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History Relentless progress since 1964 Simulators >>> Less programming Mainframes >>> Laptops Animation Range of applications Flowcharting Optimisation.

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Presentation on theme: "History Relentless progress since 1964 Simulators >>> Less programming Mainframes >>> Laptops Animation Range of applications Flowcharting Optimisation."— Presentation transcript:


2 History Relentless progress since 1964 Simulators >>> Less programming Mainframes >>> Laptops Animation Range of applications Flowcharting Optimisation Project & portfolio management

3 Challenges Cost (not ROI) Time Data collection (& analysis)

4 Advantages Complexity Dynamic Variability Animation

5 Our Objective? Finding the (optimal) answer AND…

6 Our Objective? Finding the answer AND Learning about the system (and ourselves)

7 Our Objective? Peter Senge (1990) – The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization Learning underlies our ability to change Not new – Argyris, deGeus One person not enough (a Ford, Sloan or Watson) Knowledge management

8 Learning Organizations - Elements Prisoners of our own thinking and experience Our behavior not consistent with our theories Mental models or “theories in use” Tacit (below the surface) Einstein: Our theories determine what we measure

9 Learning Organizations Organizations that are able to change Change requires organizational development Overlooked (team building/cooperation) Force mental models into the open – expose assumptions

10 A New Look at Simulation Learning tool (“80% of the value” Pritsker) Foster understanding, participation, dialogue 5 Levels Teaching new processes Teaching new concepts Facilitating participation Empowering people Expert-Local interaction

11 Teaching New Processes

12 Teaching New Concepts

13 Enabling Participation

14 Empowering People (Covey: Voice)

15 Building Shared Vision Taking a step back – process focus (“No, the decision process”) City Design Land Use Decisions Visualization >>> simulation (advantages)

16 Progress comes through… “…getting out of our boxes.” Arbinger Inst. Serious consideration for the input of others “…that’s what I have been trying to tell you.”

17 Progress comes through… “…getting out of our boxes.” Arbinger Inst. Serious consideration for the input of others “…that’s what I have been trying to tell you.”

18 Progress comes through… “…getting out of our boxes.” Arbinger Inst. Serious consideration for the input of others “…that’s what I have been trying to tell you.”

19 A Cool Tool Nagel “emancipatory operations research” Mueller-Merbach – interdisciplinary teams OR is about integrating knowledge Inform, enlighten

20 Building Shared Vision Taking a new look at the process Get the answer Implementing the answer Building the organization

21 Simulation and the Learning Organization Questions???

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