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Published byMaude Bishop Modified over 9 years ago
Project Approval Board Meeting to consider AWP&B 2013-14 for SSA, Assam
Date :
Action taken report Issues Status of Action
40 EGS center were to be upgraded to primary schools which has not yet been done. The state had informed that these were not found fit for upgrdation and were closed. The state was asked to formally write to the Ministry for surrendering these schools, giving details of year of sanction and justification Action taken. The letter of surrender has been forwarded to Government of India with details. As per DISE data, there is a gap of toilets including girls toilet and also 3600 drinking water facilities. The state was advised to work at a stronger convergence with the TSP and drinking water programs to cover the gap by March 2013. Action has been initiated. The state PHED has taken initiative to fill the Gap of Toilet in convergence with the scheme Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan and drinking water facility is being provided through specific schemes . As approved under AWP&B (SSA) , step is taken to cover up the gap of Girls’ Toilet within the financial year But due to fund crunch, till now fund has been released to 7239 Girls' toilets only out of approved target Construction work of 4150 numbers out of these 7239 Girls' toilets has been completed. Construction of remaining Girls' Toilets is expected to be completed by May, 2013.
Continued… Issues Status of Action
433 Primary School Buildings, 4679 additional class rooms, 4202 toilets under construction and 2458 additional class rooms and 7921 toilets were yet to be started. The state was advised to expedite the completion of the Primary School buildings and Toilets by March 2013. Due to erosion of land, habitation including School building being washed away , stoppage on construction by forest authority , conflict among SMC members ; ethnic conflict in BTAD areas construction of 297 NSBs could not be started till Jan’2013. Now they have been started. Expected to be completed by June’ Out of Girls Toilet sanctioned, already 7239 started and out of that 4150 completed, and remaining Toilets, 3089 will be completed by 31st March’2013. Balance in May’2013. Out of 6910 ACRs sanctioned,5898 is in progress and out of this, 3000 will be completed by May’2013 and 2nd installment of 2898 is proposed for spill over. There are 1010 teachers post vacant under SSA and teachers cadre vacancies borne on the state budget. The state was advised to complete the recruitment process by March 2013 The process of teacher recruitment is in progress. Interview and verification of documents is over and teachers will be in position by 27th March, 2013.
Continued… Issues Status of Action
The State had 8756 untrained teachers and another untrained teachers have been recurited recently. Batches of and teachers are being enrolled in the teacher training program began by the state government. However on discussing the schedule it had emerged that the last batch of untrained teachers will not be able to complete the training within the time limit prescribed under the RTE Act. Professor Vibha Joshi from IGNOU and the state were advised to finalised the course of action for completing the training within the time limit, by 15 January The state will also have to approach NCTE for a modification of the approval granted earlier for training of untrained teachers in respect of the last batch. The state has taken initiative and got the approval of NCTEfor 2-year D. El. Ed Course for training of untraained techers through ODL mode. Matter related to intake capcity of Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University has been taken up.Accordingly, KKHOU will send proposal to NCTE for increase of study centres and intke capacity. Also, discussion is going on with IGNOU Regional Centre on curriculum renewal as per NCFTE 2009, development of study material in Assamese, Bangla , Bodo and probable study centres in the state.
Continued… Issues Status of Action
The state was advised to notify the local grievances’ redressal mechanism under then RTE Act / rules before Public Grievance Officer has been designated as follows: For administrative department -Secretary or Joint Secretary. For Directorate of Elementary Education- Director or Joint Director of Elementary Education. District level- District Elementary Education Officer The final notification is awaited . CPSMS registration remain to be done for 1 district , 51 BRCs, 3416 CRCs and SMCs. Present Status of completion: DISTRICT - 26, BLOCK-94,CRC-NIL, SMC-4524
Achievement Indicators
Initial Year of 11th Plan period Final Year of 11th Plan period
Progress towards Universal Access : (Child Population, In-school & out of School Children) Indicators Inception of SSA Initial Year of 11th Plan period Final Year of 11th Plan period Current Status (Age-5-14) (Age-6-14) Total Child Population 54,94,262 In-School Children 41,54,077 Out of School Children 13,40,185 339100 118603 102518 % of Out of School Children 24.38% 6.2% 2.02% 1.79%
Enrolment, Retention, Dropout etc. :
Indicators Inception of SSA Initial Year of 11th Plan period Final Year of 11th Plan period Current Status (Age-5-14) (Age-6-14) Enrolment LP Enrolment UP % of Retention LP - 79.2% 67.5% 73.8% % of Retention UP 87.0% 84.7% 91.6% % of Drop out LP 20.30% 10% 12.8% 9.7% % of Drop out UP 35.19 % 16% 15.2% 10.9% Children With Special Needs (CWSN): (Identified and addressed) (Identified to be addressed) 20000 94560 99061 103590
Girls’ Share in Enrolment
Equity : Year Gender Parity Index-LP 0.934 0.977 0.986 0.990 Gender Parity Index-UP 0.910 1.007 1.054 1.069 Girls’ Share in Enrolment Year Lower Primary 49.40% 49.60% 49.75% Upper Primary 50.20% 51.30% 51.68%
Status of PTR, Single Teacher School etc.:
Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) Year PTR-LP 26.9 28.6 37.2 28.8 PTR-UP 14.8 24.0 21.2 18.1 Single Teacher School : DISE DISE DISE 6412 (21.33%) 8454 (24%) 3732 (10 %) #1262 single Teachers schools are covered in BTAD Districts after 30th September
Infrastructural Indicator:
Infrastructure indicators LP UP Student -classroom Ratio 57 - 44.11 48.12 31.2 36.4 28.27 29.8 % of schools having drinking water facility in school 60% 65% 79.31% 77.38% 91.48% 91.28% 89.60% 92.60% % of school having Boy’s toilets in school 24% 31% 35.82% 47.03% 76.29% 73.00% 72.31% 69.39% % of school having girls toilet in school 5% 15% 9.87% 21.39% 68.29% 82.70% 92.87% 96.51%
Few Major Initiatives taken during 2012-13:
Teacher Training: 40756 New Teachers have been appointed so far under SSA, Assam. Curriculum has been reviewed on the basis of NCF 2005 and Text books are modified accordingly for the academic year 2013 and orientation given to teachers on use of new Free Text Book. Text Books printed in 10 (Ten) mediums [Assamese, English, Bengali, Bodo, Hindi, Nepali, Manipuri, Hmar, Garo & Karbi] 6 days English Training in collaboration with British Council has been conducted covering LP Teachers. NCTE gave approval to Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University to conduct the 2 year D.EL.Ed programme through ODL mode. The programme has been started from the month of August, 2012 through 101 Study centers covering 9706 teachers.
Recruitment of Teachers under SSA, Assam
The State Rules for recruitment of Teachers amended and only the TET passed candidates with NCTE qualifications will be considered for selection of teachers and that will be only on merit basis. The State has conducted TET-2012 for 6th Schedule districts on A Total of 5939 candidates in LP and 2978 in UP successfully passed out. The Special TET for SikshaMitra/Addl Siksha Mitra will be conducted on A total of New Teachers have been appointed so far under SSA, Assam. A total of 11, 500 vacancies in permanent posts of teachers in elementary department will be filled up within 31st March, 2013. 4,300 posts under SSA in 6th Schedule districts will also be filled up within March, Engagement completed in two districts. 5010 posts of Teachers are still vacant under SSA at Elementary level.
Few Major Initiatives taken during 2012-13:
Pre-service teachers training (D. El. Ed.) for prospective teachers in 18 DIETs is started with the revised National Curriculum Framework on Teacher Education-2009. Computer Aided learning is extended to 215 Upper primary Schools. Total 2692 schools out of 5823 UP Schools covered till now. Teacher Training conducted for 2760 Teachers (Upto Feb/2013) of CAL schools in collaboration with Microsoft Corporation and expected to cover another 2000 teachers by June/ 2013. 15 schools of remote area are provided solar powered computer. Under Siksha Ka Haq Abhiyan, 17 NGOs are engaged to conduct Siksha Sambad in schools through 4350 Volunteers. Two New Residential Schools (For boys) are established, one each in Guwahati City and Silchar town for Children without adult protection.
Few Major Initiatives taken during 2012-13:
15 New KGBVs made functional covering 750 Girls at Upper primary level. Total 52 out of 57 KGBVs operational. 26 new Residential Special Training centres (RSTC) have been approved for opening during the financial year, 2260 new Non-Residential Special Training centers made functional covering Children. 99166 Out of Schools Children are enrolled in different Special Training Centers. Children mainstreamed during the year from different Special training Centers. Issues of Children with Special Need(CWSN) identified and addressed during the year Grants (school, maintenance & teachers) for the year released to schools in June,2012 barring few new schools only. The Annual Report for the year is submitted to Govt. of India The Audited Expenditure for the year is submitted to Govt. of India
Fund Available with SIS Tentative Exp. Upto March,2013
Financial Achievement : In lakhs Total Fin. Outlay, Fund available with SIS Expenditure up to February-13 Tentative Expenditure up to March-13 %age of Exp. Against Outlay till March,2013 222,791.43 74% Request for 3rd Instalment is already placed to MHRD for Central share. Release of State Share till date In lakhs Total Outlay Fund Available with SIS Exp. Upto Feb,2013 Tentative Exp. Upto March,2013 % of Exp against Outlay GOI GOA 13th FC Award Others Total 74%
Component wise financial achievement of 2012-13 (Till Feb,2013):
Sl. no Expenditure by Activity AWP&B Expenditure till February’ 2013 % of Exp till February- 13 Tentative Expenditure till March,2013 Tentative % of expenditure upto March-13 1 Opening of New School 64.1 26.92 42% 47.05 73% 2 Special Training for Mainstreaming of out of School 53% 78% 3 Free Text Book 100% 4 Provision of 2 sets of Uniform 0% 95% 5 Teaching Learning Equipment 147.1 6 New Teachers Salary 64% 93% 8 Teachers Training 41% 60% 9 Academic support through BRC 3807.3 55% 71% 10 Academic support through CRC 779.2 19% 30% 11 Computer Aided Learning in UPS under innovation 586.63 46% 98% 12 Libraries in Schools
Component wise financial achievement of 2012-13 (Till Feb,2013):
Sl. no Expenditure by Activity AWP&B Expenditure till February’ 2013 % of Exp till February- 13 Tentative Expenditure till March,2013 Tentative % of expenditure upto March-13 13 Teachers Grant 957.34 777.29 81% 90% 14 Maintenance Grant 2661.2 87% 99% 15 School Grant 91% 97% 16 Research, Evaluation, Monitoring & Supervision 690.35 304.85 44% 52% 17 Intervention for CWSN 62% 71% 18 Innovation Head up to Rs.50 lakh per district 872.58 388.39 45% 19 SMC/PRI Training 735.06 41% 85% 20 Civil Works 49% 60% 21 Project Management Cost 66% 83% 22 SIEMAT 1.61 0.84 23 NPEGEL 61.9 49.72 80% 24 KGBV 837.88 64% Total 222791 113624 51% 74%
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2011-12
Sl. no Commitments Action Taken Remarks by PAB Action taken 1 The state shall prepare a holistic Access plan taking into account the challenges faced in the tea garden areas and riverine islands and see to it that the state rules have suitable provisions to address these challenges. GPS mapping has been initiated to identify the gap of schooling facility as per RTE norm. Moreover, provision for transportation facility has been kept in RTE rules of the state for children who have difficulty of access in neighbourhood school. But, detail analysis of mapping exercise is not yet completed and therefore the state is not in a position to assess the actual requirement of New School. The analysis is expected to be completed by Oct/2012. Action is in progress. Exercise for opening of new schools as per findings of GIS survey has been started habitations for opening of 3878 numbers of LPS and 1088 habitations for opening of 5523 UPS have been identified as common point. 2 The state shall develop a robust mechanism for the identification of out of school children, so that the figure of out of school children is realistic and square with other educational indicators. Though the survey is nearing completion, re-verification of the data required. Process is already initiated of Child Tracking System (CTS) for identification of Out Of School Children in the entire State and the survey exercise was planned to be conducted during Jan-Feb/12. But due to conduct of Economic census in the state, the survey of CTS is postponed. It is planned to carry out the exercise during May-June/12. Re-verification of the data required. The Child Tracking Survey is completed. Data validation is going on. It is expected to come up with the number of OoSC of different age groups and different socio-economic strata
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2011-12
Sl. no Commitments Action Taken Remarks by PAB Action taken 3 Construction works to be expedited for three KGBVs, which are yet to be completed(Hapjan, Chamaria and Mandia) Out of 26 KGBV buildings, 3 KGBV are yet to be completed- Construction work in Kamrup district under Chamaria block is yet to be started as the contractor is not willing to work in the same rate. The construction work in Mandia, under Barpeta district is yet to be started. Identification of land is already done and filling up of the allotted land is only completed under NREGA Scheme. The construction work at Hapjan, Tinsukia is nearing completion. All children are in position in all KGBVs as per intake capacity Works to be expedited. Construction work of Hapjan KGBV is completed and the KGBV has already been shifted to the new building. Construction of Chamaria KGBV was stopped after plinth level due to court case. Now, the court case has been settled and construction work will start soon. Earth filling (as the campus is low lying) of Mandia KGBV is complete. Due to escalation of price of materials, the construction cannot be completed with the available fund. Other sources of fund are being explored. 4 The state shall bring out a notification on the DISE being the single source of data on elementary education and share it with this department. Notification yet to be issued by Govt. of Assam Yet to be complied Notification is awaited.
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2011-12
Sl. no Commitments Action Taken Remarks by PAB Action taken 5 All the vacancies at the SPO, DPO and Sub-district levels shall be filled up within a period of three months. Some vacancies have already been filled up and for the remaining vacant posts fresh advertisement will be issued shortly. Large number of vacancies is there at BRC and CRC level 12 officials at SMO, 17 at DMO and 159 at block level have newly joined. 6 The state shall re-visit its strategy of training of the un-trained teachers in DIETs and prepare an action plan for using DIETs for conducting pre-service training. The action plan and government decision in this regard shall be shared by July, 2011. It is decided to introduce the 2-Years Diploma course in Elementary Education from the year-2012 by SCERT in the DIETS and cover only prospective teachers. On the other hand Krishnakanta Handique State Open University is entrusted to conduct 2-year diploma in Elementary schools in distance mode in selected NCTE institutions from Recognition of the course is awaited from NCTE. Action needs to be shared Action taken. Already shared with MHRD and NCTE.
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2011-12
Sl. no Commitments Action Taken Remarks by PAB Action taken 7 The state shall prepare a detailed summary of the court cases in regard to the recruitment of teachers, indicating the number of teacher posts involved in these cases and work out a detailed strategy to address the issues involve and fill up the vacancies not affected by the court cases. The detailed summary along with the action plan shall be shared with this department by June, 2011 Action is initiated by the Department of Elementary Education, Assam. Yet to be complied. Action initiated. Action taken by moving Hon’ble Suprem Court. Already teachers have been recruited under SSA. Process for filling up of government vacancies is underway.
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2012-13
Sl. No Commitments Action Taken 1 It will take action to ensure that the ‘neighbourhood’ mapping exercise is complete, and all children are provided access to school. Action taken. Exercise for opening of new schools as per findings of GIS survey has been started habitations for opening of 3878 LPS and 1088 habitations for opening of 5523 UPS have been identified. 2 It will take action to ensure that the child centered provisions of the RTE Act, including prohibition of corporal punishment; detention and expulsion are put into practice in all schools in the State. It will further take steps to prevent discriminatory and exclusionary practices against girls and children from disadvantaged groups and weaker sections in school. Action taken. Specific Notifications have been issued. 3 It will ensure that all child entitlements, including textbooks, supplementary material, uniforms, etc. are provided at the beginning of the academic year to all children. Action taken. For uniforms, the fund will be released to SMC in March, 2013 only, with availability of fund.
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2012-13
Sl. No Commitments Action Taken 4 It will ensure that all teacher related provisions under the RTE Act, including adherence of prescribed PTR in all schools, prohibition of assigning non-academic tasks (barring Census, Elections and Disaster Management), recruitment of professionally qualified teachers after they have passed TET, etc are put into practice in all schools in the State. As in the past 50% female teachers should be recruited. Action Taken. Presently after posting of teachers under SSA, the PTR at LP level is 1: 29.1 and at UP level, it is 1: 18.1. Only TET qualified persons are appointed as Teachers. More than 50% of the teachers appointed under SSA are female Teachers. 5 It will initiate steps for curricular reform as per section 29 of the RTE Act, and in accordance with the Advisory No F. No. 1-15/2010 EE 4 issued by the MHRD and in keeping with the principles of NCF, 2005. Curriculum has been modified on the basis of National Curriculum Framework 2005 by SCERT and new Text books are in place from the new academic year. 6 It will ensure that all school related grants under SSA, including Teacher Grant, School Grant and Maintenance Grant are released in the first quarter of the financial year to facilitate schools to utilize the Grants in a meaningful manner. Action taken. Grants released in 1st Quarter (June, 2012)
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2012-13
Sl. No Commitments Action Taken 7 It will ensure completion of all spillover and fresh civil works sanctioned under SSA in compliance with the provisions of the RTE Act. Action taken. Progress as per sanction in AWP&B Proposal for approval of actual spillover amount of Rs lakhs is pending at MHRD. 8 It will ensure that all schools are provided drinking water and toilets as per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. In all schools not having toilet facility, temporary arrangement has been made in convergence with Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan through PHED. The gap with regard to drinking water facility will be met by March, 2013. 9 It will review in-service teacher training programmes to ensure that it conforms to the revised curriculum, and formulate a long term in-service teacher development programme. The on-going teacher training programme have been designed in conformity with revised curriculum. The 2 year D.El.Ed course in distance mode for in-service teacher’ training is designed according to the NCFTE-2009 with the help of KKH State Open University, approved by NCTE. SCERT, Assam also developed curriculum on 2 year D.ED course for pre-service teacher education. 10 It will put in place a Grievance Redressal Mechanism in accordance with the Advisory No. F. No. 1-18/2010 – EE 4 issued by the MHRD under section 31 and 32 of the RTE Act. Public Grievance Officer has been notified as follows: For administrative department -Secretary or Joint Secretary. For Directorate of Elementary Education-Director or Joint Director of Elementary Education. District level- District Elementary Education Officer
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2012-13
Sl. No Commitments Action Taken 11 It will continue to hold regular meetings of the Executive Committee as well as District Level Monitoring Committee for SSA. The meetings of the Executive Committee are being held regularly. Most of the districts are holding meetings of the District level Monitoring Committee. However, in some districts the meeting could not be held due to non fulfilment of quorum. 12 It will put in place systems required for conducting the Shiksha Ka Haq Abhiyan during the course of 17 NGOs engaged to conduct Siksha Sambad through 4350 volunteers. 13 It will take steps for empowering the members of SMC to prepare effective School Development Plans. Module on SDP prepared and training given to all SMCs. Draft SDPs ready at SMC level. 14 It will move towards a unified or single system of educational statistics at the elementary level i.e. for DISE & SES. DISE should be submitted immediately after independent check for data validation. Notification is awaited. 15 The state should work out the monthly expenditure plan and review the trend of expenditure regularly. Action taken. 16 The State must review the subject load on the children and rationalize in the light of NCF-2005. SCERT has reviewed it and accordingly textbooks were prepared. In depth review will be undertaken before the development of new textbooks for 2014.
Appraisal on Discussion on PAB commitment for the year 2012-13
Sl. No Commitments Action Taken 17 The state should orient all the project functionaries, MIS functionaries in particular, on the triangulation data from different sources and in respect of different indicators to help them develop an understanding of the nature of challenges in the way of ensuring that all children are in school. The state must study why are the large number of children not shown enrolled if one looks at the NER and dropout rates accounted for in the estimates of out of school children. Orientation given to all Block and District level MIS functionaries and Block Accountants and Jes on triangulation and analysis of educational indicators. A study on drop out has been conducted (Major findings enclosed at annexure-II). Regarding identification of Out of School Children, the child tracking system is under process. 18 All the vacancies of the Finance and Accounts personnel at the SPO shall be filled up before the 1st instalment is released to the state. The release of 2nd instalment will be subject to filling up of all other vacancies at the SPO, DPO and Sub-district levels. Action taken. All vacant posts of Block Accountant and JAO/ FAO filled-up except two posts fallen recently vacant. 19 Completion of civil works including KGBV buildings must be expedited and appropriate policy decision be taken to ensure the availability of land for all the sanctioned works. Construction work of Hapjan KGBV is completed and the KGBV has already shifted to the new building. Construction of Chamaria KGBV was stopped after plinth level due to court case. Now, the court case has been settled and construction work will start soon. Earth filling (as the campus is low lying) of Mandia KGBV is complete. Due to escalation of price of materials, the construction cannot be completed with the available fund. Other sources of fund are being explored.
Status of RTE Compliant Indicators:
Category Primary Upper Primary Total No of schools 35063 5822 40885 Status of schools with RTE compliant for PTR 57.5% 84.7% 61.3% Schools with available classrooms as per RTE 67.6% 61.9% 66.8% Head master room 97.6% 91.7% 96.8% Available Barrier free access 78.5% 86.6% 79.7% Available Girls Toilet 92.9% 96.5% 93.4% Available Boys Toilet 72.3% 69.4% 71.9% Available Drinking Water 89.6% 92.6% 90.1% Kitchen shed 79.8% 65.7% 77.8% Play Ground 46.9% 61.4% 49.0% Boundary Wall/Fencing 27.3% 28.2% 27.5% Library 35.2% 47.0% 36.9%
Proposals for the Year 2013-14:
ACCESS: LP level new school
Distance Norm:-1 KM Population Norm:- 25 School less Habitations identified through GIS: 3878 School proposed for LP level: 2118 [through common point system] Coverage of children Proposed Teachers: 2 in each school
ACCESS: UP level new school
Distance Norm:-3 KM Population Norm:- 25 Children(11-14 yrs) in plain area and at least 15 in Remote areas. School-less Habitations identified through GIS: 5523 School proposed for UP level: 1088 [through common point system] Coverage of children Proposed Teachers: 3 in each school
ACCESS: Area wise Analysis:
Lower Primary: AREA Nos. Of habitation Population Average Population Area wise % of Habitation Plain 3429 136302 40 88% Hilly 448 10362 23 12% Forest 1 59 0.003% 3878 146723 38 100% Upper Primary: AREA Nos. Of habitation Population Average Population Area wise % of Habitation Plain 5139 112215 22 93% Hilly 54 1581 29 1% Forest 78 2555 33 TG 126 5170 41 2% Char 16 726 45 0% Border 58 1786 31 Riverine 6 278 46 Ex-TG 1539 5523 125850 23 100%
Proposals for the Year 2013-14(Civil Works):
Activity Gap Proposed under other Scheme Proposed under AWP&B New School Building(NSB) for LP 2118 New School Building(NSB) for UP 533 UP gradation of existing LPS to UPS 555 1665 ACR (3 ACR in each) New School Building(NSB) Existing School damaged in violence affected districts(LP) 56 New School Building(NSB) Existing School damaged in violence affected districts(UP) 3 Repair/ Renovation (LP/UP) Existing School damaged in violence affected districts 1239 Addl. Class Room(ACR)LP 23775 1643 22132 Addl. Class Room(ACR)UP 636 Boys' Toilet 11497 Boundary wall 29661 650 29011 Child Friendly Elements 720 Barrier free access(Ramp/ Barrier free coridor) 8310 Major Repair 550 Residential School building(Silchar& Guwahati) 02 KGBV Building 31
Proposals for the Year 2013-14:
Activity Report Phy. Target Proposed Financial Out Lay (Rs. In lakh) Opening of New School 3206 - Teachers Grant 143335 716.68 Residential school 24 986.04 Maintenance Grant 42594 Special Training for Mainstreaming of out of School 282007 11,391.43 School Grant 49077 Free Text Book Research, Evaluation, Monitoring & Supervision 736.16 Provision of 2 sets of Uniform 16,062.53 Intervention for CWSN 103590 Teaching Learning Equipment 2651 837.20 Innovation Head up to Rs.50 lakh per district 27.00 Addl. Teachers Salary (regular) 51847 SMC/PRI Training 196308 New Teachers Salary 7530 Civil Works Teachers Training 324062 SIEMAT 1 1.61 Academicx support through BRC 145 NPEGEL 98 61.90 Academicx support through CRC 3416 KGBV 82 Computer Aided Learning in UPS under innovation 27 1,350.00 Total
Liability under Computer Aided Learning & Library:
Charge for Annual Maintenance Cost for 2nd Year for Schools (3789 Equipments) is Lakh Annual Maintenance Grant of Rs.10000/- per school (Insurance, Electricity Bill, Cost of Fuel, Printer Toner, CDs, and other Consumables, etc.) for 2819 Schools is Lakh Teacher Training for 2000 Teachers from March to June, 2013 is Lakh Total Liability under CAL is Lakh Process has been initiated for procurement of books for Library. So grants for library may be considered.
Civil Works: Construction of 6209 Head Master rooms amounting to Rs Lakhs could not be completed within the year due to non-release of 2nd instalment of central share, which may be sanctioned by PAB. Fund for construction of 31 KGBVs which has not been sanctioned amounting to Rs lakh Rs ( 11 approved in the year and 20 in ) has not been sanctioned. . KGBV: Salary for 57 nos. of KGBVs was sanctioned Rs lakh per KGBV per annum . Due to engagement of TET qualified teachers in KGBVs the salary requirement per KGBV is Rs. 17,52 Lakh per annum. Difference of Rs lakh for 57 KGBVs ( Rs – Rs ) is a liability under salary head of KGBVs.
Innovation & NPEGEL: Girls drop-out rate has considerably declined during last year (from 11.9% to 8.6 % in LP and from 14.3% to 9.2 % in UP). Proposal of Rs lakh is made under Girls Education to carry out activities like awareness programme on child marriage, workshop on traditional folk culture, vocation education etc to zero down girls drop out. Proposal for NPEGEL activities in 98 clusters of 15 Educationally Backward blocks is made of Rs lakh to carry out activities like life skill education, self-defence, may be considered. Proposals of Rs Lakh for ST/SC & of Rs lakh for Minority communities are made to carry out contextual area specific activities like Learning to Learn activity, micro-planning exercise and need based motivational activity, ma-jiyori (ma-beti), story-telling programme etc. Enhancement of retention rate, inclusion of all children in learning process etc will be the monitorable indicators for these activities. Proposal of Rs lakh is made to carry out the activities like drawing and colour book (activity book), thematic activity book, songs and rhymes book under ECCE, may be considered.
Issues: BRC level training on English subject in collaboration with British Council & training on new Text Book is to be continued. Atleast 7 days BRC level & 5 days CRC level monthly orientation (out of days) of teachers to be allowed. Process for engagement of Part –time instructor (6081) has already been initiated and their remuneration is to be included in the Financial allocation of Contingency grants to all 3416 CRCs to be considered. Engagement of IE RT (30) & IE Volunteers (96) as per approved vacancy may be considered. Under LEP, pre-writing skill (Akhor Likho Aha), children diary and Science & Maths awareness programme (Ganit Bigyan Mela) are to be provided. Language Development Programme called “Learning to Learn” (Sadri) for Tea Garden Community is to be approved for expansion to 8 more districts where tea community are living.
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