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Professional Digital Citizen- Pre-placement planning T. Parrott -Placement Coordinator L. Arnold- Learning Developer July 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Digital Citizen- Pre-placement planning T. Parrott -Placement Coordinator L. Arnold- Learning Developer July 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Digital Citizen- Pre-placement planning T. Parrott -Placement Coordinator L. Arnold- Learning Developer July 2014

2 Managing your professional online digital footprint

3 Social media tools on Placement May be used As part of the role in placement –To collect research material –To launch new ideas and products –To communicate with colleagues To keep in touch with friends and family

4 P E R P R O F E S S I O N A L O N A L Can social media strengthen / destroy your professional reputation, network and prospects ?

5 Industrial Placement period: We ask that students on placement will.. Display a positive professional attitude at all times Appreciate the effect of good & poor performance Consider how you may make best use of Social Media as part of this opportunity in Industry Be wise…

6 We remind them to be careful. Manage your online footprint.

7 We have seen problems: Placement Panel at HAU

8 We need to do something to help and support the students: Preparing for placement and shaping ‘Brand Me’ Being a Professional Digital Citizen Managing your Online Digital Footprint.

9 Aspire Project : Main Objectives To prepare materials to use with students which will 1.Provide an overview as to why it is important to think about a digital footprint in general terms. 2.Explore what happens when you don’t think about a digital footprint and provide examples related to students and the impact on their professional career path 3.Provide a positive approach on how social media and digital footprint can be used to a professional advantage 4.To offer advice on personal strategies for managing an online presence 5.To provide case studies and self-assessment quiz to be used before placement.

10 We developed: 1.Short video to capture interest and raise awareness in managing online presence 2.Presentation showcasing problems that have occurred while on placement 3.Offered top ten tips on how to manage online presence. 4.Captured information from 4 final year students in form of video blog mini case studies showing their experiences on managing social media 5.Collated useful self help materials ( such as LinkedIn) 6.Learning hub moodle page on Being a Professional Digital Citizen 7.HAU advice provision on computer help desk to manage privacy settings.

11 Methodology 1.Pre-test survey student survey to determine the use of social media and management of their digital online footprint. 2. Materials shown to students in preparation for placement by Placement Managers. 3. Post-test survey to the same group of students to identify if their actions may change in their use of social media tools as a result of using the materials. 294 (n) in the survey from the following courses: Agriculture Food Countryside Vet Nurses Animal health Agrifood/Agribusiness, Business

12 Survey findings: Use of Social Media at present… (Before showing presentation materials..)

13 Students’ use of Social media Which ones used Facebook – 90% used daily Twitter- 24% used daily, 51% not at all Instagram- 22% daily, 63% not at all Vine- 3% daily, 87% not at all LinkedIn 2% daily, 91% not at all MySpace- 99% not at all Bebo- 98% not at all How they are used Facebook – Personal and both leisure and following businesses Twitter- – Personal and both leisure and following businesses Instagram- sharing photos LinkedIn – 5.8% for professional activities

14 Security Settings


16 How important are the following in your use of social media?

17 Understanding of the term ‘Online Digital Footprint’ Do not know / No idea (83) Online data trail/ traceability of any activity you undertake online that people can follow and see past and present (67) Everything we upload/write online stays there forever and can be traced back (42) What you post online reflects you, the information/impression you leave about yourself on the internet and with your social media profiles and how you are viewed on the internet (28) History of what you have done through photos, profiles and comments etc. (19) The photos and personal information you write remain on the internet forever (19)

18 Understanding of the term ‘Online Digital Footprint’

19 Do not know / No idea (83) Online data trail/ traceability of any activity you undertake online that people can follow and see past and present (67) Everything we upload/write online stays there forever and can be traced back (42) What you post online reflects you, the information/impression you leave about yourself on the internet and with your social media profiles and how you are viewed on the internet (28) History of what you have done through photos, profiles and comments etc. (19) The photos and personal information you write remain on the internet forever (19)

20 Presentation of Materials Video on managing your online presence Problem cases on Placement Hot tips on moving forward

21 Having seen the presentation and materials....

22 Two thirds making proactive changes One third already take care

23 What action will you be taking? Review, check and change my privacy settings (143) Check through photos/videos/tweets to check appropriateness (32) I already have set tight privacy settings and will do nothing (25) Be more careful and untag myself from bad pictures (16) Think about what I am posting /writing (11) Checking what other people can see on the internet and my profiles online which included checking status and picture profiles (11) Manage and check who I am friends with and followers 9 (I will not add my boss or colleagues) Be aware of what I say about placement/ work related issues (5) Create a business/professional account for myself /two accounts (5) Build on my professional profile / going onto LinkedIn, follow twitter agri-talks (5) Ask employers permission before uploading pictures from the workplace. (4) Check my facebook profile for anything that would not set a good impression for a potential employer (2) Check what I have 'liked' Check spelling/grammar/language Change my conduct on facebook Deactivate facebook whilst applying for jobs Full scale lock down Be careful about moaning on facebook



26 We asked the Students’ their Top Three Tips: Personal Always check privacy settings and who you are ‘friends’ with Be careful what you write Don’t post anything negative, offensive, inappropriate Think – about what you are uploading Google yourself to see what others can view Manage friends, and what you tag Professional Have professional and personal accounts Don’t post anything about your work, placement, role, other colleagues Use the sites as an extension of your CV Choose who you are linked with

27 We need to find ways to support the students or Strategy

28 Building ‘Brand Me’ Whose attention am I trying to get? What tools shall I use? Which sites do I want to frequent? Who has access to my page?

29 To Conclude 1.A proactive approach to supporting students in the use of social media is considered more beneficial than admonishment. 2.The development of the materials ( albeit rustic) were well received by both students and Placement Managers. 3.Two thirds of the students found the presentation and sessions useful 4.As a result, students say they will be checking privacy settings and checking appropriateness of their uploads. 5.Materials need to be available on entry to Harper Adams in order to self-manage their online footprint. 6.More awareness in using social media in building ‘Brand Me’. 7.Computer support in providing advice for privacy settings etc needed.

30 To Do… 1.Continue to develop support materials. 2.Materials need to be available on entry to Harper Adams in order to self-manage their online footprint. 3.Roll out the Moodle page for all students 4.More awareness in using social media in building ‘Brand Me’. 5.Computer support in providing advice for privacy settings etc needed.


32 Thank You. Patricia Parrott  01952 815273   Room 105, Regional Food Academy

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