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Changing the Way South Carolina Values Trash Kristen Brown – Green Waste Solutions April 10, 2013 Turning waste into new products that can be sold to consumers.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing the Way South Carolina Values Trash Kristen Brown – Green Waste Solutions April 10, 2013 Turning waste into new products that can be sold to consumers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing the Way South Carolina Values Trash Kristen Brown – Green Waste Solutions April 10, 2013 Turning waste into new products that can be sold to consumers Moving materials from the waste stream to the supply stream

2 Businesses need recycled feedstock People don’t recycle enough SC Recycling Industry Challenge 4 times more jobs per capita 29.5% (2012) MSW Recycling Rate Recycling Industry Jobs are dependent on out of state feedstock

3 Robust Recycling Industry Recycling sparks economic growth and improves South Carolina’s bottom line. 2006 to 2012: $4.49 billion in investments more than 6,900 jobs. 2012: 770 recycling jobs were added $463 million in capital was invested in our state through 19 new or existing companies Investments were up nearly 30% from the 2011* Diverting materials into the recycling stream would have an immediate direct impact on existing industry.

4 Landfilled MSW and Total Solid Waste SC 2011 South Carolina 2011 TSW Assumptions: 75% of population is residential, 25% of population is multifamily / commercial. (MSW 27.5% [2011] recycling rate) TSW Landfilled 7,824,000 Residential per capita disposal 920lbs

5 Lost Opportunity (MSW) 32% 22% Department of Commerce 2011 $25 Million in wasted disposal fees to landfill by municipalities annually (for residential material). $150 Million in lost tons revenue by local government and haulers annually (depending on commodity pricing). Just over 3 million tons buried in landfill with 1.2 million recycled yielding a 27% recycling rate. tons

6 County MSW Recycling Rate (Percent) Current Recycling Industry Jobs Estimated New Recycling Industry Jobs 75% Total Recycling Industry JobsCounty MSW Recyclin g Rate (Percent) Current Recycling Industry Jobs Estimated New Recycling Industry Jobs 75% Total Recycling Industry Jobs Abbeville13.4%156882Hampton20.0%2979108 Aiken12.4%1678471,015Horry29.7%9521,4502,402 Allendale4.7%34447Jasper16.6%2588113 Anderson13.1%171807978Kershaw17.3%60199258 Bamberg8.2%86876Lancaster18.4%65200265 Barnwell8.8%14106121Laurens16.5%88313401 Beaufort23.7%3838301,213Lee23.8%286189 Berkley12.6%135670806Lexington36.4%7938401,632 Calhoun7.6%75966Marion29.5%65100164 Charleston32.1%1,3011,7343,035Marlboro11.1%1693109 Cherokee10.9%83489572McCormick22.5%133043 Chester9.0%18136154Newberry12.0%42219261 Chesterfield12.2%21110131Oconee25.1%135269404 Clarendon14.6%21104125Orangeburg23.3%166368534 Colleton15.3%35135169Pickens39.2%323295618 Darlington14.7%53217270Richland26.9%9991,7902,789 Dillon6.9%14138152Saluda22.4%266187 Dorchester37.8%397391788 Spartanbur g34.1%1,4581,7453,203 Edgefield28.2%4778125Sumter22.4%162380542 Fairfield10.7%22135158Union9.0%18132149 Florence20.6%2777331,010 Williamsbur g14.9%2185107 Georgetown16.7%78273352York28.9%5468711,417 Greenville42.4%2,1151,6253,740 South Carolina27.7%11,60619,86231,468 Greenwood24.1%189399588

7 Adding 5000 Jobs to New Mexico’s Economy A Plan to Increase Jobs Using Pay as You Throw and Economic Development ICF International expected release November 2012 MSW only an average of 8.5 jobs in recycling for every job 1 waste Potential Job Growth Through Diverted Waste Stream Materials Direct JobsIndirect JobsInduced JobsTotal Jobs Status Quo 20.6% Recycling Collection50265321888 Recycling Processing4762524481176 Recycling Manufacturing1083160317664452 Reuse Remanufacturing986369230 TOTAL2159198326046746 US Average 34% Recycling Collection11951557652115 Recycling Processing113460110662801 Recycling Manufacturing25793818420410601 Reuse Remanufacturing233149165547 TOTAL51414723620016064 75% Diversion Recycling Collection269035017214761 Recycling Processing2552135323996303 Recycling Manufacturing58068592946323861 Reuse Remanufacturing5243353721232 TOTAL11571106301395536156

8 Potential for Exponential Job Growth SC can’t afford to wait Savings through avoided disposal Future landfill expense Revenue from recovered commodity sales Regional job growth and tax revenue from recycling industry expansion Estimated new direct jobs MSW 19,862 Estimated total new jobs MSW (direct indirect and induced) 60,000 Estimated total jobs TSW( direct indirect and induced jobs) 150,000 with and increase to 75% recycling

9 RecyclonomicsSC - Policy Discussion 75% Recycling goal by 2030 [initial policy initiative] – Over arching long-term goal – Conduit for future strategic policies – Starts the dialogue Strategy for 75% goal – Select key legislators Introduce legislation – Start with a Resolution – County Association support – Piggy-back on on other legislation – Rally industry members Grass roots attempt to cover all county senators and representatives

10 Future Policy Discussion Landfill Tax Waste Bans Paper Plastic Bottles Glass Other Recycled Content Procurement Mandates Pay As You Throw (PAYT)

11 Case Study – Curbside Collection: Hamilton and Wenham, MA Population: Hamilton [8,000]. Hamilton began strict waste ban enforcement program in 2007 Initial PAYT program began in 2009. One free 32 gallon container per week for trash. Overflow trash placed in PAYT bag. April 2012 added weekly organic collection and changed trash collection to one free 32 gallon container every other week. Town uses split compartment recycle / organics truck for weekly pick up. 701 460 230lbs/capita

12 How Can You Help? Join RecyclonomicsSC Talk to your local legislators about the importance of recycling and about supporting a 75% recycling goal. Talk to your local public works department about PAYT. Buy recycled and support our growing industry!

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