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By: Makaila Lambert Steroids. There are many different types of Steroids  Injectable Steroids, Steroid Pills, British Dragon Steroids, Cutting Steroids,

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Presentation on theme: "By: Makaila Lambert Steroids. There are many different types of Steroids  Injectable Steroids, Steroid Pills, British Dragon Steroids, Cutting Steroids,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Makaila Lambert Steroids

2 There are many different types of Steroids  Injectable Steroids, Steroid Pills, British Dragon Steroids, Cutting Steroids, Fat Loss Steroids, Mexican Steroids, Oral Steroids, Steroid Tablets, Bulking Steroids, Designer Steroids, Horse Steroids, Muscle Building Steroids, Steroid Cream etc.  Steroids are used for many different things. Most people use them illegally  Steroids can be addictive and be used out of habit Steroid 101

3  Rapid weight gain  Unusual mod swings  Increased aggressiveness  Acne  Baldness  A deeper voice (females)  Increased hair production(females)  Liver damage and liver cancer  And enlarge heart  Cardiac death  High blood pressure  Increased cholesterol  Elevated blood sugars  Heart attack  Strokes  Excitation  Depression  Maniac episodes(roid rage)  Suicide  Stunted growth  Premature sexual development  Enlarged breasts in males  Decreased testicles (males)  Life threatening skin rashes  Arthritis Effects of Steroids

4  Steroids can be prescribed by a doctor for certain medical reasons  They can also be sold illegally like in/through places such as:  College campuses  Gyms  Online  The black market  Drug dealers  Mail orders Where are They Sold?

5 You can take steroids to treat:  Arthritis  Asthma  Lupus and multiple sclerosis  Eczema and rashes  Some kinds of cancer Medical Purposes of Steroids

6  Increase lean body mass, strength and aggressiveness  Reduce recovery time between workouts  Increase endurance  Increase muscle size  Reduce body fat  Improve personal appearance Ways Steroids are Used Illegally

7  Pumpers  Gym Candy  Arnolds  Stackers  Balls and Bulls  A’s  Weight Trainers  Var  Drol  Dbol  Primo  Winny  Halo  EQ  Deca  Tren  Test Common Names for Illegal Steroids

8  Only those that have had steroids prescribed to them by a doctor should use steroids  If you are not prescribed by a doctor and are just using them for your personal use then you may have to face serious consequences Who Should use Steroids?

9  Punishment is driven by quantity  In Texas possession of over 400 grams has a range of imprisonment of 5 to life  The amounts are counted in units with one pill, capsule, or tablet equaling 1 unit  In Connecticut it’s considered a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail unless near a school, could be additional imprisonment  In Arizona it’s a felony charge but under a new law some offenders if eligible can get probation with drug treatment instead of prison time What Happens if you are Caught with Illegal Steroids?

10  Louisiana carries a possible prison term with hard labor for a first offense personal possession charge  In Florida and Georgia possession of any amount is a felony with a sentence of up to 5 years imprisonment  In Colorado using is a misdemeanor but possession is a felony  In Alabama it is a felony charge carrying a prison term of up to 10 years What Happens if you are Caught with Illegal Steroids? Cont.

11 prolonged_steroid_abuse References

12 What is one way steroids are used illegally? A.) To bathe B.) To increase endurance C.) To make you healthier D.) To control your breathing Question 1

13 What can medical steroids heal? A.) Lupus and multiple sclerosis B.) Gout C.) Scars D.)AIDS Question 2

14 What is an effect of steroids? A.) Joy B.) ADHD C.) Broken Heart Disease D.) Roid Rage Question 3

15 Where/ what are steroids sold through? A.) Auctions B.) Mail C.) Underground Railroad D.) In the Oval Office Question 4

16 Which of the following is a type of steroid? A.) Designer Steroids B.) Phone Steroids C.) British Dragon Steroids D.)Both A&C Question 5

17 Steroids on GoAnimate eck/02_t40dxbKpU

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