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Mgr. Peter VARGA Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Zagreb –

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Presentation on theme: "Mgr. Peter VARGA Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Zagreb –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mgr. Peter VARGA Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Zagreb – Croatia, 2014 IP – Education for SD

2  is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.  Based on two underlying premises  Symbiotic Relationship Between the Consumer of Human Race  The producer of Natural System and Compatibility Between Ecology & Economy 100-lidi


4  It´s about understanding that economic growth is only sustainable if it improves our quality of life and the environment simultaneously.

5  Examples...  The Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty  Work as worship  Moderation  Be content with little  Voluntary giving  Profit sharing

6  is the idea that future generations should have the same or greater access to social resources than the current generation.  Social sustainability encompasses human rights, labor rights, and corporate governance.

7  Examples...  Equality of woman and man  Elimination of all forms of prejudice  Unity in diversity  Universal compulsory education  Trustworthiness

8  Today´s environmental problem like air pollution is largely a consequence of the unsustainable consumption of natural resources and the mismanagement of waste product.  SD is maintaining a delicate balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being and, on the other hand, preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend.

9  Examples...  Interdependence of all life  Nature a reflection of the Divine  Humility – Earth source of all our wealth  Unity in diversity  Cleanliness  Kindness to animals




13  Miňová et al. (2005) suggests that education and self-education in the field of nature conservation and the environment are conceived as a continuous lifelong process. We should begin with purposeful education in early childhood, mainly with preschool children.


15  The aim is to understand the importance of cooperation, communication and trust that are the basis for the environmental problems solving. Using suitable teaching methods we develop skills to form and present the opinions, listen to and accept different ideas. This step has a strong teambuilding character that is necessary for successful work in the following steps. 

16  The second step deals with the structure of the environment, and how and why components are related to each other. We explain the basic terms and processes in the field of ecology and environmental science on the example from the surrounding environment. We also monitor and observe natural occurrences, plants and animals. In this step fieldwork and direct contact with nature are the most important for forming the right attitude towards the environment.  

17  The next step looks for the answers to what happens if the new occurrence has entered the system and what are the positive and negative consequences of the human impact on the environment. We try to deepen a sensitive and responsible relation towards other organisms, and to explain the function of the organism in the ecosystem and that people are dependent on natural resources.  

18  We move from local to global problems. The aim is not only to discuss the global problems and consequences of their appearance, but also the possibilities of their solving.   

19  The final step brings us back to ourselves, who is responsible for the state of the environment. We try to point out the way the individual (citizen, consumer, producer) can take part in the protection and creation of our environment. We stimulate to acquire everyday ecological thinking and acting.    

20  Water  Air  Soil  Sun  Animals and Plants  Waste management  Alternative energy  Green Space and Urbanism













33 Diagram of following environmental education from the ground (system of schools) to practical life (Varga, 2013)


35 Mgr. Peter VARGA Mgr. Imrich JAKAB, PhD.

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