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Organisation of the genetic material in pro- and eukariotic cells DNA, chromatin, chromosomes.

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1 Organisation of the genetic material in pro- and eukariotic cells DNA, chromatin, chromosomes

2 1 µm = 2 Megadalton (2 x 10 6 Dalton) = 3 kbp



5 Genome Content Human Genome 3200 Mb Genes and gene-related sequences 1200Mb Intergenic DNA 2000 Mb Genes 48 Mb Related seq. 1152 Mb PseudogenesGene fragments Introns, UTRs Interspersed repeats 1400 Mb Other intergenic regions 600 Mb Microsatellites 90 Mb Various 510 Mb LINES 640 Mb SINES 420 Mb LTR elements 250 Mb DNA transposons 90 Mb SINE: Alu, 281 bp, 300.000 p, 9% LINE: L1, 6500 bp, 50.000 p, 7%, retrotransposon

6 T phage of Esherichia coli ~ 50  m DNA.

7 Single Circular DNA molecule of Escherichia coli, ~ 1,4 mm long

8 ~ 4 cm linear DNA molecule contains in a usual human chromosome

9 E. coli: 4 639 221 nukleotide pairs, 4200 genes


11 Relaxed Supercoiled Topoisomerases

12 Nucleus of a eukariotic cells (electronmicrograph) Function: protection, transport, gene expression nuclear lamina HETEROCHROMATIN euchromatin heterochromatin nucleolus

13 1 µm = 2 Megadalton (2 x 10 6 Dalton) = 3 kbp

14 Types of the chromatin: eu- and heterochromatin Structure of the chromatin ; histons, nucleosomes, solenoid and loops


16 Histones: small, basic, higly conserved proteins

17 30 nm chromatin fiber: interactions and modifications of site chains of histones and H1 histon are necessary The sructure of the 30 nm chromatin fiber is variable (heterogen)

18 11 and 30 nm chromatin fibers (electonmicrograph) „beads-on-a-string” structure solenoid

19 H2A H2B H3 H4

20 Chromatin structure and gene expresson in that area are hang on the chemical modification of histones (acetylations, metylation, phosphorylation)

21 A „hiszton kód” hipotézis




25 Condensins organise the loop-structure SMC = Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes family protein (part of the condensin complex)




29 DNA Chromatin Loops Metaphase chromosome

30 Chemical modification of the DNA (methylation) has role in regulation


32 de novo metylases Imprinting

33 XIST = X inactivaton specific transcript XIC = X inactivation center Histones also play role in the inactivation

34 Localization of the chromosome 18 and chr. 19 in interphase nucleus

35 The chromosome structure and the cell division Arms, centromer, telomers



38 arms sisterchromatides Kinetochor microtubuls




42 Lewin: Genes IX. Fig. 28.30

43 Telomer and telomerase

44 fibrillar granular light stained

45 A magvacska funkciói

46 Special chromosomes Politen chromosome – in salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster Lampbrush chromosomes – amphybian oocytes

47 Politen chromosomes

48 RNA synthesis on the politen chromosomes

49 Lampbrush chromosomes in an amphybian oocyte

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