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Bacteria and Viruses Chapter 19. Classification Kingdom…Moneran Domain a) Euchaea b) Bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria and Viruses Chapter 19. Classification Kingdom…Moneran Domain a) Euchaea b) Bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria and Viruses Chapter 19

2 Classification Kingdom…Moneran Domain a) Euchaea b) Bacteria

3 Classification Characteristics What characteristics do you know so far????

4 Characteristics Prokaryote Found anywhere

5 Classification Round coccus Rod bacillus Corkscrew spirillum

6 Pathogenic Bacteria What is a pathogen? Only 20% bacteria cause disease

7 Strep Throat


9 Staph Infection

10 STD Syphilis

11 Tetnus

12 80% of bacteria are friendly


14 Intestinal (mutualism)

15 Decomposers Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria

16 Bacterial Structure

17 Bacteria Have Only 1 Chromosome

18 How Do We Slow Down Bacteria From Spoiling In Our Foods??????

19 What Is Meant By The Term “sterilization”??

20 Why Do We Get A Fever When We Have An Infection?

21 How Do Scientists Use Bacteria For Society????? Genetic Engineering Cleaning up oil spills Mine minerals from the ground Food production Making of chemicals Making medicines

22 What Do You Know About Viruses?

23 Do You Know???? What is the basic unit of all life?

24 Main parts of the cell? Cell membrane Nucleus DNA Cytoplasm

25 Did You Know????? A virus is many times smaller than one bacterial cell

26 BUT……………. A virus is not a cell

27 Did You Know??? Viruses come in a variety of shapes

28 Viral Shapes

29 HIV Virus

30 Measles

31 Small Pox

32 West Nile

33 Viruses can also attack

34 Bacteriophage

35 Virus That Attacks Tobacco

36 Remember the movie “OUTBREAK”?

37 Basic Structure of a Virus

38 Basic Viral Structure A protein coat A DNA or RNA core Structures that are used to attach to the host cell There is no cell membrane nor cytoplasm

39 A virus must invade a host cell to replicate


41 HIV coming out of a white blood cell

42 I call this virus “the sleeper”

43 When cell divides, the viral gene also is replicated

44 Retrovirus A virus that contains RNA instead of DNA Can cause some human and animal cancers Also is the cause of AIDS

45 What About Our Pets??? Dog/Cat Distemper Virus Dog/cat West Nile Virus Dog/Cat Avian Flu

46 Can Viruses Attack Plants ?? Yes


48 How Can A Viral Infection Be Prevented?? Vaccines Vaccines were given to the birds at the Zoo to prevent West Nile and Avian Virus

49 What is in a vaccine? Weaken or dead parts of a virus The immune system does not know any better and will build the antibodies to fight the virus

50 Two Ways We Can Become Immune To a Viral Infection Active Immunity contracting the disease Passive Immunity vaccines breast milk

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