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DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space Ambitions of DEMOLOGOS DEMOLOGOS seeks to bypass the limitations of mainstream.

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Presentation on theme: "DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space Ambitions of DEMOLOGOS DEMOLOGOS seeks to bypass the limitations of mainstream."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space Ambitions of DEMOLOGOS DEMOLOGOS seeks to bypass the limitations of mainstream approaches to the study of socio-economic development models leading to the Knowledge Society. Mainstream approaches are based on multivariate statistical appraisals of indicators of growth and development and/or on a static analysis of changes in modes of regulation of economic dynamics. DEMOLOGOS has four ambitions: To analyse and construct a preliminary taxonomy of socio-economic development models in the industrialised world, by combining four spatial levels of accumulation and regulation: the local, the regional, the national and the international; To develop a broader view of institutional change (i.e. change in regulation) by examining and comparing the role of culture and civil society in socio-economic development; To integrate elements of positivist development path analysis into a methodological approach combining historical, holistic and anthropological perspectives; To share this new approach with peer groups in both the academic and the public policy domains.

2 DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space Problems Present-day social sciences have become relatively powerless in analysing contemporary socio-economic development and in prescribing restructuring and conversion policy at various spatial levels of the economy and society. They increasingly overlook the institutional and socio-cultural differences among systems and show little interest in the history of national and regional societies. It is especially the latter concern, which this research proposal seeks to address. Opportunities There is growing discontent with orthodoxy in the worlds of science, policy and civil society. The rise of institutional analysis and multi-disciplinarity and renewed interest in the analysis of governance at various spatial levels and within diverse institutional setting provide existing anchors for new theoretical syntheses and methodological opportunities

3 DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space The general objective of DEMOLOGOS is to improve substantially the methodology for analysing the development of socio-economic systems at various spatial levels, within the global industrialised world as whole, but in Western Europe and the regions involved in its socio-economic relations in particular. To achieve this objective 5 operational goals will be pursued:

4 DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space 1.To provide a survey of theories of socio-economic development trajectories of industrialized economies (WP1.1); 2.To critically evaluate the explanatory power of these theories with respect to socio-economic development trajectories and systems (WP1.2); 3.To develop a (meta) theoretical framework for analysing socio-economic development in its institutional, historical and territorial dynamics by using contemporary institutional debates as a synthesising a device (WP2); 4.To develop a methodology capable of validating the new synthesis for a number of multi-scalar case-studies (WP3); 5.To make a test of the meta-theoretical framework and the methodology through approximately 8 case-studies of socio-economic development at articulated spatial levels – from local to global (WP4).

5 DEMOLOGOS: Development Models and Logic of Socio-Economic Organization in Space Work PackageDescription WP1 From month 1, 12 months WP1.1 Preliminary selection of features of socio-economic development, which are used to organise the literature surveys and syntheses. WP1.2 Evaluation of theories with respect to their explanatory power for the study of socio-economic development and development systems WP2 From Month 12 6 months Writing of inter-disciplinary institutional papers focusing on specific dimensions of socio-economic development Workshop presenting and integrating these papers (workshop 3) Synthesis of analytical elements to be used in design of empirical methodology WP3 From month 18, 6 months Development of empirical methodology for multi-scalar case studies Methodology will include research instruments in tune with the institutional reformulation of theoretical contributions reviewed in WP1 and WP2. Identification of criteria for selection of case studies WP4 From month 24, 12 months Validation of new meta-theoretical synthesis using the methodology (WP3) to study approximately 8 case studies undertaken by national teams at various spatial scales.

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