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Learning is the discovery that something is possible- Fritz Perl.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning is the discovery that something is possible- Fritz Perl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning is the discovery that something is possible- Fritz Perl

2 Aims- Promote children’s personal development Promote positive attitudes and dispositions to learning Promote children’s Thinking skills and Personal Capabilities Encourage creativity and imagination Enable children to develop physical confidence and competence Develop children’s curiosity and interact in the world around them Enable children to communicate in a variety of ways Motivate children to develop literacy and numeracy skills in meaningful contexts. Develop secure relationships with adults and peers

3 Activities will be- Practical Open ended Challenging Encourage creativity Build on own interests and experiences Children will be actively involved in their learning-planning, reviewing and reflecting on what they have done.


5 Put snack in school bag

6 Water- children are given water in class so no water bottles

7 Send dinner money in a named purse

8 Any other money must be brought in an envelope with the child’s name Sam Roberts Primary 1

9 Savings collected on Wednesday mornings SAVINGS

10 Medication- in school

11 Achievements and Good Citizen Award – Wednesday Assembly

12 Homework Bags- £3.50

13 Homework Thursday night- Shared reading

14 Sick notes to be brought in on day of child’s return

15 P.E- Slippers to be sent in for Week beginning 15th September Children will not need a full P.E kit until February

16 Show and Tell- Thursday Children will be given a Show and Tell slip if it is their turn.


18 count a variety of objects; develop an understanding of one-to-one correspondence and come to appreciate that the size of a set is given by the last number in the count; make sets for a given number within 10; match numerals to sets and order numerals and sets within 10 develop an understanding of conservation of number within 10; understand in counting activities that ‘none’ is represented by zero; explore ordinal number; explore the number that comes after, before, between a given number to 10 carry out simple mental calculations e.g. 1 more…1 less count in the context of number rhymes, jingles and stories; count forwards/backwards in ones within 10 from different starting points; Handle money in play contexts Sort the different coins.

19 explore and talk about shapes in the environment; describe and name common 3-D and 2-D shapes; build and make models with 3D shapes; create pictures and patterns with 2D shapes; investigate and talk about the properties of shapes; sort collections of shapes in several ways; describe the arrangements; explore body space through different types of movement; explore movement through space during indoor and outdoor play activities; understand and use a range of positional words; explore movement using programmable devices; follow/give directions for simple movements.

20 compare two objects of different length/weight/capacity/area; understand and use the language of comparison; order three objects of different length, weight, capacity, area; talk about the ordering using appropriate language;

21 sort collections of random materials; sort for one and two criterion investigate and talk about pattern in the environment; copy and continue a simple pattern; continue a simple pattern; investigate different ways of partitioning sets to 5 into subsets practically; understand the concept of addition by combining sets of objects to find ‘how many’; match objects in real contexts; compare sets by matching objects/counting objects to understand the terms ‘more than’ less than’ ‘the same’; investigate the relationship between addition and subtraction in practical situations.


23 3 Areas Reading Talking and Listening Writing

24 Reading is about understanding written texts. Reading consists of two related processes. 1. Word recognition 2. Comprehension Shared Reading Guided Reading

25 Early progress in reading is closely linked to the development of oral language.

26 Children will have a range of opportunities throughout the day to write for their own purposes using a range of writing materials.




30 World Around Us Personal Development ICT Polish Physical Development












42 Please don’t hesitate to meet with us if you have any questions or problems

43 The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. B.B. King

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