computer more for recreation then as a tool. These users use their computers for e-mail, social networking, photo sharing, and Internet surfing. Typically, they don’t require much in the way of computing power to perform these tasks. Next

5 The Business User Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Users The business user is someone who uses a computer to improve work productivity. These users will use the Internet and e-mail like the casual user, but they also will spend more time creating documents, managing accounts, and monitoring inventory. While this may not require more computing power, it often requires more specialized business software. Next Previous

6 The Developer Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Users Developers are users who create specialized products. These users include design engineers, programmers, web designers, video and music editors. Users such as these have higher end computer needs than the average users. Their computers will have faster processors, larger capacity hard drives, and bigger monitors (often they will have more than one monitor). Software for these users is also much more specialized. Next Previous

7 The Gamer Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Users Gamers are typically computer enthusiasts. Their processors are fast and their monitors are large. Hard drive capacity is always a consideration since gaming programs are large and require a lot of space to store. The video card is also vitally important to gamers. Many modern computer games have well developed graphics and require computers with enough power and graphic capabilities to reach the game’s full potential. Previous

8 The Main System Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Click a picture for a description. Basic System Mobile Computing Workstations Gaming Machines

9 The Basic System Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Systems Today’s basic computers have more than enough power to handle everyday activities. Low-level processors run at 2.7GHz, which is almost twice as fast as they did a couple of years ago. Most come with at least 2GB of memory, and hard drives in the 300 GB range are common. Other features that one would want in a basic system would be a CD/DVD drive, USB port, and card reader. Next

10 Mobile Computing Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Many people want to be able to take their work and entertainment with them where ever they go. Notebook computers are the solution. Like their desktop counterparts, notebook computers have varying levels of power and capabilities. Notebooks (often called laptops) are popular with business professionals and students who often work in multiple locations. Netbooks are a smaller version of the laptop. They have fewer capabilities, but are often perfect for the casual user. Systems Want a Laptop? Want a Laptop? Want a Laptop? Want a Laptop? Previous Next

11 Workstations Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Workstations are higher end desktop computers that are used be people that need a lot of computing power. These computers will commonly have multi-core processors. Memory amounts can range anywhere from 8GB to 24GB. Hard drives for workstation computers will begin in the terabyte (TB) range, and their will most likely be more than one drive. These computers will often contain the best graphics cards as well since so much of the work done on them requires the clearest images. Systems Previous Next

12 Gaming Machines Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Gaming computers also need to have a lot of computing power because the animation, sound, and graphics in game programs will not run properly without it. However, many gamers enjoy modifying their computers for the fun of it. High-end sound systems, light kits, and additional drives are a few of the additions gamers connect to their computers. It is similar to what car enthusiasts do to their cars. Systems Previous

13 Gadgets: Must Have? Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Click a picture for a description. PrintersStorage MonitorsSound

14 Printers Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Gadgets Printers come in many types and styles. Laser and inkjet printers are the two basic consumer printers. They each come in black and white and color versions. Laser printers are good for quickly printing documents, and are the preferred printers of business. Ink jet printers are less expensive than laser printers. Therefore, they are found in homes more often than laser printers. While they can print documents, they are good for printing photos. Next

15 Storage Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu There are several options when it comes to storing your data. Hard drives are the first option, but it is important to back up your data in case of a hard drive failure. For large amounts of data it is best to use a removable or portable hard drive or optical media such as CDs and DVDs. Flash drives are a good choice for data that you want to carry with you. They are inexpensive, small, and work on any computer. Gadgets Explore Online Storage Explore Online Storage Explore Online Storage Explore Online Storage Next Previous

16 Monitors Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Monitors come in several sizes and styles. While CRTs (monitors that look like small televisions) are still around, most people have a flat panel monitor. They take up less space, use less energy, and still offer a crisp, clear image. Flat panel monitors are either a standard 4:3 design, which is similar to a standard television. They also come in widescreen 16:9 format like flat screen televisions. Some are also digital instead of analog. To use these you will need a digital video card. Gadgets Next Previous

17 Sound Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu How you plan on using your computer will determine what type of sound system you will want. Most systems come with a basic sound card and speakers. However, if you want to edit music or other sound files you will want to invest in a better sound card and speakers. Headphones can also come in handy if you want to listen without background noise. Also, online gamers like using headsets so they can interact with the other players. Gadgets Previous

18 Summary Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu There are a wide variety of computer users. Fortunately, there are as many varieties of computers and computer configurations. If you take the time to shop around and do your research, you can find the computer that is right for you. No one wants to pay for more than they need. Yet, it is important to get a system that will do all that you want it too.

19 Navigation Help Exit Site Map Site Map Site Map Site Map Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu The mice are buttons to the various sections. They are only found on the main menu. This is a Button This is a Button This is a Button This is a Button The orange rectangles are the buttons that will help navigate through this lesson. The buttons at the bottom of each screen will take you to the location that corresponds to its label. Buttons labeled ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ will let you move back and forth through a section. The button at the top will let you return to the section menu.

20 Site Map Exit Home Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu Main Menu SystemsSystemsGadgetsGadgetsSummarySummaryUsersUsers CasualCasual BusinessBusiness DeveloperDeveloper GamerGamer BasicBasic MobileMobile WorkstationWorkstation GamingGaming PrintersPrinters StorageStorage MonitorsMonitors SoundSound

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