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Meet the Teacher Mandela Class: Mrs Matthews PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER

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1 Meet the Teacher Mandela Class: Mrs Matthews PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER
Trimley St Martin Primary School Meet the Teacher PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER Mandela Class: Mrs Matthews

2 What’s this meeting all about?
Meet the teacher Timetable Homework P.E. Trips planned Targets Fronter School website

3 About me… I have been teaching for 18 years.
This is my 4th Year 6 class. I have taught Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5 and Y6 at TSM and YR, Y1 and Y2 in other schools. I am a Senior Leader in the school responsible for Literacy, Assessment, Art and D.T, NQT Mentoring. I have 2 children at the school (therefore I only ask of you what I expect to do myself!) I have high expectations of both myself and the children in my care. I love my job!!

4 HIGH EXPECTATIONS We want children to be proud of their work they produce! We are working hard on creating quality pieces of work everytime. Nothing is perfect, everything can be improved!!! We’re looking for GREAT not okay!

5 Changes for Sept 14 New curriculum New behaviour policy
New Home School Agreement 1 class per year group 2x adult led lunchtime clubs daily After school club runs until 6pm

6 Home School Agreement

7 Home School Agreement The School We will: Listen to and respond quickly to any concerns your child or parent / carer may have Provide a safe, caring environment for your child to learn in Maintain a balanced curriculum which meets the individual needs of your child Set, mark and monitor homework and 5x weekly reading activity and send home regular Progress Charts to show the progress your child is making at TSM Arrange opportunities for formal consultations (Parents Evenings), informal progress meetings if required and times to discuss concerns or issues parents and children may have Promote high standards of work and behaviour, and provide clear guidelines for students and parents Ensure your child is given every opportunity to achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community Keep parents informed about school-activities and events through monthly newsletters, half term curriculum overviews, text and messaging and via the website blog or web pages. Be open and welcoming at all times Provide an incentive for Parents to register, if eligible for Free School meals, to trigger additional funding that supports all children in the school.

8 Home School Agreement The Parent/Guardian I will: Ensure that my child comes to school regularly, on time, properly dressed and properly equipped Inform the school about concerns that you have that is affecting your child’s work / behaviour / self-esteem / well being Support the school in its policies and procedures as fully as possible Support my child with his/her homework and home learning opportunities and ensure my child completes his/her homework on time Attend all parents’ evenings and discussions about your child’s progress AND reschedule if unable to attend Support the school with any disciplinary sanctions Support my child in responding positively to the general expectations and regulations of the school Maintain an active interest in all aspects of your child’s life a Trimley St Martin Register my details promptly, if they meet the criteria, to trigger additional funding for the school

9 Home School Agreement The Student (KS2) I will: Have a positive attitude and participate fully in school at all times Attend school regularly and on time and with any necessary equipment Wear the correct school uniform and be tidy in appearance Do all my class work and homework on time and to the best of my ability Be polite, kind and helpful to others Take care of the school environment Tell a member of staff if I have any worries or concerns Behave in a manner which is respectful to people and property both inside and outside school Observe the school’s rules and expectations


11 Why we are keeping NC levels… for now!
New ‘Assessing without levels’ approach introduced Nationally. Removes NC levels and replaces them with a statement of emerging, expected, exceeding in relation to the year group expectations. Minimal information about it and actually how it works! We like levels, we understand levels, we can prove our children are making progress with levels. Our assessment system is robust. We are reluctant to move away from this until we are certain that the new approach offers a more effective alternative from what we have now!!!

12 How well is my child doing?
Booklet on website – How well is my child doing?

13 Attainment Where should my child be? Year 5 SEN Below Average Average
Above Average

14 Attainment Where should my child be? Year 6 SEN Below Average Average
Above Average


16 How well is my child doing?

17 How well is my child doing?

18 BOOSTERS Don’t panic!

19 HOMEWORK Reading 5x per week Mental Maths homework
Books handed in to school >> Books marked and sent home >> Spelling / punctuation / grammar homework COMING SOON

20 (1) Reading 5x a week New Banded books
Included examples of how to complete in the reading logs Letters will sent home by Mrs Matthews for not completing the minimum 3x per week.

21 (2) Mental Maths HW Should be done independently
Meant to be a chance for children to recap, revisit basic skills Further challenge >> sideways not up

22 SPAG (3) – Coming soon! Should be done independently
Meant to be a chance for children to recap, revisit basic skills Further challenge >> sideways not up

23 Volunteers Sign up to what you can offer… DBS check will be needed
We will try to cater for all offers… however, there are some occasions / lessons where too many adults may be a hinderance.

24 Volunteers Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sign up to what you can offer…
Class: __________________ Leave name Contact number Volunteers Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri AM PM Sign up to what you can offer… DBS check will be needed

25 Times Table Challenge Continues again this year.
Pupils will work towards the new year group expectation. This may require some repeats in knowledge and xtables covered. This is to check the xtables have been retained and are embedded. (If too easy, within 3 weeks pupils can reach the platinum and blue topaz certificates. AIM – All pupils to achieve at least silver (National Expectation)


27 The Blue Topaz! In order to achieve Blue Topaz children must have completed Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum then: Support a child from their class to achieve a bronze / silver certificate by helping them practice, showing them ways of remembering and recalling their timetables under pressure as well as remembering particular patterns with learning the times tables.

28 Curriculum New Curriculum 2014 TSM have developed their own
Each half termly aims to… Include a quality reading text linked to the content of the topic A trip per half term (varying from local/further afield, free / paid) A visitor per half term linked to the topic A career link visitor per half term linked to the topic An outcome – something that the children are working towards within the topic lessons e.g. Assembly, presentation, museum…

29 Year 6 T ‘Vikings’ Curriculum Overview – Autumn Term 1 Science
TOPIC ‘Vikings’ Science Classifying Critters In this unit the children will learn about the two main kingdoms and that the animal kingdom can be subdivided into vertebrates and invertebrates. Three are five kingdoms of living things which will be explored during this unit. Here they will explore the kingdoms not yet encountered, such as fungi and microbes. School Trip Sutton Hoo Possible trip to Sutton Hoo in Woodbridge. History D&T The Vikings In this unit the children will learn about the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor. Paper and Card Structures In groups the children will investigate longboats and and make their own. They will need to learn and apply new skills to fulfil a specific brief, evaluating and improving their work as they go along. Music Topic Visitor Guitars Pupils throughout the year will continue to develop their guitar skills including reading music and composing new material. Museum Curate Local Museum to bring in artefacts and information linked to the Vikings. Computing We Are Game Developers The pupils plan their own simple computer game. Designing their own characters and backgrounds. Then create a working prototype which they develop further based on feedback they receive. Religious Education Career Link Visitor Questions About Buddhism This unit will recap the main points of the Buddha life story again and ask the children to retell the story to others. They will learn the main thread of the story and it’s related beliefs. Historian Discuss what is like to be a Historian exploring sources and artefacts to create a picture of the past.

30 Year 6 M L Curriculum Overview – Autumn Term 1 MATHEMATICS LITERACY
Literacy Units Poetry Story Explanation Report Recount L LITERACY Number/Calculation Secure place value & rounding to 10,000,000, including negatives All written methods, including long division Use order of operations (not indices) Identify factors, multiples & primes Solve multi-step number problems Algebra Introduce simple use of unknowns Geometry & Measures Confidently use a range of measures & conversions Calculate area of triangles / parallelograms Use area & volume formulas Classify shapes by properties Know and use angle rules Translate & reflect shapes, using all four quadrants Data Use pie charts Calculate mean averages Fractions, decimals & percentages Compare & simplify fractions Use equivalents to add fractions Multiply simple fractions Divide fractions by whole numbers Solve problems using decimals & percentages Use written division up to 2dp Introduce ratio & proportion Reading Read a broad range of genres Recommend books to others Make comparisons within/across books Support inferences with evidence Summarising key points from texts Identify how language, structure, etc. contribute to meaning Discuss use of language, inc. figurative Discuss & explain reading, providing reasoned justifications for views Writing Use knowledge of morphology & etymology in spelling Develop legible personal handwriting style Plan writing to suit audience & purpose; use models of writing Develop character & setting in narrative Select grammar & vocabulary for effect Use a wide range of cohesive devices Ensure grammatical consistency Grammar Use appropriate register/ style Use the passive voice for purpose Use features to convey & clarify meaning Use full punctuation Use language of subject/object Speaking & Listening Use questions to build knowledge Articulate arguments & opinions Use spoken language to speculate, hypothesise & explore Use appropriate register & language

31 Behaviour Policy New Policy for September CLEARER more straightforward
Key Points: Exchange classes More clarity on Red and Amber behaviour Time to think sheets used to help pupils calm down, consider their actions and decide what went wrong and how they can make it better.

32 Attendance & Holidays If a holiday request is
unauthorised it is an instant fine All schools in the Felixstowe cluster are following the same process Felixstowe Academy may be different as it is an academy.

33 Getting to speak to Teachers
After school is best Messages can be given to Mr Stock at the gate. If Mr Stock thinks the message requires a face to face chat with the class teacher he will let you into the building. (You may need to wait until 9:05am)

34 Who do I speak to about…? BULLYING 1st >> Class Teacher
2nd >> Senior Leader (Mrs Ross, Mrs MacFarlane, Mrs Matthews) 3rd >> Mr Stock SEN 1st >> Class Teacher 2nd >> Mrs Lawrence

35 Who do I speak to about…? CHILDS LEARNING & PROGRESS
1st >> Class Teacher 2nd >> Senior Leader (Mrs Ross, Mrs MacFarlane, Mrs Matthews) 3rd >> Mr Stock CHILD PROTECTION 1st >> Mr Stock or Mrs Ross 2nd >> Mrs Mann (Governor) or Mr Kemp (Chair of Governors)

36 Child Protection Report all child protection concerns to an adult >> preferably those listed on the following page. However small the information may be, we may already have other information about the child.

37 It is your DUTY to report any concerns that you have about a child.
Safeguarding children is everybody's business! Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr Paul Stock Head teacher Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) Mrs Samantha Ross Assistant Head teacher Governors Responsible for Safeguarding Mr David Kemp Chair of Governors It is your DUTY to report any concerns that you have about a child. Mrs Alicia Mann Safeguarding Governor

38 Tell… a teacher a parent Mr Stock a dinner lady a Teaching assistant
If you are worried about something! Tell… a brother or sister a teacher a parent a Teaching assistant Mr Stock a dinner lady Mrs Simpson

39 Safeguarding children is everybody's business!
We all share responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, whether as a parent or family member, a friend or neighbour, an employer, or as a paid or voluntary worker. All members of the Trimley St Martin community can help to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people if we are all mindful of the children’s needs and willing and able to act if we have concerns. Definition of safeguarding In its simplest terms ' safeguarding' can be defined as 'keeping children safe from harm, such as illness, abuse or injury'. At Trimley St Martin, we are committed to ensuring that; Everybody working with children, young people and their families take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to children's welfare are minimised, and When there are concerns about children and young people's welfare, we take all appropriate actions to address those concerns, working to agreed local policies and procedures in full partnership with other local agencies.

40 Timetable

41 Weekly Timetable Facts about teaching arrangements in this class:
Reading Record Booklet is collected every Monday PE is on a Monday (with Mr Childs) Guitars is on a Tuesday (Guitars to be taken home) Swimming is on a Wednesday (with Mr Childs) Homework is collected in on a Thursday Homework is given out on a Friday Mrs Barrell will be teaching the children on a Friday afternoon while I have Senior Leadership release time. Cooking is on a Friday (subject to parental support)

42 P.E P.E. Kit needed in school on…
(1) Monday – trainers, white t-shirt, royal blue shorts (in addition they may need a navy, black or royal blue tracksuit for cold weather) (2) Wednesday – swimming hat, towel, one piece swimsuit (girls), swimming trunks (boys)

43 The NEW Uniform Code In place now… enforced from January 2015

44 ? Any questions? 16 16 of

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