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Immune System The body’s prime defense against disease – causing pathogens or cancer These have molecules on them that trigger a response of the immune.

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2 Immune System The body’s prime defense against disease – causing pathogens or cancer These have molecules on them that trigger a response of the immune system called ANTIGENS

3 Structure and Function of the Immune System Lesson 1

4 Do Now Hand in Last Nights Homework Brain Pop Video Immune System Immune SystemImmune System Multiple Choice worksheet (Brain Pop Immune System Questions)

5 Immune Response The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease.

6 Antigen A substance which stimulates the production of antibodies by the immune system which will attack and destroy the foreign pathogen

7 Antibodies Type of protein Produced in response to a detected antigen Each antibody is unique and fights of specific antigens

8 Lymphatic System Contains immune cells to protect against foreign invaders Contains nodes which filter infection

9 Transplants Sometimes the immune system attacks transplanted organs  “rejection” Immunosuppresent drugs can be taken to decrease the activity of the immune system Leaves the patient vulnerable to infection Leaves the patient vulnerable to infection

10 Allergies Allergic reactions  response to normally harmless substances ex: dust, pollen, cats  release of histamines  sneezing, hives, swelling,  breathing difficulties ** can take an anti-histamine to relieve symptoms

11 Do Now Take out Homework from last night In your own words, tell me what would happen if a foreign substance entered your body.

12 Immunity Active Infection (production of antibodies which recognize a specific antigen) Infection (production of antibodies which recognize a specific antigen) Immunization (vaccine) Immunization (vaccine)Passive Material transmission of resistance Material transmission of resistance Antibody transfer Antibody transfer

13 Make a Vaccine Obtain pathogen (polio, small pox, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, chicken pox, HPV)  Treat to kill or weaken  Inject into organism  Body makes antibodies and WBC’s to attack  Some WBC remain and remember pathogen  attack quickly if seen again

14 Go Over Immunity Worksheet #1

15 PHAGOCYTES Lesson 2

16 1st line: Physical Barriers non-specific defense external barriers skin & mucus membranes skin & mucus membranes excretions excretionssweat stomach acid tearsmucussaliva “lick your wounds” “lick your wounds” Lining of trachea: ciliated cells & mucus secreting cells

17 2nd: Generalist, broad range patrols Patrolling white blood cells attack invaders that get through the skin attack invaders that get through the skin recognize invader by reading antigen surface name tag surface name tag phagocyte cells phagocyte cellsmacrophages “big eaters” Macrophage “eating” bacteria

18 3rd line: Lymphocytes Specific defense responds to specific invaders responds to specific invaders recognizes specific foreign antigens white blood cells B cells & antibodies B cells & antibodies T cells T cells B cell

19 B cells & antibodies B cells white blood cells that attack invaders in blood white blood cells that attack invaders in blood mature in Bone marrow mature in Bone marrow Patrolling B cells make antibodies against invader immediately make antibodies against invader immediately Memory B cells remembers invader remembers invader can make antibodies quickly the next time can make antibodies quickly the next time protects you from getting disease more than once

20 Proteins made by B cells that tag invaders in the blood so macrophages can eat them tag says “this is an invader”  gotcha! tag says “this is an invader”  gotcha! biological “handcuffs” antibody attaches to antigen of invader antibody attaches to antigen of invader Antibodies macrophage eating tagged invaders invading germs tagged with antibodies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y B cells releasing antibodies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

21 B cells immune response invader (foreign antigen) Y Y Y Y B cells Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y “reserves” memory B cells Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y B cells release antibodies patrol blood forever recognition 10 to 17 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

22 T cells T cells mature in Thymus Helper T cells sound the alarm for rest of immune system sound the alarm for rest of immune system Killer T cells destroy infected body cells destroy infected body cells Memory T cells remembers invader & reacts against it again quickly remembers invader & reacts against it again quickly Where’s that?

23 Thymus

24 Attack of the Killer T cells Killer T cells destroy infected body cells T cell binds to invaded cell T cell binds to invaded cell secretes perforating protein secretes perforating protein punctures cell membrane of infected cell cell bursts Perforin punctures cell membrane cell membrane Killer T cell cell membrane invaded cell vesicle

25 Diseases of the immune system HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus infects helper T cells infects helper T cells helper T cells can’t activate rest of immune system helper T cells can’t activate rest of immune system body doesn’t hear the alarm AIDS: Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome immune system is weakened immune system is weakened infections by other diseases infections by other diseases death from other invading diseases or cancer death from other invading diseases or cancer

26 HIV Lesson 3

27 Brain Pop video Antibiotic resistance Antibiotic resistanceAntibiotic resistance

28 AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Disease of the Immune System – caused by a virus = HIV (Human Immunodeficiency virus) -- damages immune system by killing helper T-cells --Inactive for years --When activated if leaves patient unable to fight infections or cancer


30 Transmission of HIV: 1. Sexual contact (body fluids) 2. Blood to blood (transfusions, IV drugs) 3. Mother to baby Over 34 Million people worldwide have HIV or AIDS Prevention of AIDS: 1. Abstinence 2. Condoms 3. No drugs



33 In class assignment HIV Coloring

34 Homework Complete Truth or Myth Worksheet

35 HIV LAB Lesson 3

36 In class assignment HIV Lab

37 Homework Practice Regents Questions


39 2009-2010 Blood Type antigens & antibodies

40 Blood type; antigens & antibodies blood type antigen on RBC antibodies in blood donation status A type A antigens on surface of RBC anti-B antibodies __ B type B antigens on surface of RBC anti-A antibodies __ AB both type A & type B antigens on surface of RBC no antibodies universal recipient O no antigens on surface of RBC anti-A & anti-B antibodies universal donor Matching compatible blood groups is critical for blood transfusions A person produces antibodies against foreign blood antigens

41 Blood donation clotting

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