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INFSO D INFO DAY Portfolio Analysis 2004 WP 2005-06 - main orientations FP7 perspectives Eric Badique’ INFSO Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "INFSO D INFO DAY Portfolio Analysis 2004 WP 2005-06 - main orientations FP7 perspectives Eric Badique’ INFSO Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFSO D INFO DAY Portfolio Analysis 2004 WP 2005-06 - main orientations FP7 perspectives Eric Badique’ INFSO Strategy

2 Outline of presentation Portfolio Analysis Portfolio Analysis WP 2005-2006: main orientations WP 2005-2006: main orientations FP7 Perspectives FP7 Perspectives

3 Behind us Call 1 Call 1 – Closed April 2003 – funding € 1070m – 236 projects negotiated and launched Call 2 Call 2 – Closed October 2003 – funding € 525m – 148 projects under negotiation or launched Call 3 Call 3 – Closed 22 Sep 2004 – funding € 28m Joint Call with production technologies Joint Call with production technologies – Closed April 2003 – funding € 60m FET (Future and Emerging technologies) Open FET (Future and Emerging technologies) Open – Continuous call – funding € 60m

4 IST Calls 2003-04 : Implementation 1,9 out of 3,8 Billion € spent in calls in 2003-04 1,9 out of 3,8 Billion € spent in calls in 2003-04 More than 400 projects supported More than 400 projects supported – Out of 2500 proposals received More than 6500 participations More than 6500 participations Funding per Instrument IST Calls 1 & 2

5 IST Calls 2003-04 : Participation Industry Academia Non-profit org.

6 IST Calls 2003-04 : Concentration Concentration of effort and building critical mass Concentration of effort and building critical mass – Total number of projects selected : 3 times less than FP5 for an equivalent budget – Average budget of Integrated Projects : 5 times larger than FP5 projects

7 IST Calls 2003-04 : Integration More intensive collaboration between various actors More intensive collaboration between various actors – Integrated Projects: 2-3 times as many partners per project – From industry, academia and public research labs

8 Examples of a high concentration 89 MEuro CMOS- post CMOS 66 MEuro E-Safety

9 Other examples: Concentration and flexibility 102 MEuro 58 MEuro 73 MEuro Semantic-based knowledge systems Mobile and wireless Embedded Systems 86 MEuro ICT for health

10 Software and services 64 MEuro

11 Service Computing Software Engineering Free & Open Source SW Distributed and complex systems PYPY AOSD MODELWARE RODIN DeDISys ASG SECSE AMIGO CALIBRE EDOS GORDA IntraWebs W2S MADAM SODIUM Software and services Total of 16 projects and 64M€ funding PROMISE IP - NoE 10.9 M€/24 months/18 partners 7.5 M€/24 months/20 partners 13 M€/42 months/15 partners

12 Networked Audio-Visual Systems 78 MEuro

13 Networked Audio-Visual Systems Home platforms Interoperability & personalisation Convergent services End-2-end QoS Media Networking & Content Engineering NetworkingAV Media techs Support Actions Wireless cameras UWB Distributed VR Rights Management Home Platforms Scalable Video Servers Content Delivery Next gen HiFi On-line gaming Holographic Environments Content adaptation MHP support Metacamera

14 IP Example: AMIGO Open and interoperable middleware for networked home system Intelligent user services that combine user interaction, user preferences and context awareness Guarantee interoperability within home system between services Automatic dynamic configuration Demonstrators and usability feedback 13 M€/42 months/15 partners

15 IP Example: MEDIANET Media networking - broadband access services - home networking Multimedia services -on-line media content delivery - personal multimedia communications Content “engineering” - audio and video coding - DRM and content protection - storage - media packaging Alcatel ST Microelectronics IMEC Thomson Philips Deutsche Thomson Brandt Canal + Belgacom Italtel Telefonica … 15 M€/24 months/34 partners

16 NoE example: E-NEXT Mobile and Ambient Networking Content Networking Self-Aware& Scalable Networking Service Aware Networking Duration: 24 months Duration: 24 months EC Contribution: 2.88Meuro EC Contribution: 2.88Meuro 41 Partners in 21 countries 41 Partners in 21 countries 154 researchers – 101 PHD 154 researchers – 101 PHD Co-direction of Thesis between two E-NEXT sites Short term scientific missions to improve cross-fertilization Two year scholarships Doctoral Summer school to present fresh research results

17 First analysis of FP6 IST projects Reinforcing domains with European leadership Reinforcing domains with European leadership – Mobile, microelecronic & systems, audio-visual… Seizing new opportunities Seizing new opportunities – optoelectronics, nanosystems, embedded technologies, displays, GRID, … FP6 continues to be an incubator FP6 continues to be an incubatorBut… Setting-up projects with new instruments (IP, NoE) requires more preparation from the participants Setting-up projects with new instruments (IP, NoE) requires more preparation from the participants Larger projects are more risky Larger projects are more risky Managing larger projects is a challenge Managing larger projects is a challenge Some concerns on SME participation Some concerns on SME participation Oversubscription is a problem in some areas Oversubscription is a problem in some areas Low level of participation of NMS Low level of participation of NMS Weak third country participation Weak third country participation

18 WP2005-06: Main orientations

19 IST WP 2005-06: Analysis and consultations Portfolio analysis Portfolio analysis – IPPA - Integrated Programme Portfolio Analysis – Responses to previous Calls – Experience from past and on-going projects Wide consultation Wide consultation – ISTC - IST Committee – ISTAG - IST Advisory Group – Programme Consultation Meetings – Web-based consultations - 5 year evaluation of IST - Review of new FP6 instruments Changes in context and technology trends Lessons learned

20 Lessons for WP 2005-06 preparation Large oversubscription in some fields Large oversubscription in some fields – “Networked Government, Networked Business”, “ICT for Health”, “Technology Enhanced Learning/ Access to Cultural Heritage”, “software”, “Risk Management” and “Mobile applications” Low SMEs participation Low SMEs participation – Call1: 16%; Call2: 17% – NoEs : 7%; IPs: 15%; STREPs: 24% Integration of the ICT research effort in an enlarged Europe Integration of the ICT research effort in an enlarged Europe – Participation of Member States that joined the EU recently and of Associated Candidate Countries below expectations (3 to 4%) International co-operation International co-operation – Domain-specific approaches are needed

21 IST WP2005-06: Focussing Sharper descriptions of each SO Sharper descriptions of each SO Precisions on the use of the instruments within each SO Precisions on the use of the instruments within each SO Budget distribution between instruments adapted to each SO Budget distribution between instruments adapted to each SO Example: Refocusing of Collaborative Working Environments and inclusion of ‘service creation’ activities in Mobile & Wireless SO

22 Mobile & Wireless systems beyond 3G Realise the vision of "Optimally Connected Anywhere, Anytime" supported by all system levels from access methods and networks to service platforms and services  Generalised access network (novel air interfaces, common, flexible and seamless all IP infrastructure supporting scalability and mobility)  Advanced resource management techniques allowing optimum usage of spectrum  Global mobility through different access networks, with end to end quality of service, including security  Advanced interworking access technologies. New architectures for composite, meshed, PANs, ad hoc networks…  Advanced technologies and architectures for reconfigurability  Wireless network technologies for ad hoc, sensors and adaptive communication networks. Advanced signal and antenna processing  Enabling technologies for mobile service creation and interoperability Call 4 138 MEuro

23 WP2005-06: SMEs Distribution of SMEs participation in Calls 1 and 2 Distribution of SMEs participation in Calls 1 and 2 – Call1: 16%; Call2: 17% -> but analysis not finalised – NoEs : 7%; IPs: 15%; STREPs: 24% Instruments Instruments – Many NoEs are already launched in most fields; funding for NoEs to decrease significantly in WP 2005-06 – Adaptation of instruments to SOs should help – Keep an overall balance of new and traditional instruments Specific measures when needed Specific measures when needed – Nanoelectronics; Technologies and devices for micro/nano-scale integration; ICT for networked businesses

24 ICT for Networked Businesses Key Objectives Key Objectives – Software solutions supporting organisational networking and process integration – Distributed and collaborative network-oriented systems for efficient, effective and secure product and service creation and delivery Focus Focus – Digital business ecosystems for SMEs open-source environment ; design, development and take-up of flexible and adaptable software applicationsopen-source environment ; design, development and take-up of flexible and adaptable software applications – Extended products and services decentralised architectures ; new approaches to business processesdecentralised architectures ; new approaches to business processes – Horizontal actions new legal challenges raised by networked and collaborative paradigmsnew legal challenges raised by networked and collaborative paradigms 46 MEuro Call 5

25 Main socio-economic trends Increasing competition at a global scale Increasing competition at a global scale – Also research is increasingly organised on an international scale – Including from emerging economies : China, India, … – De-localisation ; Open Innovation – Focus on higher parts of the value chain ; Faster innovation cycles Enlargement of the Union Enlargement of the Union – An opportunity but requires further effort on ‘integration’ Ageing Ageing – Starting to feel the impact … Security concerns Security concerns

26 Broadband for all Network technologies and architectures for broadband access Network technologies and architectures for broadband access – Optimised access technologies for less developed regions, and for the enlarged Europe in line with eEurope -a European consolidated approach for standardized solutions, regulation and best practices Low-cost access and edge network equipment (optical fibre, fixed wireless access, interactive broadcasting, satellite access, xDSL and power line networks) Low-cost access and edge network equipment (optical fibre, fixed wireless access, interactive broadcasting, satellite access, xDSL and power line networks) Network management, new protocols, inter-domain routing and traffic engineering for end-to-end delivery of new added-value services, with QoS and security. Network management, new protocols, inter-domain routing and traffic engineering for end-to-end delivery of new added-value services, with QoS and security. Service-enabling technologies and platforms based on convergence and interoperability of Telecom and Internet Infrastructure (resilience, multicasting, flexibility) Service-enabling technologies and platforms based on convergence and interoperability of Telecom and Internet Infrastructure (resilience, multicasting, flexibility) Increased bandwidth capacity, in the access network as well as in the underlying optical core/metro network (optical burst and packet switching) Increased bandwidth capacity, in the access network as well as in the underlying optical core/metro network (optical burst and packet switching) Call 4 65 MEuro

27 Integration in an enlarged Union In Calls 1 and 2 – Increased participation of the then candidate countries from Call1 to Call 2 ( 4 %) but – in areas of eGovernment, eBusiness, eLearning, eHealth, their oversubscription rate was extremely high; often the double of the average oversubscription – Shows a research potential but a weakness in the integration of the research effort

28 Strengthening the Integration of the ICT research effort in an Enlarged Europe Key Objectives Key Objectives – Innovative and efficient ICT-based systems and services in key application areas – Strengthening of integration of the IST European Research Area Focus Focus – eLearning (ICT-based systems for teaching and learning) – eHealth (ICT-based eHealth systems and services) – eGovernment (ICT-based systems for delivery of key public services) – eBusiness (e-collaboration for SME clusters - B2B and B2C e- commerce) 63 MEuro Call 4

29 Focus – integrated frameworks and technologies for resilience, dependability and security – modelling/simulation techniques and synthetic environments for interdependencies, recovery and continuity – technologies and architectures for secure computing and interoperable management and trustworthy sharing of digital assets – secure and interoperable biometrics – security assurance and certification of complex networked systems and infrastructures Towards a global dependability and security framework 63 M Euro Call 4

30 Main technology trends Innovation from ICT “use” in different fields Innovation from ICT “use” in different fields – Bringing closer services and technology developments “Mobile service development platforms” shifted from “Applications and services for the mobile user” to “Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G” – Trial of “Experience and Application Research“ – Early user involvement – The “use“ is integrated into the research activity Increasing convergence Increasing convergence – Within ICT Communications/computing/media, fixed/wireless, etc.Communications/computing/media, fixed/wireless, etc. – Between ICT and other fields Info-bio, ICT-cogno, ICT-nano-materialsInfo-bio, ICT-cogno, ICT-nano-materials

31 “Audio Visual” systems and applications in converged and interoperable environments encompassing broadcasting, communications, mobility and IP  Optimised audiovisual network architectures and interoperability  Middleware architectures for optimised content adaptation and delivery  Synchronisation of different delivery channels  Control issues associated with service delivery in both intra and inter-domain operators’ environments.  Audio Visual data handling (representation and coding)  Audio visual data access and rendering through low power and affordable terminals  Comprehensive, upward compatible, interoperable architecture for end to end content protection and rights management;  Evolution towards advanced applications (3D-TV, on-line mobile gaming, distributed storage devices (including portable devices), electronic cinema, virtual/tele presence or future mixed reality services)  Roadmaps and research agenda Networked Audio Visual Systems and Home Platforms Call 4 63 MEuro

32 Addressing the increasing complexity Support development of increasingly complex systems Support development of increasingly complex systems – Integration is an issue – Technology, Design tools, applications and generic systems research Examples Examples – SoCs and SiPs in Nanoelectronics – Network centric Operating systems (in Advanced Grid technologies, systems and services) – Embedded systems: design, cooperating objects, adhoc networks, etc.. – Managing complexity in Software and services – Complex systems in FET

33 Software and services Key Objectives Key Objectives – Engineering and management of software systems, services and applications – Open and interoperable platforms, methodologies, middleware, standards and tools. Focus Focus – Engineering, management and provision of services and software – Principles, methodologies and tools for design, management and simulation of complex software systems – Development, deployment, evolution and benchmarking of open source software. – Software systems with properties such as self-adaptability, flexibility, robustness, dependability and evolvability. – Support actions contributing to the evolution of the software industry Call 5 67 MEuro

34 anywhere, anytime, anywhere, any service, for all’ core technologies & “pull-through” applications components & µsytems Knowledge & interface technologies Communication, computing & software technologies Communication & networking Software µ, nano & opto electronics µ and nano systemsKnowledgetechnologiesinterfaces Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges Trust & Security IST for societal challenges IST for work & business challenges Demanding Demandingapplications IST in FP6

35 Strategic Objectives Inst.Budget Nano-electronics 80/2074 Technologies and devices for micro/nano-scale integration 60/4075 Towards a global dependability and security framework 70/3063 Broadband for all 65/3565 Mobile and wireless systems and platforms beyond 3G 65/35138 Networked audio-visual systems and home platforms 80/2063 Semantic-based knowledge systems 80/20112 Cognitive systems 65/3545 ICT Research for Innovative Government 50/5046 Technology-enhanced learning 60/4054 Integrated biomedical information for better health 75/2575 eSafety of road and air transport 60/4082 Integration of research in an enlarged Europe 0/10063 FET Proactive Initiatives 100/054 Call 4: Open 1 December 2004, Close 22 March 2005

36 Call 5 : Open 17 May 2005, Close 21 September 2005 Strategic Objective InstBudget Photonic components 65/3547 Micro/nano based sub-systems 70/3058 Embedded Systems 60/4068 Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services 70/3062 Open Platforms for software and services 70/3067 Research networking testbeds 65/3518 Multimodal Interfaces 60/4054 ICT for Networked Businesses 55/4546 Collaborative Working Environments 75/2540 Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources 40/6036 eInclusion 50/5029 ICT for Environmental Risk Management 60/4040 FET Proactive Initiative 0/100 9

37 FP7 Perspectives

38 FP7 – Political context Launch of FP7 coincides with the new Financial Perspectives of the EU Launch of FP7 coincides with the new Financial Perspectives of the EU – The EU priorities, actions and budgets for 2007-2013 The Union Priorities for 2007-2013 The Union Priorities for 2007-2013 – Growth and sustainable development (competitiveness, cohesion and sustainable management and protection of natural resources) – European citizenship (freedom, justice, security, access to basic public goods) – Europe as a global partner (role on the international scene) Research and innovation: A priority of the Union Research and innovation: A priority of the Union – Budget increase and new modes of intervention

39 FP7 Consultation Lessons learnt Lessons learnt – 5 year assessment, FP6 instruments evaluation (Marimon); impact assessment ISTAG ISTAG – 4 WGs in 2004 addressing content and instruments, reports in May 2004 Member states Member states – ISTC, Group of ICT research directors, External bilateral meetings External bilateral meetings – Major participants in IST in FP5 & 6 Work shops with external experts Work shops with external experts Web consultation Web consultation

40 Timeline FP6 FP7 New Financial Perspectives 2003 2004 2005 2007 - 2010 ? 2006 WP03-04 Call1 Call2 Call3 Call4 Call5 Call6 (?) WP05-06 Adoption Proposals on FP and SPs Communication: "Preparing the future: reinforcing European research policy" (16/06/04) WP + Calls 2007 – 2013 ?

41 Towards FP7: Proposed support mechanisms Continuity – Networking and collaboration – Research infrastructures – Human resources – Co-ordination of national and regional research programmes and policies New elements – Basic research: Individual research teams – Private/public partnerships (technology platform concept) + – Space – Security

42 FP7: Support to individual research teams Support to Basic Research through Individual Grants Support to Basic Research through Individual Grants Stimulating competition at European level Stimulating competition at European level – Excellence as a major criterion for selection Outsourcing to an executive agency Outsourcing to an executive agency – European Research Council

43 European Technology Platforms Technology platforms aim at providing the means Technology platforms aim at providing the means – to foster effective public-private partnerships – between the research community, industry, financial institutions, users and policy-makers, – in order to mobilise the research and innovation effort and facilitate the emergence of “lead markets” in Europe Council invites Commission to set up a limited set of ETPs Council invites Commission to set up a limited set of ETPs

44 ETP: In which field? Where there are clearly identified outcomes from RTD coordination Where there are clearly identified outcomes from RTD coordination – strengthening industrial competitiveness, addressing societal challenges – need for consensus building e.g. to develop standards – need to coordinate with other research funding bodies, MSs Eureka,… Were industry is clearly committed to invest in the research roadmap Were industry is clearly committed to invest in the research roadmap – Involvement at the highest level. – ETPS are NOT just forums for discussion or advisory groups. Where technology progress has to be articulated with other actions Where technology progress has to be articulated with other actions – regulatory framework, uptake measures 3 initiatives so far 3 initiatives so far – Nano electronics – Embedded systems – Mobile and wireless Technologies

45 Conclusion Portfolio analysis is a continuing process Portfolio analysis is a continuing process – Statistics to be refined – Strategic analysis ongoing WP 2005-06 provides continuity WP 2005-06 provides continuity – Takes account of lessons learned – Adapted to market and technology changes – 2 nd phase of FP6 provides a key opportunity to shape and improve the impact of IST research in Europe FP7 proposal to reinforce ICT research and provide continuity FP7 proposal to reinforce ICT research and provide continuity – Europe is well positioned to shape the future & compete Plenty of opportunities for domains represented today

46 For Further Information IST infodesk E-Mail : Fax : +32 2 296 83 88 General FP6:

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