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At 9:15 on a Friday, October 21 st, 1966 a waste tip slid down the mountainside into the mining village of Aberfan near Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales.

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2 At 9:15 on a Friday, October 21 st, 1966 a waste tip slid down the mountainside into the mining village of Aberfan near Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales. It first destroyed a farm cottage in it’s path killing all the occupants. At Pantglas Junior school, the children had just returned to their classes after singing All Things Bright And Beautiful at their assembly. The tipping gang up the mountain had seen the slide start but could not raise the alarm because their telephone cable had been repeatedly stolen. Down in the village nobody saw anything but everyone heard the noise. 144 people died in the Aberfan Disaster: 116 of them school children. So Horrifying was the disaster everyone stopped what they were doing, threw a shovel in the car, drove to Aberfan to try and help with the rescue.

3 Not long ago our valley rang with song and little children sang and played the whole day long. Then came that night, that awful night, the heavens opened wide and rain came down in torrents and caused a tip to slide. It slid way down the mountainside, a wall of hell of death and smothered little Pantglas School with its foul and evil breath. Of lives were lost the total was 144 and only through prompt action, there would have been much more. Grief was felt by everyone and tears filled their eyes and the sound heard in the valley was of wailing and of sighs. The streets were still and empty no children to be seen their voices gone forever as if they had never been.

4 Page 2 Now a new sound fills the valley a sound of greed not song and it echo’s from the mountain like the striking of a gong. It’s the cry for gold for money that comes from every throat and the wailing is forgotten in the lush for the pound note. How can we once proud Welshmen stand with our heads held high when the shame of what we are doing will be with us till we die. Lets forget this lust for money and remember those who’ve gone then once more will our valley ring with happy song.

5 Volunteers joined in the rescue to try and save the children. Some people even dug with their bare hands to save their loved ones. This is how Aberfan looks now, it is hard to believe that such a catastrophe could happen in such a quiet and beautiful village. Susan Robertson, 8 years of age was one of the lucky children to survive the Aberfan disaster.

6 My Nan is 56 years of age she was 16 when the disaster happened she was not in the Aberfan disaster. (Q). Where were you when the disaster happened? (A). I was working in Kayser Bonder. (Q). How did you find out? (A). I found out on the radio in work. (Q). What were your first thoughts? (A). I was shocked and upset. (Q). Did you go and help? How did you help? (A). Yes, we took shifts at making teas.

7 (Q). How many people were there helping? (A). Uncountable numbers there were thousands. (Q). What do you remember most about the day? (A). Men crying when they were carrying the bodies out and the parents grieving as they identified the bodies. (Q). Did you know anyone who lost their lives in the disaster? (A). Yes my teacher Mr Beynon who taught me in primary school.

8 In loving memory of all the children who lost their lives.

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