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It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again Shelden Smollan Director of Wholesale and Specialty Products Spring 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again Shelden Smollan Director of Wholesale and Specialty Products Spring 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again Shelden Smollan Director of Wholesale and Specialty Products Spring 2014






7 Insurance Supermarket Inc. (ISI) is a Canadian National Financial Brokerage. We provide a full spectrum of personal protection and investment products to serve the needs of our clients. ISI is also dedicated to providing prospecting opportunities (FACE TO FACE) to our network of qualified agents. In pioneering a centralized marketing system we are able to connect prospects in all provinces with local agents in their area. Shared Commission Only.

8 ISI has developed trusted relationships with a comprehensive list of leading Canadian insurance providers. ISI added over 500 brokers in 2013, that sold over 9300 policies from over 39,000 appointments that were provided to them.

9 iApplication – Propietary application submission platform Current carriers –BMO, Empire, La Capitale, Wawanesa, Industrial Alliance, SSQ, and coming Assumption, Transamerica

10 Simplified Issue Life Insurance No medical No fluids No APS

11 Customer Profile Wants Coverage Fast Doesn’t Like Needles Wants To Maintain Privacy “White Coat Syndrome” May Have Medical Issues Easier to Qualify – Fewer Underwriting Requirements Pre-Underwriting Coverage

12 Underwriting Issues Build Diabetes DUI / Driving record Drug or alcohol abuse Foreign Travel Depression / Anxiety MS / Parkinson Blood Pressure Cholesterol Family health history Conditions making it hard to get coverage Do you know anyone affected by one or more of these issues ? Simplified issue life insurance is a solution.

13 Product features

14 Terms available : Simplified issue – no medical exam, no blood tests Coverage is immediate as soon as the policy is issued. Non-participating term insurance Guaranteed level premiums Available as an individual policy or as a rider on: ◦InstaTerm or InstaTerm Deferred. ◦Golden Protection, Golden Protection Deferred or Golden Protection Plus on the same insured (maximum of 1 rider) or on a person other than the insured under the policy.

15 Minimum coverage : $50,000 or $20 per month Maximum coverage : $150,000 ◦The sum of all InstaTerm, Golden Protection, Golden Protection Deferred, Golden Protection Plus and Total Protection policies for a single insured cannot exceed $200,000. Automatic renewal until the policy or rider anniversary nearest the insured’s 90 th birthday. Rates available for Smoker and Non-Smoker.

16 Issue age: 20 to 70 Annual fees: $80 policy, $60 rider Conversion to Golden Protection Coversion privilege is available if requested:  after the first InstaTerm policy anniversary; and the insured is at least 40. ◦If only part of the sum insured is converted, the policyholder may keep the balance in force, if the remaining sum insured is at least $50,000. ◦The sum of all Golden Protection, Golden Protection Deferred, Golden Protection Plus and Total Protection coverages for a single insured cannot exceed $50,000.

17 Terms available : Simplified issue – no medical exam, no blood tests Non-participating term product Guaranteed level premiums. The death benefit is deferred for the first two years. Available as an individual policy or as a rider on: ◦InstaTerm or InstaTerm Deferred if the insured is a person other than the insured under the policy. ◦Golden Protection, Golden Protection Deferred or Golden Protection Plus on the same insured (maximum of 1 rider) or on a person other than the insured under the policy.

18 Minimum coverage : $50,000 or $20 per month Maximum coverage : $100,000 ◦The sum of all InstaTerm, Golden Protection, Golden Protection Deferred, Golden Protection Plus and Total Protection policies for a single insured cannot exceed $150,000. Non-renewable Non-convertible Issue age: 20 to 70 Annual fees: $80 policy, $60 rider

19 Deferred protection If death is non-accidental and occurs before the 2 nd anniversary of the policy, the death benefit is equal to the sum of premiums plus interest of 3%. The death benefit is equal to the sum insured: ◦After the 2 nd anniversary of the policy; ◦ or if death is accidental and occurs in the first 2 years of the policy.

20 Living Benefit ◦the policyholder qualifies for 50% of the sum insured, if the insured’s doctor says the insured will not survive the next 12 months must occur after the 2 nd anniversary of the policy, ◦Transportation Benefit ◦ $2,000 will be paid, if death occurs over 200 km away from the insured’s primary residence. ◦Payable only after the 2 nd anniversary of the policy. Benefits

21 Other benefits available Accidental Fracture Plus, Child Insurance Rider, and/or Accidental Death. Child Insurance Rider Accidental Death Accidental Fracture Plus

22 Questions 1 to 11 – InstaTerm Deferred and InstaTerm Questions 12 to 27 – InstaTerm All questions must be answered No in order to submit the application Qualification

23 Competive Premium Comparison PlanAgeSex Coverage Amount Monthly Cost T-20 Monthly Cost T-10 InstaTerm30M$100,000 $24.75 InstaTerm Deferred30M$100,000$29.61 InstaTerm40M$100,000$30.15$28.71 InstaTerm Deferred40M$100,000$37.71$37.53 InstaTerm45M$100,000$39.24$32.58 InstaTerm Deferred45M$100,000$59.94$51.03 InstaTerm60M$100,000$164.16$112.50 InstaTerm Deferred60M$100,000$247.50$195.93

24 Med Questions 1.In the last 90 days, have you been hospitalized, in a nursing facility, bedridden or confined to a wheelchair? 2.In the past three (3) years, have you had an amputation as a result of disease? 3.In the past three (3) years have you been diagnosed, hospitalized, or treated (other than by medication) for any of the following conditions: a. Angina, heart attack, heart failure or cardiomyopathy? b. Cancer (other than basal cell carcinoma)? c. Leukemia? d. Chronic kidney disease? e. Aneurysm? 4.In the past three (3) years, have you been prescribed a new medication or required a change in dosage in your medication for any of the following conditions: angina, heart attack, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, cancer (other than basal cell carcinoma), leukemia, chronic kidney disease? 5.In the past three (3) years, have you been diagnosed or hospitalized for: a. Chronic respiratory condition that required the administration of oxygen? b. Liver disease (other than fatty liver)? c. Diabetic coma or insulin shock? d. Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)?

25 Med Questions 6. In the past five (5) years have you received an organ transplant or a bone marrow transplant or were you advised that one was required due to your condition? 7. In the past five (5) years have you been diagnosed, hospitalized, or undergone treatments (including medication) for HIV, AIDS or AIDS-related complex? 8. Have you ever been diagnosed or treated (including medication) for any of the following conditions: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), Alzheimer’s disease or dementia? 9. Have you been diagnosed or treated for any incurable terminal illness (for which you have been advised that you have less than 12 months’ life expectancy)? 10. Are you aware of any symptoms for which you have not yet consulted a physician or received treatment, or for which you consulted a physician without having received a diagnosis? 11. Does your weight exceed the weight corresponding to your height in the following table?

26 Build Chart HeightWeightHeightWeightHeightWeight Ft/incmlbkgFt/incmlbkgFt/incmlbkg 4’ 10’’147158725’ 6’’168205936’ 2’’188256116 4’ 11’’150163745’ 7’’170210956’ 3’’191264120 5’ 0’’152169775’ 8’’173216986’ 4’’193271123 5’ 1’’155174795’ 9’’1752241026’ 5’’196277126 5’ 2’’157182835’ 10’’1782291046’ 6’’198285129 5’ 3’’160188855’ 11’’1802351076’ 7’’201293133 5’ 4’’163193886’ 0’’1832421106’ 8’’203299136 5’ 5’’165198906’ 1’’1852501146’ 9’’206308140

27 Med Questions 12.In the past three (3) months, have you required a new medication for high blood pressure or did you require an increase in the dosage of any medication for high blood pressure? 13.Has your weight changed by more than 18.14 kg (40 lbs) in the past year? 14.In the past twelve (12) months, have you been hospitalized or did you require more than six (6) months off work or are you currently off work for depression or any emotional, behavioral, psychological or nervous disorder. 15.In the past two (2) years, have you had an application for life insurance (other than group insurance or group mortgage insurance) rejected or postponed? 16.In the past three (3) years have you required hospitalization for: transient ischemic attack (TIA or mini-stroke), chest pain, arrhythmia or diabetes? 17.In the past five (5) years, have you been diagnosed or started treatment for: convulsions, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, degenerative disease or heart disease? 18.In the past five (5) years have you been diagnosed, hospitalized, or treated (other than by medication) for any of the following conditions: a. Angina, heart attack, heart failure, or cardiomyopathy? b. Cancer (other than basal cell carcinoma)? c. Leukemia? d. Chronic kidney disease? e. Aneurysm?

28 Med Questions 19.In the past five (5) years, have you been prescribed a new medication or required a change in dosage in your medication for any of the following conditions: angina, heart attack, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, cancer (other than basal cell carcinoma), leukemia, chronic kidney disease? 20.In the past five (5) years, have you been diagnosed or hospitalized for: a. Liver disease other than fatty liver? b. Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)? 21.In the past five (5) years, have you required the administration of oxygen for any chronic respiratory condition? 22.In the past five (5) years have you used any drugs except as prescribed by a physician and other than marijuana? 23.In the past five (5) years, due to alcohol abuse, have you been advised by a health professional to reduce your consumption of alcohol or have you received advice or treatment for alcohol abuse? 24.Are you currently or do you intend to engage in any hazardous sports or activities or make aerial flights other than as a passenger or a commercial pilot?

29 Med Questions 25.Have you any intention of travelling outside North America, the Caribbean or Western Europe for more than six weeks or more than twice per year? 26.Do you have two (2) or more biological family members (father, mother, brother, sister), living or deceased, who were diagnosed before age 60 with the same condition among the following: diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart trouble, mental disorder that necessitated hospitalization or who committed suicide? 27.Do you have a biological family member (father, mother, brother, sister), living or deceased, who was diagnosed before age 60 with any of the following conditions: Huntington’s disease, polycystic kidney disease or any hereditary disease other than those listed in question 26?

30 InstaTerm is Convertible. InstaTerm is Renewable to Age 90 InstaTerm is priced competetively !!! InstaTerm has a built-in benefits; Transportation benefit and Living benefit InstaTerm makes it easy, a user-friendly e-application system. Sweet spots

31 FYC is 35% T-10 FYC is 40% T-20 BONUS is paid


33 Getting started with Assumption Life! 1 - Obtain a broker code: Complete the Broker Registration Form and send to your MGA. 2 - You will receive an email from Assumption Life indicating your username, password as well as your broker code.

34 SHELDEN SMOLLAN 647 295 8376 If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours !!!






40 We pay 2x WEEK



43 OUR MAIN FOCUS Helping You Help Your Clients " It ain't over 'til it's over "

44 SHELDEN SMOLLAN 647 295 8376 If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours !!!

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