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CLC Latvia ABOUT pre-CLC LATVIA Our situation, needs and hopes.

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Presentation on theme: "CLC Latvia ABOUT pre-CLC LATVIA Our situation, needs and hopes."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLC Latvia ABOUT pre-CLC LATVIA Our situation, needs and hopes

2 Look there we are

3 Confessional environment in Latvia Latvia is a multi- confessional country; 3 largest by number of believers confessions are : –Catholics –Lutherans –Orthodox Ecumenical dialogue is ongoing;

4 Ecumenism People from different confessions participate in retreats, pro-life activities The consecration of our new Archbishop took place in Lutheran Cathedral

5 Some facts about us 2 active groups (10 people) meeting for 6 years; 2 groups (15 people) meeting about 1 year; 3 people have SpEx experience; About 10 people have 8 day retreat experience; 6 of us have taken temporary commitment

6 Our way 2004 – first group started; 2006 – 3 more groups started; June, 2006 – Fr. Alberto Brito SJ visits us; 2007 – ongoing formation work; July, 2008 – our activities approved and blessed by the Cardinal Janis Pujats; August, 2008 – Fr. Adolfo Nicholas SJ visits Latvia; Autumn, 2008 – about 10 people start in city Liepaja Spring, 2010 – Fr. Luke Rodrigues visits Riga

7 Our way - continued

8 What we look like Our community with Fr. Luke and Fr. Algimantas

9 Our companions The Society of Jesus, the Province of Lithuania and Latvia – has initiated first groups, directs retreats, organizes workshops; Sisters of Eucharistic Jesus – organizes retreats and events; CLC Lithuania – common meetings; Sisters of Mother Teresa – collaboration with the youth centre CLC Germany, CLC England&Wales – helped with formation materials

10 Our mission Still looking for our well-defined mission; BUT involved in different activities in the Church or charity; Also, try to live out CLC approach in our families and workplaces

11 Our activities

12 Our worries are about How to involve young people? (most of us are over 50); How to initiate new groups? (need guidance of priests or religious); How to respond to the current economic situation? (preference for the poor)

13 Our hopes To feel a real sense of a wide community; To get an advice from more experienced members; To get a new insight into the common CLC vision; To meet new friends in Christ and companions for our journey

14 from the whole LATVIAN COMMUNITY!

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