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Taking Ownership of YOUR Professional Development Presented by Robin D. Roane, CCTE, CMP Senior Manager, Membership.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Ownership of YOUR Professional Development Presented by Robin D. Roane, CCTE, CMP Senior Manager, Membership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Ownership of YOUR Professional Development Presented by Robin D. Roane, CCTE, CMP Senior Manager, Membership

2 Who We Represent… Largest corporate travel association w/ nearly 1,700 corporate and government buyer members representing over $170B spend 1,000 industry suppliers 80% of the Fortune 100 members 55% of the Fortune 500 members US based, members in 30 countries

3 Why should I join? Information - Save Time & Money with NBTA Tools & Resources Management Tools - Navigate Market Change & Deliver Strategic Solutions Networking - Collaborate & Advocate with the Best! Education - Runzheimer’s 2005 Travel Management Survey listed NBTA and NBTA Chapters as #1 & #2 Educational Provider

4 Information - Save Time & Money with NBTA Tools & Resources Industry Research White Papers NBTA Daily News Brief NBTA Business Travel Quarterly NBTA Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide

5 Management Tools - Navigate Market Change & Deliver Strategic Solutions Request for Pricing (RFPs) Managed Travel Index™ and Benchmarking Tool NBTA Career Center Business for Diplomatic Action

6 Networking - Collaborate & Advocate with the Best! Interact Listserv Chapters NBTA Councils & Committees NBTA Foundation NBTA Global Partners NBTA’s International Convention & Exposition NBTAPAC

7 Education Fundamentals of Business Travel Management (CTE) Certified Corporate Travel Executive Program (CCTE) Global Leadership Program (GLP) NBTA Foundation Web-Based Learning (NetSmart) NBTA’s International Convention & Exposition

8 Media Relations NBTA is the voice of corporate travel in business, consumer and trade media… Quoted frequently in nation’s most recognized publications – USA Today, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post Promotes the value and importance of corporate travel management to business leaders

9 International Expansion Canadian Alliance of Business Travel oEducation Exchange Days hosted across Canada Australasian Business Travel Association Partnership with Business for Diplomatic Action Paragon Partnership

10 The global alliance of business travel associations Signed at the 34th Annual National Business Travel Association Convention in Salt Lake City July, 16, 2002 by five founding member associations Represents about 4,500 business travel buyers and suppliers Strives to create a powerful central voice for the global business travel community

11 Paragon Members Brazilian Business Travel Association (ABGEV) Australasian Business Travel Association (ABTA) Austrian Business Travel Association (ABTA- Austria) French Business Travel Association (AFCV) Danish Business Travel Association (DBTA) Finnish Business Travel Association (FBTA) Iberian Business Travel Association (IBTA) Netherlands Association of Travel Management (NATM) National Business Travel Association (NBTA) Swedish Business Travel Association (SBTA) Business Travel Association of Germany (VDR)

12 2007 Domestic Events CCTE Core Week One, Houston, TX – February 1-6 Chapter Leadership Summit, Kansas City, MO – February 8-11 GLP Session, Philadelphia, PA – February 11-16 The Master’s Program, Washington D.C. – February 21-22 CCTE Core Week Two, Houston, TX – March 1-6 Business Travel Financial Forum-NBTA Foundation Gala, New York, NY - March 26 Legislative Summit, Washington, DC – June 4-6 International Convention & Exposition, Boston, MA - July 20 - 26

13 2007 International Events NBTA Mexico Corporate Travel Conference – Mexico City – January 18 London Business Travel Show – London – February 13-15, 2007 Latin American Corporate Travel & Technology Exchange – Sao Paulo, Brazil – February 5-7, 2007 Corporate Travel & Technology World – Shanghai, China – April 23-25, 2007 NBTA Corporate Travel Buyer Think Tank – London – Date TBA

14 Why must I join? Show YOUR value by Contributing to Your Company’s Bottom Line Increase YOUR Traveler Safety & Satisfaction Advance YOUR Career & Profession

15 What’s in it for me? Keeps YOU on top of current events and industry trends Assists YOU in YOUR professional development Prepares YOU for the future Provides YOU a voice in the industry Educates YOU on all aspects of the industry

16 Join Today! NBTA’s greatest asset is its members! Thank You!

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