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CENTROC Economic Development Officer forum: Labour Market and Demographic Trends Lithgow, July 2012 John Turnbull, Manager, Labour Economics, NSW/ACT Office.

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Presentation on theme: "CENTROC Economic Development Officer forum: Labour Market and Demographic Trends Lithgow, July 2012 John Turnbull, Manager, Labour Economics, NSW/ACT Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 CENTROC Economic Development Officer forum: Labour Market and Demographic Trends Lithgow, July 2012 John Turnbull, Manager, Labour Economics, NSW/ACT Office

2 Source: ABS Labour Force Survey

3 Unemployment rate & participation rate by region, NSW, 3 months to May 2011 and 2012 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Labour Force Survey RegionUE ratePart.rate May-11May-12May-11May-12 Sydney 5.1%4.9%65.9%66.0% Richmond-Tweed & Mid-North Coast 5.9%4.8%55.5%53.6% Murray-Murrumbidgee 5.6%5.5%63.4%63.8% Hunter 4.8%4.9%61.7%61.4% Illawarra & South Eastern 4.7%5.2%60.1%58.6% Western NSW 6.4%5.2%63.4%59.7% NEW SOUTH WALES 5.2%5.0%63.9%63.4%

4 Unemployment rate (%) by SLA, Central West NSW, March 2012 Statistical Local Area (SLA)Mar-11Mar-12 Upper Lachlan 2.62.2 Boorowa (A) 3.22.5 Bland (A) 3.2 Harden (A) 4.13.3 Blayney (A) 3.93.7 Cabonne (A) 3.8 Oberon (A) 3.13.9 Weddin (A) 3.34.0 Orange (C) 4.44.2 Young (A) 5.04.2 Bathurst Regional (A) - Pt A 4.8 Bathurst Regional (A) - Pt B 4.74.8 Lachlan (A) 4.95.0 Forbes (A) 4.85.4 Parkes (A) 5.65.7 Lithgow (C) 6.06.9 Cowra (A) 6.57.3 Wellington 8.69.3 Source: DEEWR Small Area Labour Markets

5 Population growth in Central West NSW by SLA, 2006-2011 Source: ABS Census 2011 (place of enumeration) SLA nameGrowth Orange (C)10.3% Blayney (A)8.0% Bathurst Regional (A) - Pt A7.3% Bathurst Regional (A) - Pt B6.9% Cabonne (A)3.2% Boorowa (A)3.0% Lithgow (C)2.4% Wellington (A)2.3% Upper Lachlan Shire (A)2.3% Young (A)2.1% Parkes (A)2.0% Oberon (A)1.2% Harden (A)-0.2% Weddin (A)-0.3% Lachlan (A)-1.5% Cowra (A)-1.8% Forbes (A)-2.7% Bland (A)-6.0%

6 Employment growth by industry, (‘000s) Western NSW, 5 years to May 2012 Source: ABS Labour Force Survey

7 Chifley Employment Service Area

8 Patterson Employment Service Area

9 Lachlan Employment Service Area

10 Employers’ Recruitment Experience, Central West NSW, 2011 ESA Unfilled vacancies Applicants per vacancy Suitable applicants per vacancy Chifley13%5.41.8 Patterson6%5.41.8 Lachlan20%4.11.7 All regions10%6.22.0 Source: DEEWR Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experience

11 Occupations hard to fill, Central West, 2011 Higher skill, qualification or experience Retail Managers (Chifley)Structural Steel & Welding (Chifley, Lachlan, Patterson) Accountants (Lachlan, Chifley)Motor Mechanics (Chifley, Lachlan, Patterson) Early Childhood Teachers (Lachlan, Patterson)Plumbers (Chifley) Midwives (Lachlan)Electricians (Lachlan) Registered Nurses (Lachlan)Fire Fighters (Lachlan) Occupational Therapists (Patterson)Butchers (Lachlan) Metal Fitters and Machinists (Chifley, Patterson)Real Estate Sales Agents (Patterson)

12 Occupations hard to fill, Central West, 2011 Middle and lower skill, qualification or experience Child Care Workers (Lachlan)Retail Supervisors (Patterson) Aged and Disabled Carers (Lachlan)Motor Vehicles & Parts Salespersons (Chifley) Nurse Support & Personal Care Workers (Patterson) Sales Assistants (General) (Chifley, Lachlan and Patterson) Receptionists (Chifley)Kitchen Hands (Lachlan, Patterson) Sales Representatives (Chifley)Domestic Cleaners (Lachlan) Bar Attendants and Baristas (Lachlan, Patterson)Commercial Cleaners (Paterson) Housekeepers (Chifley)

13 Youth unemployment rates, NSW regions, year to May 2012 UE rate NEW SOUTH WALES11.4% Sydney11.4% Richmond-Tweed & Mid-North Coast14.5% Murray-Murrumbidgee8.3% Hunter9.0% Illawarra and South Eastern11.5% Western NSW13.4% Source: ABS Labour Force Survey

14 Indigenous & non-Indigenous unemployment rates, NSW ABS Labour Force Characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2010 (6287.0)

15 Unemployment rate by qualification, Australia, May 2011 Source: ABS Education and Work Australia, May 2011, catalogue 6227.0

16 Percentage of population age 15 plus holding Certificate III or higher qualification, 2006 Source: ABS Census 2006 RDA regionPercent Sydney49% Illawarra44% Southern Inland44% Hunter42% Central Coast NSW42% South Coast42% Mid North Coast41% Northern Rivers40% Central West38% Murray38% Riverina37% Northern Inland36% Orana35% Far West30% NSW46%

17 Employment growth by industry, (‘000s) Australia, 5 years to 2016-17 Source: DEEWR projections

18 Further information – – – – – – For a copy of the 2012 Australian Jobs publication please email

19 Questions?


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