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Enjoy travellying! Enjoy life! Travelling is a good way to relax! Disneyland.

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2 Enjoy travellying! Enjoy life! Travelling is a good way to relax! Disneyland

3 Unit 2

4 water sports 2. the best time for visiting Chinese gardens the best time for doing sth of the theme parks he can go to 4. plan to travel abroad (planned ;planning) some interesting TV programmes 6.get letters from my parents hear from my parents receive letters from my parents 7.have a letter from her for half a month have her letter for half a month

5 8.cerebrate their twenty years of marriage 9.seem meaningless seem to be meaningless 10.wait in the line 11.a meaningful experience harmful to our health do harm to our health 13.spend/have a really delightful holiday love collecting souvenirs 4 Window of the World 5 go sailing 6 sp. 7 all year round 8 have some ideas about … 9

6 14.clap one ’ s hands with joy/delight (clapped/clapping) 15.the line people at the stop 16.go sailing and swimming in Qingdao this summer covered with snow all year round 18.go to France for a meeting

7 Things to do Places to goMillieDanielSimonAmyKitty Visiting Chinese gardens Suzhou HikingLushan Mountain SailingOingdao SwimmingQingdao Visiting a theme park Window of the World in Shenzhen ShoppingShopping centres in Shanghai √ √ √ √ √ √ 预习检测二① 检查并校对 p34 A1 部分表格完成情况

8 Lushan Mountain (go hiking) Suzhou (Chinese gardens) Window of the world (a theme park) Shanghai (Go shopping) Qingdao (Sailing swimming)

9 a)Millie likes going____________________ in __________________. b) Daniel likes visiting___________________________, one of the theme parks in________. c) Simon likes going _____________ and _____________ in_______________. d) Amy likes visiting __________________ in _____________. e) Kitty wants to_______________________ in __________________. ②根据 p34 A1 、 2 中的信息完成下面的句子 hiking Lushan Mountain Window of the World Shenzhen Sailing swimming Qingdao Chinese gardens Suzhou go shopping Shanghai

10 Task one Travelling in China China Pre-listening: Read and Pre-listening: Read and ? Spring Summer AutumnWinter

11 Travelling in China China While-listening: While-listening: listen carefully and put a tick(√) in the correct boxes.

12 Spring SummerAutumnWinter Visiting Chinese gardens Hiking sailingswimming Visiting a theme park Shopping 1 Visiting Chinese gardens Hiking Visiting a theme park Visiting a theme park Visiting a theme park Visiting a theme park Shopping sailing swimming

13 Amy wants to give her classmates some advice on travelling in China. Help her complete her notes. Millie should go ________in Lushan Mountain in ______. There may be some rain, but the weather is nice at that time. She can also go there in ________. Daniel should travel to ____________. He can visit the theme park there. One of the theme parks he can go to is _____________________. Simon loves water sports. He can go _________and __________ in ________ this ___________. Amy loves Chinese gardens very much. She can go to _______. _______ is the best time for ________________. Kitty can visit Shanghai in any season because she loves __________. She can go to the ________________ in Shanghai all year round. hikingspring autumn Shenzhen Window of the World sailing swimmingQingdaosummer SuzhouSpring Visiting Chinese gardens shoppingShopping centers

14 Task two: Speak up: Holiday planplan ① Why has Amy’s father gone to Singapore? ② How is Singapore? ③ How long does Amy want to stay there? Listen and answer the questions He has gone there for a meeting. It’s a nice and clean country. About five days.

15 some questions can help you: a holiday plan about May Day Where do you want to go? When will you go there? Who will you go there with? How will you go there? What will you do there? Don ’ t forget oral English: Really/ What about … ? / Do you have any idea about … ? / I really like … How long will you stay there

16 some key points 1 water sports 水上运动 2 visit Chinese gardens 参观中国园林 3 love collecting souvenirs 爱收集纪念品 4 Window of the World 世界之窗 5 go sailing 去作帆船运动 6 the best time for visiting sp. 参观某地的最佳时节 7 all year round 全年 8 have some ideas about… 有一些关于 …… 的主意 9 plan to do sth. (planned ;planning) 计划做某事

17 10 travel abroad / live abroad /go abroad /be abroad 去国外旅行 / 住在国外 / 去国外 / 在国外 11 have gone to sp. 到某地去了(人不在此地) 12 have been to sp. 去过某地 (人已经回来了) 13 check it for you 为你核实一下 14 during this May Day holiday 在这个劳动节假 期 15 There may be some rain. =Maybe there is some rain. 可能有雨。

18 一、 单项选择 1.There __________a football match this afternoon. A. may B. may beC. maybeD. may have 2.---Where is your father? --He _______to Shanghai. He has ______ Pudong since last Friday. A. is going, gone to B. has gone, been in C. has been, been in D. has been, gone to 3. How long does it _________ you to go to school every day? A. spend B. costC. take D. pay 4. –When did you ________ the new motorbike? --Well, I ________ it for half a month. A. have ; have boughtB. buy; have had C. buy; have boughtD. have ; have had 5. He _______ his homework and is now listening to music. A. finishes B. has finished C. finish D. is finishing 6.Mary ________ to see the films because she __________ it twice. A. won’t go, saw B. won’t go, will see C. won’t go, has seen D. didn’t go, sees 课堂检测

19 二、完成句子 1. 你可以在任何季节去云南旅游。因为那里终年可以欣赏美 丽的景色。 You can travel to Yunnan ______________________, because you can see the beautiful view ____________________. 2. 到国外旅行真是令人兴奋。 It’s really _____________________________________________. 3. 你去过海南吗?是的,我去那儿两次了。 ___________________Hainan ? Yes, I ___________________. 4. 五一假期做什么有想法吗? Do you ____________________________________________ __________________? 5 春天是游览苏州的最好的时候。 6 Spring is the _______________________________Suzhou. in any season all year round exciting to travel abroad Have you been to have been there twice have any ideas about what to do on May Day holiday best time for visiting

20 1.write a report about the holiday plan 2.Complete the after-class exercises


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