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International Finance

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1 International Finance
Lecture 8: The market for foreign exchange, continued. Read: Chapters 5 Aaron Smallwood Ph.D.

2 The Bid-Ask Spread USD Bank Quotations American Terms European Terms
Pounds 1.5902 1.5908 .6286 .6289 A dealer pricing pounds in terms of dollars would likely quote these prices as 02–08. Anyone trading $10m knows the “big figure.”… 1.59

3 The Bid-Ask Spread Notice that the reciprocal of the direct bid quote gives the ask price: USD Bank Quotations American Terms European Terms Bid Ask Pounds 1.5902 1.5908 .6286 .6289

4 What are her proceeds from conversion?
Sample Problem A businesswoman has just completed transactions in Italy and England. She is now holding €250,000 and £500,000 and wants to convert to RMB. Her bank provides this quotation: GBP/RMB – RMB/EUR – Pounds: ? Euros: ? Total: ? What are her proceeds from conversion? $1,353,502.58

5 Proceeds Pounds: We buy RMB in the market for RMB: £500,000/ =RMB 4,944, Euros: We sell euros in the market for euros: €250,000* = RMB 2,063,500 Total: RMB 7,008,120.25

6 Spot FX Trading In the interbank market, the standard size trade is about U.S. $10 million. A bank trading room is a noisy, active place. The stakes are high. The “long term” is about 10 minutes.

7 Cross rates with bid-ask spreads
USD Bank Quotations American Terms European Terms Bid Ask Pounds 1.5902 1.5908 0.6286 0.6289 RMB 0.1622 0.1630 6.1350 6.1652

8 So? What are the RMB/pound bid and ask prices? Suppose a trader sells £10,000. How much do they receive? The trader effectively sells pounds for RMB

9 What about selling yuan?
Suppose we sell RMB10,000 (buy pound). We could figure the cross-currency rate, by asking: - How much do we receive when we first buy dollars with RMB? RMB10,000* = $1,622 - How much do we receive from selling dollar for pounds? $1,622/ = £1, Effectively RMB ask price for the pound: 10,000/1,019.16= RMB BID/ASK price: –

10 Concept of arbitrage Suppose you are lucky enough to see two currency windows next to each other. At the first window you see the following quote for the euro: RMB – At the second window you observe the following: RMB –

11 What? Can easily profit: Buy euros at the first bank for RMB8.2498.
Sell them at the second bank for RMB Maybe not too realistic. Let’s consider triangular arbitrage: Involves three markets. Let’s start with a simple example.

12 Triangular Arbitrage $ ¥ £
Suppose we observe these banks posting these exchange rates. $ Credit Lyonnais S($/£)=1.50 Credit Agricole S(¥/£)=125 Barclays S(¥/$)=100 First calculate the implied cross rates to see if an arbitrage exists. 12

13 Triangular Arbitrage $ ¥ £
The implied S(¥/£) cross rate is S(¥/£) = 150 $ Credit Lyonnais S($/£)=1.50 Credit Agricole S(¥/£)=125 Barclays S(¥/$)=100 Credit Agricole has posted a quote of S(¥/£)=125 so there is an arbitrage opportunity. So, how can we make money? Buy the ¥125; ¥150. 13

14 Triangular Arbitrage Sell $100,000 for ¥ at S(¥/$) = 100
receive ¥10,000,000 Sell ¥10,000,000 for £ at S(¥/£) = 125 receive £80,000 Sell £ 80,000 for $ at S($/£) = 1.50 receive $120,000 profit per round trip = $ 120,000- $100,000 = $20,000 14

15 Review: Triangular Arbitrage
Suppose we observe these banks posting these exchange rates. $ Budapest: S(¥/€) = Madrid S($/€)= Tokyo S($/¥) = First calculate the implied cross rates to see if an arbitrage exists.

16 Review: Triangular Arbitrage
Sell $10,000,000 for ¥ at S($/ ¥) ask = $ receive ¥992,063,492.06 Sell our ¥992,063, for € at S(¥/ €) = ¥ receive €7,798,965.38 Sell € 7,798, for $ at S($/€) = receive $10,112,918.41 profit per round trip = $ 10, $10,000,000 = $112,918.41

17 Triangular Arbitrage: One more
We want to consider another example with bid-ask spreads. See example in the textbook, with the following quotes: Market for pounds: $ Market for euros: $ Market for pounds: € Implied price in the third market is POUND UNDERVALED!

18 Exploit the arbitrage opportunity
Suppose we start with $1,000,000 First, we need to get euros so we can buy pounds in the 3rd market. Start by selling dollars for euros: We receive: $1,000,000/ = €678,242.00 Sell euros for pounds: We receive: €678,242.00/ = £509,573.25 Finally, sell pounds for dollars We receive: £509,573.25* = $1,004,470.79 PROFIT: $4,

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