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Issues Chairs May Think About Related to the Future of the Field Stephen P. Hinshaw University of California, Berkeley COGDOP 2/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues Chairs May Think About Related to the Future of the Field Stephen P. Hinshaw University of California, Berkeley COGDOP 2/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues Chairs May Think About Related to the Future of the Field Stephen P. Hinshaw University of California, Berkeley COGDOP 2/11

2 Overview Linda and Rich: Conceptual/Visionary Linda and Rich: Conceptual/Visionary Me: A bit more ‘on the ground’: Me: A bit more ‘on the ground’: –Issues arising during our external review; issues I think about every day in pondering my own program of research, which incorporates aspects of  Developmental/clinical: developmental psychopathology  Social: stigma  Policy: treatment disparities  Narrative: mixed methods

3 Centrifugal or Centripetal? Fissionary tendencies Fissionary tendencies –Q: How many “departments of biology” are there today at major universities?  A: Not many! –Some eminent Psychology Departments have split –Some have reunited after a decade or more of splitting!  Can neuroscience coexist with other subdisciplines, not just intellectually, but in terms of teaching load, funding for trainees, expectations for research, etc.? Berkeley: strong attempt at continued integration Berkeley: strong attempt at continued integration –No medical school (which is across Bay at UCSF), but Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute has been a vital force  Not a Department, but does have separate graduate program

4 “Home” for Psychology? “Home” for Psychology? Social Science? Social Science? –At Cal, we’re in Social Science, though we argued against it loudly at our External Review! We’re outliers in terms of the lab science we do, the $ amount of start ups, etc. etc. Biological/Natural Science? Biological/Natural Science? –Many departments in such a division Life Science? Life Science? –E.g, UCLA “Own” school? “Own” school? –Or, as we argued, psychological/cognitive/brain sciences/maybe with linguistics

5 Quality/Diversity How is quality really ranked? How is quality really ranked? –Pubs/cites/h-indexes/grants/long-term impact? Faculty ‘productivity’ Faculty ‘productivity’ –Counterexample: Harvard and Berkeley offer NO buyouts from teaching for any level of research ‘productivity.’ –At Cal, argument is that we’re a publically funded research university; ‘intrinsic motivation’ –At Cal, argument is that we’re a publically funded research university; ‘intrinsic motivation’ How does a department show a true commitment to diversity? How does a department show a true commitment to diversity? –Example of search at Cal, earlier this past decade: Sociocultural bases of behavior –Student diversity will follow faculty diversity

6 Sub-areas vs. Unity Rule of thumb: Rule of thumb: –Large departments, areas = mini-departments; small depts: no real areas –But see Indiana Middle range: how much autonomy for areas? Middle range: how much autonomy for areas? –Federalist system? –Berkeley: all hires full vetted and voted on by entire Department; areas exist to organize colloquia and courses and to admit grad students Exercise (prompted by our own external review): Exercise (prompted by our own external review): –Tally of active collaborations among faculty in our department –For our external review, yielded 3 single-spaced pages, largely cross- area Revitalization of areas Revitalization of areas –Change, Plasticity, and Development, Behavioral Neuroscience –But why not an ‘Emotion’ area?

7 Money, Support, Completion Safe to say we’ve entered a new ballgame in terms of expectations from new faculty for start-up Safe to say we’ve entered a new ballgame in terms of expectations from new faculty for start-up –But we’ve now entered an era of retrenchment –Start-up = rate-limiting factor for future hires  Campus units with sufficient endowments CAN hire now! On the ground: On the ground: –Can we attract top candidates? –Can we meet inflation for grad student support? –Inequities across students (fellowships, RAships vs. chronic teaching assistant loads?) –How fast to push students to complete program? What is the ‘point of readiness’ and how much of a post-doc is expected?

8 Grad Education: ‘Core’ vs. Apprenticeships Chronic ‘tension’: How best to prepare our doctoral students for the moving target that constitutes our ‘hub’ status Chronic ‘tension’: How best to prepare our doctoral students for the moving target that constitutes our ‘hub’ status Minimize core requirements vs. offer a well-taught set of truly cross-disciplinary ways of approaching problems? Minimize core requirements vs. offer a well-taught set of truly cross-disciplinary ways of approaching problems? Is most education done within the mentorship? Is most education done within the mentorship? –But then how to get good data on quality of mentoring? Berkeley model: no 2 students have same program… but is there cost here? Berkeley model: no 2 students have same program… but is there cost here?

9 Anticipating the future for a ‘hub’ discipline Where and how will discoveries be made? Where and how will discoveries be made? Moving target for entire field—and which departments (and campuses) will lead the way? Moving target for entire field—and which departments (and campuses) will lead the way? Back to starting point: Will psychology exist as a discipline in 50 years (a la biology)? Back to starting point: Will psychology exist as a discipline in 50 years (a la biology)? Or, will it maintain identity and vitality as it strongly plays a role in linking cog sci, neuroscience, affective science, developmental science, psychopathology, several different professions (see Rich), etc. etc.? Or, will it maintain identity and vitality as it strongly plays a role in linking cog sci, neuroscience, affective science, developmental science, psychopathology, several different professions (see Rich), etc. etc.?

10 In memoriam: Geoff Keppel Former COGDOP member; Dept Chair at Cal in early ’70s (when he was < 40), literally unifying Department (which existed as three ‘groups’ that had never met together for 15 years).. Former COGDOP member; Dept Chair at Cal in early ’70s (when he was < 40), literally unifying Department (which existed as three ‘groups’ that had never met together for 15 years).. Leukemia for 20+ years (but swam.5 to 1.0 miles/day) Leukemia for 20+ years (but swam.5 to 1.0 miles/day) Many of you used his design and analysis ‘handbook’ Many of you used his design and analysis ‘handbook’ WOGDOP! WOGDOP! I fly back at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to conduct his memorial service on campus I fly back at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to conduct his memorial service on campus

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